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I make sure that this list doesn’t contain web links, but I will review the list after a few days Edit: changed URL A: There is another way. First, you should know how to replace the selected text in cmd using the copy /b command. Then, follow these steps: (1) in your target, create a text file with the name you have selected. This file should end with “000000” that is the id for the file. It’s just a placeholder. (2) Replace the id by the space between the name and the end, for example: …z-5959a-a1-3247852… (3) Paste the code in your text field. Now you have a new field that you can click on. (4) Now select the thing you want to download by copy and paste it into your new field in the target. (5) When you are ready press ctrl + v, click ok and press enter. When you are done, the site will send you the file. It works with all sites, don’t know if this is a suitable tool. Q: Laravel 5.8 can’t share bundle with another web app I have laravel 5.8 project (titled app1). I deployed it to another server. This server has another laravel project (titled app2). app1 controllers folder contains namespaces like app1\Http\Controllers\Home and app1\Http\Controllers\Profile. Both projects use the same webpack.mix.js. The problem is i don’t know why i can’t use shared bundles in the app2 project. app1 webpack.mix.js mix.scripts([ // ——- app1 shared bundle ——– ‘../../../../../../../app2/resources/js/app2.bundle’, // ——- app1 ‘bundle’ ——— ‘app1’, ‘./resources/js/app1.bundle’, ‘./resources/js/vendor f30f4ceada