Фильм Из Клипа Кровосток Куртец

How “Чужая” Became the Movie Behind the Rap Song “Куртец” by Кровосток

If you are a fan of Russian rap music, you might have heard of the song “Куртец” by the group Кровосток. The song is a dark and gritty tale of violence, betrayal and revenge, set in the underworld of Moscow. But did you know that the song is actually based on a movie? That’s right, the song “Куртец” is inspired by the Russian action movie “Чужая”, which was released in 2010. In this article, we will explore how “Чужая” became the movie behind the rap song “Куртец” by Кровосток.

What is “Чужая”?

“Чужая” (English: “A Stolen Life”) is a Russian action movie that was released in 2010. The movie was directed by Anton Bormatov and written by Sergey Sokolyuk and Vladimir Nesterenko. The movie stars Natalya Romanycheva as Angela, a young woman who witnesses a brutal murder and becomes a target of a ruthless gang. The movie also features Aleksey Mitin as Vlad, a mysterious stranger who helps Angela escape and protect her from the killers.

What is “Куртец”?

“Куртец” (English: “Shorty”) is a rap song by the group Кровосток (English: “Bloodstream”). The song is part of their album “Лайв” (English: “Live”), which was released in 2021. The song is a dark and gritty tale of violence, betrayal and revenge, set in the underworld of Moscow. The song uses samples and scenes from the movie “Чужая”, creating a connection between the rap lyrics and the movie plot.

How did “Чужая” inspire “Куртец”?

The group Кровосток is known for their controversial and provocative rap songs that often deal with topics such as crime, drugs, sex and violence. The group members are fans of Russian cinema and often use references and clips from movies in their songs. The movie “Чужая” appealed to them because of its realistic and brutal depiction of the Moscow criminal scene. The group decided to use the movie as a basis for their song “Куртец”, which tells a similar story of a woman who witnesses a murder and becomes involved with a mysterious man who helps her survive. The group also liked the contrast between the female protagonist of the movie and the male-dominated rap genre.

How was the reception of the movie and the song?

The movie “Чужая” received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. Some praised the movie for its realistic and brutal depiction of the Moscow criminal scene, while others criticized it for its excessive violence, weak plot and poor acting. The movie was also controversial for its graphic scenes of rape, torture and murder. The movie had a limited release in Russia and did not make a big impact at the box office.

The song “Куртец” by Кровосток received more positive feedback from fans and critics. The song was praised for its original and provocative rap lyrics, which used the movie as a source of inspiration and commentary. The song also gained popularity on social media platforms, such as YouTube, where it has over 978K views. The song was also performed live by the group at various concerts and festivals, such as the Glavclub Green Concert in Moscow in 2021.

What are the similarities and differences between the movie and the song?

The movie and the song share some similarities in terms of their themes, characters and plot. Both the movie and the song deal with topics such as crime, violence, revenge and survival in the harsh reality of Moscow. Both the movie and the song feature a female protagonist who witnesses a murder and becomes involved with a mysterious man who helps her escape from the killers. Both the movie and the song also use a similar style of narration, which switches between different perspectives and timelines.

However, there are also some differences between the movie and the song. The movie focuses more on the psychological trauma and partial memory loss of Angela, while the song focuses more on the rap skills and attitude of Кровосток. The movie also has a more complex and twisted plot, which involves several twists and turns, while the song has a more straightforward and linear plot, which follows the main events of the movie. The movie also has a more ambiguous and open-ended ending, while the song has a more definitive and conclusive ending.

What is the cultural impact of the movie and the song?

The movie and the song have different levels of cultural impact in Russia and beyond. The movie “Чужая” was not widely seen or discussed by the general public, as it had a limited release and faced censorship and controversy for its violent and graphic content. The movie did not receive any major awards or recognition, and it was mostly forgotten by the mainstream media. However, the movie did have some influence on the niche audience of Russian action and crime cinema fans, who appreciated its realistic and brutal style and its homage to the 90s gangster movies.

