Korg Pa500 Indian Styles ⭕

Korg Pa500 Indian Styles ⭕



Korg Pa500 Indian Styles

Several years ago I had a Low end Hammond but I got borrred with what it could do, Recently I bought a Korg PA 700.Cost was $2000 Canadian. It took me a couple of weeks to undertand what it was capable and I am still finding more.You can start out by just using the voices on their own, but once you dig in to the capabilties It is a one woman band.Also the large touch screen is easy to reconfiger your sound quiclkly.

The Korg PA500 is a rack mountable synthesizer with two different modes of operation, one is the traditional and one is, ony for the price, onto the road.The traditional mode offers the typical keyboard and drum pad controller to which you can add the PA500 the ability to add high quality, prerecorded files.This is great for live performances, recording companies and other uses that require appearances that can be truncated, or where the files dont transfer cleanly.This is also great for periods of time where the store itself is not operating at full capacity, or is not working within normal times.The other mode of operation is for the Korg PA500 is a pure digital synth.In the digital mode the keyboard is disabled as is the Drum pad, and the internal sequencer.This means that you have to record your own performances, the PA500 handles the recording of your performance in this mode of operation.This allows you to create perfectly digital recordings.Both modes of operation use the same synthesizer, and same method of sound generation.It uses a digital method of pitch shifting and duration stretching through a RAM synthesizer.This means that it should be fairly easy to program loops using this unit to create your own instruments.It can host a sounds from the Memory mapped RV600 (or RV1000) which is a bit on the low end side but for a digital unit, this should slide right in.


