CMDMailer Crack Free Download For PC (Latest) 🖐







CMDMailer Free [Win/Mac]

Sendmail, a small mail transfer agent (MTA), is the standard mail transfer agent (MTA) on many Unix workstations.
CMDMailer Crack Mac has been written to make it easier to send email from a command line. CMDMailer Crack Free Download allows you to send email via the Internet using the standard Internet Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) as well as your own SMTP server.
CMDMailer consists of the program and a simple configuration file. The configuration file can be loaded into the CMDMailer program to make it work in one of two ways.
The first way to use CMDMailer is to create a copy of the configuration file and put it in the CMDMailer directory. Then type the path to the configuration file when you start the program.
The second way is to specify the configuration file path using a command line option. You can then use the configuration file to set variables such as sender email address, recipient email address, subject, body, from, and to.
Sending email via SMTP is very easy using CMDMailer. You just need to tell CMDMailer which mail server to use and the account details for the destination mail server. CMDMailer can even send multiple messages to the same destination if you want.
You can also send emails without a mail server. That is, you can send email directly to the recipient’s ISP mail server.
If you already have an existing sendmail configuration file you can load it into CMDMailer. There are several examples provided in CMDMailer’s distribution. You can also find your local sendmail configuration files on the internet.
CMDMailer uses the standard Internet Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) which is easy to understand and simple to use. CMDMailer has the following features.

CMDMailer allows you to specify a destination mail server as well as to include a default message to be sent to the recipient’s mailbox.
You can specify the sender and recipients email addresses.
You can specify the From and to address of the email.
You can specify the Subject of the message.
You can specify the body of the message.
You can specify additional headers in the email, including the Content-type.
The CMDMailer program will automatically log the SMTP conversation that takes place.
CMDMailer includes an example configuration file to help you get started.

CMDMailer in Detail:

CMDMailer License Key Download For PC [March-2022]

This file implements a number of command line email sending utility and utility for manipulating email headers. You can send both plaintext and HTML formatted email. You can read and modify the headers and the body text of the email to be sent.
The program is designed to be as simple as possible and only requires basic shell and perl knowledge to use. It uses a low number of temporary files to accomplish the task.
Basic operations are:
Reading the contents of a file and writing it to a sendmail client which is used to send the message. The program also allows you to modify the headers and the body text of the message to be sent.
Sending multiple messages to recipients with one or more mailto links, For example the program can be used to send a message with multiple mailto links.
Also the program can send mail to multiple recipients at once.
It is made to be a small and easy to use utility which is also efficient and can be called from a batch script.


* Send plain text and HTML formatted email
* Print mailto links
* Read and modify headers and the body text of the message
* Send multiple messages
* Write and read from temporary files
* Open mail file for reading and writing
* List the recipients of the message
* Support for both Unix (Linux, Mac, Unix) and Windows
* Support for multiple mail clients (sendmail, rmail, mailx)
* Simple and easy to use
* Support for both Microsoft (Windows) and Unix
* Can be used from a batch script
* Can be linked from a web site
* Good performance


You can download and extract the archive file or use the compiled software. For Unix you need to run make to generate the executables. For Windows users, if you extract the archive you have to replace the bin files with the ones you have just extracted.

This program is not supported by anyone. So using this software is at your own risk.

This program has been tested on a number of mail clients, including:

Mozilla Thunderbird
Microsoft Outlook Express
Microsoft Outlook

To send mail you need to type the following:


You can also make a mailto link, for example:

./sendmail -s “Hello World”

You can pass the mailto URL in a file or pipe it from

CMDMailer License Code & Keygen

SendMail -smtp is a small SendMail utility developed for Windows NT. SendMail is designed to make sending email from the command line as easy as possible. While it is possible to use any SMTP server, SendMail is designed to work with most servers. SendMail will automatically attempt to set a few important values in the global SendMail environment. SendMail can also be used to send email from command line for Unix systems.

SendMail –help displays the program help screen.

SendMail –smtp=server:port is used to set the SMTP server and port. SendMail will use these values to attempt to send the email. SendMail will look for an exe named sendmail.exe in the path (where SendMail.exe is) and use that. If the SendMail.exe does not exist then SendMail will attempt to use the exe set in the path. In both cases it will try to set the MS1492 Encoding. If the MS1492 Encoding is not set then SendMail will assume that the encoding is 8bit.

SendMail –body=text is used to set the body of the email. SendMail will use the text in this argument to construct the To: value for the email.

SendMail –cc=text is used to set the CC value for the email. SendMail will use the text in this argument to construct the CC: value for the email.

SendMail –ccrecipients=text is used to set the CCRecipients value for the email. SendMail will use the text in this argument to construct the CCRecipients: value for the email.

SendMail –content=text is used to set the Content value for the email. SendMail will use the text in this argument to construct the Content-Type: value for the email.

SendMail –from=text is used to set the From: value for the email. SendMail will use the text in this argument to construct the From: value for the email.

SendMail –to=text is used to set the To: value for the email. SendMail will use the text in this argument to construct the To: value for the email.

SendMail –reply-to=text is used to set the Reply-To: value for the email. SendMail will use the text in this argument to construct the Reply-To: value for the email.

What’s New In?


If you prefer to use the Internet Mail System(s) (smtp) directly from the
command line, you will want to look at the CMDMailer

The CMDMailer program allows you to define how the Internet Email messages
are to be sent. You can define what the subject of the email is, who the
recipient is, how the body of the email is to be formatted, and finally you
can specify what the “Return-Path” header of the message should be.

When you run the CMDMailer program, you first provide the “To:” and “From:”
header information that will go into the message. You can also specify what
the Return-Path value will be. This means that if you send an email to
someone, and that person forwards the message to someone else, that new
message’s Return-Path header can have that value.

Command line options:

The CMDMailer application can be run from the command line with the following options:

-h This option displays a short usage message.
-H This option display the complete usage message.
-f name Specifies a file that contains the From: and
“To:” header information for the email
message. You must specify the file name.
-s subj Specifies the subject of the email message.
-s This option specifies that the subject line of

System Requirements For CMDMailer:

Adobe AIR/Flash Version : adobeair_10.0.0.102.swz
CPU: 1 GHz or faster
Memory: 512 MB RAM recommended
Storage: 2 GB available space (not included)
Graphics: 512 x 512 or higher, 256 color display
Screenshots: AdobeAIR X.0 or higher
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