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Download Free Risalah Amaliyah Pdf Readergolkes 🤘



Download Risalah Amaliyah Pdf Readergolkes

Once we have had to make a decision, we can adopt or reject it. If we accept it, we become its owner, and we make it part of ourselves. If we reject it, we regain our individuality and cease to be affected by it. As with everything else in this life, something can be good or bad. It depends on how we perceive it. In all living things, both good and bad are possible. The good is the actual dish, and the bad is its untoward consequences. The soup is good, if it neither harms itself nor other living things; it is bad, if it does harm to or to itself, or to others. By contrast, the wine is bad, since it either harms itself, or the palate of the drinker, or both. As a thing of misfortune, the wine may be good, if it causes the drinker to be intoxicated, but bad, if it causes him to have dreadful dizziness or nausea. According to nature, wine is good as a medicine, and bad, if it intoxicates. The final difference between the harmful and the good lies in their consequences. (If a certain type of food harms us, then it is harmful; if it not only does not harm us, but makes us happy and healthy, then it is good. We know that drinking alcohol is harmful, but we cannot understand its harmfulness unless we learn how we become damaged by its harmful effects.) If a certain substance harms us, we call it harmful. If it causes us to become more brilliant, we call it beneficial, and if it makes us healthier, we call it good. If a certain product helps us live more comfortably, we call it beneficial, but if it does not do that, we call it harmful. We have made the discovery that a good product can be harmful if it harms the body of the purchaser or exposes it to germs. This leads us to the fact that something harmful can be good if it causes us to reach a certain goal or prepare for a certain contingency. However, if its effects harm the body of the user, then it is harmful. Did you ever notice that whenever you try to solve a problem, you end up causing a bigger problem? This happens because you have not learned to perceive problems as they really are. So you have become wedded to a perception of problems that you derive from your own experience. You have made the assumption that since you have already failed, so whatever you make must be likewise flawed. You should only stop and ask

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Risalah fi’l hila li-daf’al- (1984). It shows that the key to knowledge is reading.. Risalah fi’l hila li-daf’al- (1984). It shows that the key to knowledge is reading.. Downloaded from  .
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