Free Download Of House Of The Dead 4 Full Version |VERIFIED|

Free Download Of House Of The Dead 4 Full Version |VERIFIED|


Free Download Of House Of The Dead 4 Full Version

The game is split into two modes, Story Mode and Free Battle. In Story Mode, the player controls James Taylor in a zombie apocalypse storyline, which revolves around killing higher-level monsters as he goes through the town.

In Free Battle mode, the player controls Kate Green and spends all of her points earned in Story Mode on a survival mode to fight against countless waves of zombies. During this mode, the player will face increasingly difficult enemies, progress through smaller towns, and eventually fights a final showdown with a boss. The level of difficulty can be adjusted at any time.

Gameplay The House of the Dead 4 features the standard light-gun or BLiTZ gun setup, which is very different from the BLiTZ gun setup found in previous House of the Dead games. While The House of the Dead series previously featured one gun that was used to attack zombies, see individual game reviews for more on this. New to the series is the introduction of a full story mode that features both female protagonist Kate Green and the returning protagonist James Taylor, as well as an innovative Free Battle mode in which players rely on luck as much as skill to survive.

The game features two characters that fans can play through the entire story arc, the returning James Taylor and a new character called Kate Green. The story revolves around a zombie apocalypse occurring in a town with a mish-mash of different ethnicities. A detective is initially hired to investigate the disappearance of a man. As the story unfolds, various characters become infected, and the player must kill the other characters to progress the story along. The story mode is varied, featuring different scenarios in each level, such as being cornered by a drug-crazed Russian gangster, to rescuing a crying child. Although the game features numerous endings that affect the characters it features, and exposes the trickery of some of the characters online, the differences are very subtle and primarily consist of the profiles shown to the player on the PS3 version.
