Winforms GEPlugin Control Library Download (Latest)

Winforms GEPlugin Control Library is written in C# and it will be useful to anyone wishing to intergate the API in to their own application – by using the controls directly or any of the code or ideas behind them.
The library uses a late binding model to the COM Google Earth Plugin Type Library which means that the controls are version-independent to the Google Earth plug-in installed on the machine.
As this library uses the Google Earth Plug-in you should fully read the Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service before downloading or using any of the code on this site.







Winforms GEPlugin Control Library Crack+ (April-2022)

• Use of this library in any form or context should give no indication that it is related to the Google Earth Plug-in – instead it should look and act as a normal.NET Windows Forms control.

The library offers a set of controls that enable the programmer to add Google Earth functionality to their own Windows Forms applications.

The library uses only.NET Framework 4.0 and 4.5 features – so it should work with your applications too.

The library was designed to be easy to use, the controls have been constructed to be intuitive and can be used directly, or it can be used to create a more general framework to extend or adapt the Google Earth Plug-in functionality.

The library is simple to use, it was designed so that one or more of the Google Earth Library Controls can be used in any application.

This sample demonstrates how to create a Google Earth plugin and display a placemark on screen.
To use the library:

• Create a new Windows Forms application.
• Add a form and optionally a button.
• Add the Google Earth Library controls from the library into the forms and add your own code.
• Add an event handler to the form for when the button is clicked and display a placemark.
• Optionally add some code to update the placemark when the map is moved.

The sample code adds an image to a placemark, and displays the image in a specified size (see below).
Sample Code and Example:
public partial class MyForm : Form
public event EventHandler MyMapEvent;
public MyForm()

private void MyForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ImageMapControl1.ImageLocation = @”C:\Temp\image.png”;
ImageMapControl1.ZoomControl.ImageLocation = @”C:\Temp\zoom.png”;
ImageMapControl1.ZoomControl.ZoomInButton.ImageLocation = @”C:\

Winforms GEPlugin Control Library [Mac/Win] Latest

Name: Description:
The keyMacro class is a simple class that allows you to register and use macros with the GEPlugin. You can register and use macros to automate code to perform certain tasks in GE, when you launch the GEPlugin it will automatically perform the macro you want it to perform and pass the arguments you provide it with to the macro.
How to use:

Example of Macro usage:
In the Code:

// The KeyMacro we are going to use – myPasteMacro
static string myPasteMacro = string.Empty;

public bool Paste(Keys keys, string text, stringFormat)
return true;

public void RegisterMacro(string code, string displayName, string description, string iconName)
// myPasteMacro = pasteMacro;
var macro = new KeyMacro(this, “myPasteMacro”);
macro.Register(code, displayName, description, iconName);

In the Command-Line:

“C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth Plug-in\GoogleEarth.exe” -arg1 -arg2 -arg3 mypasteMacro


“C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth Plug-in\GoogleEarth.exe” -arg1 -arg2 -arg3″mypasteMacro

Macros will not work in Portable versions of Google Earth.
RegisterMacro will return true if it found the macro and it’s registered correctly.
GetMacro will return the name of the macro the user has requested.
GetMacroDescription will return the description of the macro the user has requested.
GetMacroIconName will return the name of the icon the user has requested.


static void Main(string[] args)
// KeyMacro myMacro = new KeyMacro();
// myMacro.Register(“myMacro”, “My Macrol Title”, “My Macrol Description”, “Default Macrol Icon”);
// string arg1 = Console.ReadLine();
// string arg2 = Console.Read

Winforms GEPlugin Control Library Crack+ [Latest-2022]

This Google Earth Plug-in control is for integrating Google Earth directly into your own Windows Forms, WPF or Silverlight application.
This control is targeted at the.NET 4.0 Framework and can be used on Windows Forms, WPF and Silverlight applications.


What’s New:

Features in Winforms 2010:

Control1.Image contains a ClientRectangle property and a property to get and set the zoom level.
Control1.OnClick will fire if Control1.Image is clicked
Control1.OnMouseUp will fire if the user clicks with the right mouse button over Control1.Image
Control1.OnPaint contains a drawing method that draws a box around Control1.Image
Control1.OnMouseMove will fire if the user clicks with the left mouse button over Control1.Image
Control1.OnMouseMoveWithGesture will fire if the user clicks and drags the mouse over Control1.Image
Control1.OnMouseDown will fire if the user clicks Control1.Image
Control1.OnMouseUpWithGesture will fire if the user releases Control1.Image with the right mouse button
Control1.OnMouseWheel will fire if the user clicks Control1.Image and moves the mouse up or down
Control1.OnLostFocus will fire if Control1.Text is lostFocus and Control1.Image is in focus
Control1.OnKeyDown will fire if Control1.Text is in focus and the user presses a key
Control1.OnKeyUp will fire if Control1.Text is in focus and the user releases a key
Control1.Text contains a property to get and set the zoom level.
Control1.VerticalAlignment will fire if Control1.Text has been set to Right

Development details

I have been developing this control for a while and I have used it in many commercial and open source applications.
I have tested and debugged my code extensively, and I am pretty sure that it works as it should.
Please let me know if you come across any issues, or if you have suggestions to make it better or better looking.

Test the plugin on your Google Earth Plug-in (
Please note that some features will not be available to your Google Earth plug-in.


Support is available through the forum
If you have any questions

What’s New In?

The library currently contains 4 related controls:
* MapView
* MapControl
* MapMarkerSymbol
* MapCircleSymbol

*MapView is the control that displays a map with markers to show where geostatic data has been captured. MapControl is a MapView that can be shown with an ImageButton, and MapMarkerSymbol and MapCircleSymbol are the custom data types used to show the actual captured data.
*More info here –

Note: This site and its content is subject to Google’s General Terms of Service. The Terms of Service in addition state that pages viewed through a Google browser extension (such as the Google Earth extension) will be associated with your account even if you do not use a browser where such a feature is available.

Add to:
The source code to this project is available in source code repository:

This version is based on the current master branch of the master branch of the Google Earth Plug-in repository.

DLL version:
The.NET 4.5 DLLs are available to download here –

Full details of how to use these controls is found in this GitHub project.

Google Earth Plugin requirement:
The library uses the Google Earth Plug-in to display the custom map layer. The plugin is available from the Google Earth Plug-in page here –

Installing the Google Earth Plugin:
The Google Earth Plug-in is free and comes with the download – you will also need the Google Maps and Google Earth runtime components and development environment to run the plugin (if needed).
To install the Google Earth Plug-in on your system follow the steps here:

Available Builders:
DotNetProjectFiles – A Visual Studio style project file that can be opened with Visual Studio. If you use this method you do not need to setup the VSPackage.

DotNetPackage – A Visual Studio style project file that can be opened with Visual Studio. You will also need to setup the VSPackage for it to work. If you use this method you do not need to setup the VSPackage.

DotNetDotNet – A Visual Studio style project file that can be opened with Visual Studio. You will also need to setup the VSPackage for it to work. If you use this method you do not need to setup the VSPackage.

DotNetWebProjects – A Visual Studio style project file that can

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP SP2 or later
Processor: Intel Pentium III 700 MHz or later
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9.0 compatible with 1024×768 or higher screen resolution
DirectX: 9.0 compatible
Hard Drive: 10 MB available space
Additional Notes:
Unsupported OS: Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows ME, and other Windows operating systems.
Memory Requirements:
The game memory requirements are very high for this game. Note that we are not able