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While the relationship between casual sex and STIs is still being discovered, it’s safe to assume it happens often. The CDC claims sex partners are often on the ‘down low’ and unreachable for actual long-term health checks. Furthermore, without a condom, the lines between safe and not safe casual sex become unclear. As to the ages of people that are involved in casual sex, it’s safe to say that most are young. According to the CDC, the top age group of individuals involved in casual sex is millennials — people between the ages of 19 and 29. One of the more common STIs that comes from casual sex is chlamydia. Chlamydia is a painful STI in which the symptoms can range from a mild upset stomach, to fatigue, to headaches. Since this isn’t something you want to tell your significant other about, it’s important to get tested. If you have chlamydia, you will still have a fertile time period without knowing it. Because of this, you will be able to pass the STI along to your partner. Are you thinking about being a cougar? Here’s what to expect Perhaps you’ve heard of the term ‘cougar’ before — the woman who has interest in a younger man? A cougar is often described as being strong, confident, and independent. This is the traditional relationship — the cougar wants and older man to “father” her and raise children with her. Though there’s nothing wrong with this desire to be wanted and to have someone to care for you and protect you, it can also turn sour. If the older man isn’t looking for the same thing, or he is actually not younger than she is, then there can be real downsides to being involved with a cougar. Even if the cougar is older and seeks out younger men as a social environment, the idea of growing old together is going to be hard. You also have to keep in mind that older men aren’t going to be excited about being with a younger woman. This might come as a little bit of a shock if you’ve been accustomed to older men finding younger women attractive, but it’s not going to be that way here. As one BuzzFeed article puts it, many older men would rather go out with a woman 10-20 years younger than a man their own age. The positives of a cougar relationship are more likely to come down to the fact that the cougar wants a man who is caring, smart, and
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The first time I went out after four months of seeing someone, it was without preparation, planning or any really understanding of the logistics of actually being in a monogamous relationship with a guy. The only thing I was certain about was the fact that I liked him. In the months leading up to the date, my feelings grew further, and once the arranged time rolled around I was more than ready for it. The anxiety and nerves were not for the sex, which I knew would be great, and the anxiety was around showing up in my most bare, worn-out clothes and hoping he didn’t feel disappointed in me. In short, I was nervous. As the conversation went along and the night wore on, I realized that he must’ve seen past all of it. I looked over at him. He was drinking, and smiling — and his jaw was so tense. We hadn’t even gotten into his bed yet, and he already had me pegged. I got back to my apartment and cried, just because I was so sad about what seemed to be happening. You know, he told me that he wanted it to be just friends, but there was just a lot of attraction there, and so we ended up hooking up later that night. We had a thing for each other, but it felt like it was too much to handle as we were getting to know each other. But the good thing is that the first time was still perfect, and getting to know each other meant I could have these flashbacks of what a great night it had been. This wouldn’t happen in a long-term relationship because I’d want to reciprocate the hookup: I’d want him to do for me what I did for him. But as things progressed, I’d say his frustration was the sweetest seduction all over again. Is casual sex bad for you? Sex is a powerful thing. It’s intimate. It’s the only time when our bodies are connected without the safety of another person. And it’s one of the best memories we have. When it’s good, it can be really good. However, casual sex isn’t worth its emotional and psychological repercussions. Those feelings are also what will lead to casual sex in the first place. Putting aside what our strict social norms tell us about sexuality and relationships, casual sex as a societal trend can also be a big part of the reason why women are leaving marriage. You can read the stats and just assume that people are doing it because they don’t like marriage. But