Download Apk Little Big Snake __TOP__

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How to Download APK Little Big Snake

If you are looking for a fun and addictive snake game to play on your Android device, you might want to try Little Big Snake. This is a multiplayer IO game where you can grow your snake, eat bugs, and compete with other players. In this article, we will show you how to download APK Little Big Snake from the Google Play Store and install it on your device.

What is Little Big Snake?

A multiplayer IO game

Little Big Snake is a game developed by Neodinamika Inc. that was released in January 2018. It is similar to other popular snake games like and Worms Zone, but with some added features and complexity. You can play as a snake or a flying beetle, and you can level up, unlock skins, complete missions, and earn rewards. You can also team up with other players or fight against them in various modes.

Features and benefits

Some of the features and benefits of Little Big Snake are:

  • Beautiful graphics and animations
  • Smooth and responsive gameplay
  • Different types of snakes and beetles to choose from
  • Evolution skill tree to upgrade your abilities
  • Quests and achievements to challenge yourself
  • Chests and gold to collect and spend
  • Pets to accompany you and provide bonuses
  • Seasonal events and updates
  • Friendly community and chat system

What is an APK file?

A package file for Android apps

An APK file is a package file that contains all the code, resources, assets, certificates, and manifest file of an Android app. It is the file format used by the Android operating system to distribute and install apps. APK files are usually downloaded directly from the Google Play Store, but they can also be found on other websites or sources.

Advantages and risks of APK files

Some of the advantages of APK files are:

  • You can download apps that are not available in your region or country
  • You can download apps that are not compatible with your device or Android version
  • You can download older versions of apps that have been updated or removed from the Play Store
  • You can download apps that are free or have premium features unlocked

Some of the risks of APK files are:

  • You may download malicious or infected files that can harm your device or data
  • You may violate the terms and conditions of the app developer or the Play Store
  • You may not receive updates or support from the app developer or the Play Store
  • You may experience bugs or errors in the app functionality or compatibility

How to download APK Little Big Snake from Google Play Store?

Method 1: Using a web tool

One way to download APK Little Big Snake from the Google Play Store is to use a web tool that can generate download links from Play Store URLs. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your Android device or computer and search for Little Big Snake.
  2. Copy the URL of the app from the address bar.
  3. Go to in a web browser.
  4. Paste the URL in the top text box.
  5. Select a device type, architecture, and Android version from the drop-down menus.
  6. Click on the green Download APK button.
  7. Wait for the download to finish and save the file to your device or computer.

Method 2: Using an app extractor

Another way to download APK Little Big Snake from the Google Play Store is to use an app extractor that can extract APK files from installed apps on your device. Here are the steps:

  1. Download and install an app extractor such as APK Extractor or ML Manager from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the app extractor and find Little Big Snake in the list of installed apps.
  3. Tap on the app icon and select a location to save the APK file.
  4. Wait for the extraction to finish and locate the file on your device or computer.

How to install APK Little Big Snake on your Android device?

Enable unknown sources

Before you can install APK Little Big Snake on your Android device, you need to enable unknown sources in your settings. This will allow you to install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Security > Unknown sources on your device.
  2. Toggle on the switch or check the box to enable unknown sources.
  3. Tap OK or Confirm to accept the warning message.

Locate and open the APK file

After you have enabled unknown sources, you can locate and open the APK file that you downloaded from the previous methods. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the folder where you saved the APK file on your device or computer.
  2. Tap on the file to open it.
  3. Tap Install or Next to start the installation process.
  4. Wait for the installation to finish and tap Open or Done to launch or exit the app.


In this article, we have shown you how to download APK Little Big Snake from the Google Play Store and install it on your Android device. We have also explained what Little Big Snake is, what an APK file is, and what are the advantages and risks of APK files. We hope you have enjoyed this article and found it useful. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy snaking!


Q: Is Little Big Snake free to play?

A: Yes, Little Big Snake is free to play, but it also offers in-app purchases for premium features and items.

Q: Is Little Big Snake safe to download and install?

A: Yes, Little Big Snake is safe to download and install from the Google Play Store, but you should be careful when downloading APK files from other sources. Make sure you scan them with an antivirus software before opening them.

Q: How can I play Little Big Snake on my PC?

A: You can play Little Big Snake on your PC by using an Android emulator such as BlueStacks or NoxPlayer. You can also play it directly on your web browser by visiting

Q: How can I update Little Big Snake?

A: You can update Little Big Snake by downloading and installing the latest version of the APK file from the Google Play Store or other sources. You can also check for updates within the app settings.

Q: How can I contact Little Big Snake support?

A: You can contact Little Big Snake support by sending an email to You can also visit their Facebook page, Twitter account, or Discord server.
