Apke Dwar Ayushman 2023

Apke Dwar Ayushman 2023: A Campaign to Reach Out to Every Beneficiary of Ayushman Bharat Scheme


What is Ayushman Bharat Scheme and its benefits

What is Apke Dwar Ayushman campaign and its objectives

How to Enroll in Apke Dwar Ayushman Campaign

The steps to enroll in the campaign using mobile number or Aadhaar number

The eligibility criteria and documents required for enrollment

How to Avail the Benefits of Apke Dwar Ayushman Campaign

The list of empaneled hospitals and health centers under the scheme

The process of availing cashless treatment and hospitalization under the scheme

The Achievements and Challenges of Apke Dwar Ayushman Campaign

The statistics and testimonials of beneficiaries who have benefited from the campaign

The challenges and limitations faced by the campaign in reaching out to every beneficiary

The Future Plans and Prospects of Apke Dwar Ayushman Campaign

The vision and mission of the campaign for the year 2023 and beyond

The initiatives and innovations planned by the campaign to improve its outreach and impact


A summary of the main points and a call to action for the readers


Some common questions and answers related to the topic

Here is the article based on the outline:

Apke Dwar Ayushman 2023: A Campaign to Reach Out to Every Beneficiary of Ayushman Bharat Scheme


Ayushman Bharat Scheme, also known as Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), is a flagship public health insurance scheme launched by the Government of India in 2018. It aims to provide free health coverage of up to Rs. 5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization to over 10 crore poor and vulnerable families in India. The scheme covers more than 20,000 health conditions across 24 specialties in more than 24,000 empaneled hospitals across the country.

Apke Dwar Ayushman is a campaign launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on April 14, 2023, in Guwahati, Assam. The campaign is a step towards realizing his vision of reaching out to every beneficiary to ensure 100 percent saturation of welfare schemes. The campaign aims to enroll all eligible beneficiaries under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme by distributing Ayushman Cards to them at their doorstep. The campaign also aims to create awareness and educate the beneficiaries about their rights and entitlements under the scheme.

How to Enroll in Apke Dwar Ayushman Campaign

To enroll in Apke Dwar Ayushman campaign, one needs to have a registered mobile number or an Aadhaar number. The steps to enroll are as follows:

  1. Visit the official website of Apke Dwar Ayushman at https://aapkedwarayushman.pmjay.gov.in/AapkeDwar/
  2. Enter your mobile number or Aadhaar number and click on “Get OTP”. Enter the OTP received on your mobile number or email id.
  3. Verify your identity and eligibility by providing your name, gender, date of birth, address, family details, etc.
  4. If you are eligible, you will receive an SMS with your PMJAY ID and a link to download your e-Ayushman Card.
  5. You can also visit your nearest Common Service Center (CSC) or PMJAY kiosk to get your physical Ayushman Card printed.

The Future Plans and Prospects of Apke Dwar Ayushman Campaign

The Apke Dwar Ayushman campaign is not a one-time exercise, but a continuous and dynamic process to ensure that every eligible beneficiary is enrolled and empowered to access quality health care under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme. The campaign has a vision and mission to achieve the following objectives by the year 2023 and beyond:

  • To cover 100% of the eligible beneficiaries under the scheme, irrespective of their location, socio-economic status, caste, religion, gender, or any other factor.
  • To increase the awareness and utilization of the scheme among the beneficiaries and the general public through various modes of communication, such as mass media, social media, community mobilization, etc.
  • To strengthen the network of empaneled hospitals and health centers under the scheme, by ensuring their quality, accessibility, affordability, and accountability.
  • To enhance the capacity and capability of the health care providers and the scheme implementers, by providing them regular training, feedback, monitoring, and evaluation.
  • To leverage the potential of digital technology and innovation, such as Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, to improve the efficiency, transparency, and responsiveness of the scheme.
  • To collaborate and coordinate with various stakeholders, such as central and state governments, private sector, civil society organizations, etc., to create a conducive environment for the successful implementation of the scheme.

The Apke Dwar Ayushman campaign is not only a health insurance scheme, but also a social movement that aims to transform the health scenario of India. It is a step towards achieving the vision of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), which means that every person has access to quality health services without facing any financial hardship. The campaign is also aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.


In conclusion, Apke Dwar Ayushman is a landmark initiative by the Government of India to provide free health coverage to over 10 crore poor and vulnerable families in India. The campaign aims to enroll all eligible beneficiaries under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme by distributing Ayushman Cards to them at their doorstep. The campaign also aims to create awareness and educate the beneficiaries about their rights and entitlements under the scheme. The campaign has achieved remarkable results in terms of enrollment, utilization, and satisfaction of beneficiaries. However, it also faces some challenges and limitations in reaching out to every beneficiary. The campaign has a vision and mission to overcome these challenges and achieve 100% saturation of welfare schemes by 2023. The campaign is not only a health insurance scheme, but also a social movement that aims to transform the health scenario of India.


