[FULL] Cat Goddess 13 Wmv _BEST_

[FULL] Cat Goddess 13 Wmv _BEST_


[FULL] Cat Goddess 13 Wmv

Next, Isis was installed as the Principal Goddess of Ptolemaic Egypt with a variety of centres. The eastern Delta temples of Hermopolis, El-Ashmunein and Edfu were the focus of her cult, but Thebes, Alexandria, Pergamon, Herakleopolis, Philae, and Heliopolis all claimed some attention. At Heliopolis her principal sanctuary was Esna, and her main festival was the Opet festival. At Hermopolis she had Amun’s priest, and at the courts of the Ptolemies she was also the Queen of Heaven. At Alexandria she was married to Sarapis and had the Hapi river as her special precinct. At Pergamon she had connections with the deity of the city Pessinos.

The role of Amun was handed to Amenophis III with his temple at Thebes, where Satresh, the main architect of the temple, was also the Director of Works for Amenophis. At Tanis, Amenophis’ son Amenophis IV built a separate shrine for Amenophis, while at Ptolemaic Alexandria the cult of Amun against the strongly connected cult of the mother goddess Mut changed with Thoth the ibis-headed god as Amon’s Upper Hunter. Iunu at the future site of Heliopolis was the hub of the cult of Iunet-Amunet. While Philae was the shrine of the goddess Miriam.

At the City of the Pyramids of Giza, the old local chief god Men-Hig was merged with the god Harmakhis, who had his own temple and thus became a new god. Together they made up the new god of origin Khepri and formed the basis of the system of creator gods. The wise Seth was given his own domain (the SEK) in the north, while the god Osiris, the lord of the dead, received a new temple in the south.