The song “Куртец” by Кровосток had a bigger cultural impact, as it reached a wider and younger audience through social media platforms and live performances. The song was praised for its original and provocative rap lyrics, which used the movie as a source of inspiration and commentary. The song also sparked some debate and controversy, as some people criticized it for glorifying violence, sexism and crime, while others defended it for its artistic expression and social critique. The song also contributed to the popularity and recognition of Кровосток as one of the most influential and controversial rap groups in Russia.

What are the challenges and benefits of using movies as sources for rap songs?

Using movies as sources for rap songs can be a creative and effective way of expressing one’s artistic vision and social commentary. Rap songs that use movies as sources can benefit from the visual and narrative elements of the movies, such as scenes, characters, dialogues and themes. Rap songs that use movies as sources can also create a connection between the rap genre and the movie genre, appealing to fans of both mediums and expanding their cultural influence.

However, using movies as sources for rap songs can also pose some challenges and risks. Rap songs that use movies as sources can face legal issues, such as copyright infringement, if they do not have the permission or license to use the movie clips or samples. Rap songs that use movies as sources can also face criticism, such as accusations of plagiarism, lack of originality or disrespect for the movie’s creators or message. Rap songs that use movies as sources can also lose some of their authenticity or relevance, if they do not add their own perspective or interpretation to the movie’s content.

What are other examples of movies or songs that are based on each other?

There are many examples of movies or songs that are based on each other, either directly or indirectly. Some of them are:

– “Purple Rain” by Prince and the movie Purple Rain (1984): The song and the movie share the same title and theme, as they both depict the struggles and triumphs of a young musician in Minneapolis. The song was written for the movie and became a hit single, while the movie was partly inspired by Prince’s own life and career.
– “Lose Yourself” by Eminem and the movie 8 Mile (2002): The song and the movie are both based on Eminem’s personal experiences as a rapper in Detroit. The song was written for the movie and won an Oscar for Best Original Song, while the movie was a semi-autobiographical drama starring Eminem as the main character.
– “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor and the movie Rocky III (1982): The song and the movie are both about overcoming challenges and achieving one’s goals. The song was written for the movie and became a motivational anthem, while the movie was a sequel to the popular Rocky franchise starring Sylvester Stallone as a boxer.
– “Mrs. Robinson” by Simon & Garfunkel and the movie The Graduate (1967): The song and the movie are both about a young man who has an affair with an older woman. The song was originally written for another project, but was adapted for the movie and became a classic hit, while the movie was a comedy-drama starring Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft.

What is your personal opinion on the movie and the song?

My personal opinion on the movie and the song is that they are both interesting and creative works of art, but they are not for everyone. The movie and the song are both very violent and graphic, which can be disturbing or offensive to some viewers or listeners. The movie and the song are also very niche and specific, which can make them hard to understand or appreciate by people who are not familiar with the Russian culture or rap genre. However, I also think that the movie and the song have some positive aspects, such as their realistic and brutal portrayal of the Moscow criminal scene, their homage to the 90s gangster movies, and their original and provocative rap lyrics. I think that the movie and the song have some artistic merit and social relevance, but they also have some flaws and limitations.

What are the future prospects of the movie and the song?

The future prospects of the movie and the song are uncertain, but they might have some potential for further exposure or recognition. The movie and the song are both relatively old, as they were released in 2010 and 2021 respectively, but they might still attract some new fans or critics who are curious or interested in their content or style. The movie and the song might also benefit from some remakes or adaptations, such as a new version of the movie with a different cast or director, or a new version of the song with a different rap group or genre. The movie and the song might also inspire some other artists or creators to use them as sources for their own works, such as a sequel or a spin-off of the movie, or a remix or a sample of the song.


In this article, we have explored how “Чужая” became the movie behind the rap song “Куртец” by Кровосток. We have discussed the plot and the reception of the movie and the song, the similarities and differences between them, and the challenges and benefits of using movies as sources for rap songs. We have also given some examples of other movies or songs that are based on each other, and shared our personal opinion and future prospects of the movie and the song. We hope that this article has been informative and entertaining, and that it has given you some insight into the fascinating relationship between movies and rap songs.