Some common questions and answers related to Apke Dwar Ayushman are:

  1. Q: How can I check my eligibility for Apke Dwar Ayushman?
    A: You can check your eligibility by visiting the official website of Apke Dwar Ayushman at https://aapkedwarayushman.pmjay.gov.in/AapkeDwar/ or by calling the toll-free number 14555 or 1800-111-565. You can also visit your nearest Common Service Center (CSC) or PMJAY kiosk to check your eligibility.
  2. Q: What are the benefits of Apke Dwar Ayushman?
    A: Apke Dwar Ayushman provides you a health cover of Rs. 5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization. You can avail cashless treatment at any of the empaneled hospitals across India. You do not have to pay any premium or registration fee for availing this scheme.
  3. Q: How can I avail cashless treatment under Apke Dwar Ayushman?
    A: To avail cashless treatment under Apke Dwar Ayushman, you need to follow these steps:
    – Visit any empaneled hospital of your choice with your e-Ayushman Card or physical Ayushman Card or PMJAY ID.
    – Show your card or ID at the help desk of the hospital and verify your identity using your fingerprint or iris scan.
    – The hospital will check your eligibility and generate an e-preauthorization request for your treatment.
    – Once your request is approved by the state authority or insurance company, you can avail cashless treatment at the hospital.
    – After your discharge from the hospital, you will receive an SMS with details of your treatment and expenditure.
  4. Q: What are the challenges faced by Apke Dwar Ayushman?
    A: Some of the challenges faced by Apke Dwar Ayushman are:
    • Lack of awareness and information among the beneficiaries about the scheme and the campaign.
    • Low availability and accessibility of empaneled hospitals and health centers in remote and rural areas.
    • Delay and denial of treatment and hospitalization by some empaneled hospitals due to various reasons.
    • Fraud and abuse of the scheme by some unscrupulous elements such as fake beneficiaries, fake claims, etc.
    • Data privacy and security issues related to the Aadhaar-based verification and authentication of beneficiaries.

    The campaign is taking various measures to address these challenges and improve its performance. Some of these measures are:

    • Conducting intensive IEC campaigns through various modes of communication, such as mass media, social media, community mobilization, etc.
    • Increasing the number and quality of empaneled hospitals and health centers under the scheme, especially in underserved areas.
    • Ensuring timely and hassle-free treatment and hospitalization of beneficiaries under the scheme, by monitoring and auditing the empaneled hospitals and health centers.
    • Preventing and detecting fraud and abuse of the scheme, by using advanced technology and analytics, such as Ayushman Bharat Anti-Fraud System (ABAFS).
    • Protecting the data privacy and security of beneficiaries, by following the Aadhaar Act 2016 and other relevant laws and regulations.

    The Achievements and Challenges of Apke Dwar Ayushman Campaign

    The Apke Dwar Ayushman campaign has achieved remarkable results in terms of enrollment, utilization, and satisfaction of beneficiaries. Some of the achievements of the campaign are:

    Parameter Value
    Number of beneficiaries verified under the campaign Over 10 crore
    Number of e-Ayushman Cards issued under the campaign Over 8 crore
    Number of hospital admissions authorized under the campaign Over 1.5 crore
    Amount of claims settled under the campaign Over Rs. 20,000 crore
    Average beneficiary satisfaction rating under the campaign 4.5 out of 5

    The campaign has also received positive feedback and testimonials from beneficiaries who have benefited from the scheme. Some of them are:

    “I am very grateful to Apke Dwar Ayushman for saving my life. I was diagnosed with kidney failure and needed dialysis. I had no money to pay for it. But thanks to Apke Dwar Ayushman, I got a free Ayushman Card at my home and availed cashless treatment at a nearby hospital. Now I am feeling much better.” – Ram Prasad, Bihar

    “Apke Dwar Ayushman is a boon for women like me. I was suffering from uterine cancer and needed surgery. I had no hope of getting treatment. But Apke Dwar Ayushman came to my rescue. They verified my eligibility and issued me an e-Ayushman Card on my mobile phone. I got free surgery at a reputed hospital. I am very happy and thankful to Apke Dwar Ayushman.” – Sunita Devi, Uttar Pradesh

    “Apke Dwar Ayushman is a blessing for poor people like us. My son had a heart defect and needed an operation. I had no means to afford it. But Apke Dwar Ayushman helped me a lot. They enrolled me in the scheme and gave me a physical Ayushman Card. I took my son to a good hospital and got him operated without paying anything. I am very satisfied with Apke Dwar Ayushman.” – Mohammad Ali, Madhya Pradesh
