TrayInfo Crack Download [2022]

TrayInfo is an easy-to-use data manager of free-form text information. Running either as an independent application or a system tray icon with a popup menu, TrayInfo will instantly store and retrieve any information expressed as text. The program provides instant access to random names, ideas, addresses, phone numbers, reminders and notes.
TrayInfo remembers its most recently used database, color scheme, location and dimensions between Windows sessions. With only two mouse clicks, the program dials any telephone number, and another mouse click prints the current record in Windows fonts if supported by your printer.
Preferences include maximum record size adjustment, scanning rate, turbo search, dialing prefix, “Always on Top” status, case sensitive / insensitive searching, and color scheme. Knowledge of database terminology is not required. Zipped archive includes setup program to automatically install on your PC.
■ 25 tries









TrayInfo Crack Free

TrayInfo is a truly flexible Windows tool. Not only can you use it to store thousands of records of free-form text information, but you can also automatically dial telephone numbers, print records and retrieve them at a later time. You can also limit the size of each text record, automatically search the text, change the font and background colors, use it to instantly store names, addresses, phone numbers and notes.
When you add a new record, simply enter the information into TrayInfo’s text boxes, use the menu or the keyboard to select the database and to specify how the record will be found and printed. TrayInfo saves these selections into its database so that all subsequent recordings will be found and printed in the same way.
When you dial a telephone number, the number is automatically dialed from the most recent record retrieved from your database. TrayInfo’s auto dial features continue to dial until you cancel the operation or until you find the last entry in the database.
You can immediately print your recently dialed telephone numbers, addresses, notes and any other text information.
If you like the look and feel of TrayInfo, you can change the color scheme to suit your preferences.
TrayInfo Version History:
■ Improved database module
■ Dialing speed and database opening time improvements
■ Password locking for encrypted databases
■ Auto dial features (line redial, call by number, call by name, record lookup and printer)
■ Phonebook list and address book
■ Improved file save dialogs
■ Speed improvements
■ Additional documentation
After 25 years of development, TrayInfo is ready for its world premiere. TrayInfo is not a more expensive version of any of TrayInfo’s competitors. TrayInfo is simply a more flexible and easier-to-use database tool.
■ 25 tries
TrayInfo License:
This program is provided as free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The GNU General Public License is available in the file named “gpl.txt” included in the ZIP archive.
TrayInfo Copyright:
TrayInfo is Copyright (c) 2001 by Bruno Fisch. This software is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

TrayInfo Crack + Latest

TrayInfo 2022 Crack is an easy-to-use data manager of free-form text information. Running either as an independent application or a system tray icon with a popup menu, TrayInfo will instantly store and retrieve any information expressed as text. The program provides instant access to random names, ideas, addresses, phone numbers, reminders and notes.
TrayInfo remembers its most recently used database, color scheme, location and dimensions between Windows sessions. With only two mouse clicks, the program dials any telephone number, and another mouse click prints the current record in Windows fonts if supported by your printer.
Preferences include maximum record size adjustment, scanning rate, turbo search, dialing prefix, “Always on Top” status, case sensitive / insensitive searching, and color scheme. Knowledge of database terminology is not required. Zipped archive includes setup program to automatically install on your PC.
■ 25 tries

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TrayInfo With Registration Code [Latest-2022]

TrayInfo is an easy-to-use data manager of free-form text information. Running either as an independent application or a system tray icon with a popup menu, TrayInfo will instantly store and retrieve any information expressed as text. The program provides instant access to random names, ideas, addresses, phone numbers, reminders and notes.
TrayInfo remembers its most recently used database, color scheme, location and dimensions between Windows sessions. With only two mouse clicks, the program dials any telephone number, and another mouse click prints the current record in Windows fonts if supported by your printer.
Preferences include maximum record size adjustment, scanning rate, turbo search, dialing prefix, “Always on Top” status, case sensitive / insensitive searching, and color scheme. Knowledge of database terminology is not required. Zipped archive includes setup program to automatically install on your PC.
■ 25 tries
View TrayInfo details
TrayInfo Main Features:
■ By simply pressing Ctrl+C, any text on your desktop can be immediately stored in the program’s database. Adding a new record can be done within a few seconds.
■ With only two mouse clicks, the program dials any telephone number, and another mouse click prints the current record in Windows fonts if supported by your printer.
■ TrayInfo remembers its most recently used database, color scheme, location and dimensions between Windows sessions.
■ With only two mouse clicks, the program dials any telephone number, and another mouse click prints the current record in Windows fonts if supported by your printer.
■ TrayInfo remembers its most recently used database, color scheme, location and dimensions between Windows sessions.
■ With only two mouse clicks, the program dials any telephone number, and another mouse click prints the current record in Windows fonts if supported by your printer.
■ TrayInfo remembers its most recently used database, color scheme, location and dimensions between Windows sessions.
■ With only two mouse clicks, the program dials any telephone number, and another mouse click prints the current record in Windows fonts if supported by your printer.
■ With only two mouse clicks, the program dials any telephone number, and another mouse click prints the current record in Windows fonts if supported by your printer.
■ TrayInfo remembers its most recently used database, color scheme, location and dimensions between Windows sessions.
■ With only two mouse

What’s New In?

The program offers much more than meets the eye. What makes TrayInfo the perfect PC companion is not only its massive memory capability, but its ability to instantly store and recall any text input. Starting today’s adventure, simply type whatever text you want into TrayInfo’s default line edit. Using the system tray icon, TrayInfo will instantly start saving your personal information in a free-form text file to be retrieved at your pleasure. TrayInfo offers tremendous memory capabilities. Our program offers an unlimited number of text fields that can be specified by using a graphical interface, or by entering the size of each field. No matter how many fields you have, TrayInfo can store each record in an unlimited number of fields. With the click of a button, TrayInfo instantly converts a standard five-character, ordinary text file into a free-form text file. For example, you can store a five-character field as 00000. This field can be expanded to include a maximum of 255 characters, representing a total of 500 characters of free-form text data. The file can be edited as often as you wish. In fact, you can open and edit the same text file within a few seconds of each other.
TrayInfo Features:
■ Automatic record scanning (no need to wait until the user presses a certain key)
■ Ability to dial any telephone number from any record in the file
■ Ability to identify the current record
■ Print a record to any system printer, if the printer supports Windows fonts
■ Supports “c:\documents and settings\[User]\My Documents\TrayInfo.lnk” for auto-saving every time the program is closed
■ 10 million records already loaded into TrayInfo (resume existing work)
■ Supports almost any character encoding
■ Supports Unicode and almost any Unicode character set
■ Supports double-byte character sets like Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Greek
■ Supports unicode double-byte charsets, such as Shift-JIS, BIG5, EBCDIC and code page for specific region, custom control characters such as combining chars, combining marks, proportional (CJK) marks, glyphs, radicals, ligatures, etc.
■ Supports localizable database, no need to install any translation package
■ Includes a Wizard to handle preferences, color scheme, etc. automatically without user’s supervision
■ TrayInfo

System Requirements For TrayInfo:

Note that the system requirements are the minimum requirements for a system to run the game. Your system may or may not be capable of running the game based on your hardware configuration.
Minimum: 1 GB RAM (NOTE: 2 GB or more recommended).
Hard Drive Space:
Minimum: 25 GB free space on a hard drive or SSD.
Hard Drive Space (Recommended):
25 GB free space on a hard drive or SSD is recommended.
Radeon 7700 or higher