Go Mod Download Io Timeout ‘LINK’


How to Fix “go mod download io timeout” Error in Go

If you are a Go developer, you may have encountered the “go mod download io timeout” error when you try to download or update your dependencies using the go mod command. This error means that the Go tool cannot connect to the server that hosts the module you need, and it times out after waiting for a while. This can be frustrating and prevent you from building or running your Go project.

In this article, we will explain what this error is, why it happens, and how to fix it. We will also provide some tips on how to avoid this error in the future.

What is “go mod download io timeout” error and why does it happen?

To understand this error, we need to know some basics about Go modules and the go.mod file.

Go modules and go.mod file

A Go module is a collection of Go packages that are released, versioned, and distributed together. A Go module is identified by a module path, which is declared in a go.mod file, along with information about the module’s dependencies. The go.mod file defines which other modules are required for a successful build, and which versions of those modules should be used.

The go mod command is a tool that helps you manage your modules and dependencies. You can use it to create, update, download, edit, tidy, vendor, verify, graph, why, and sync your modules. For example, the go mod download command downloads the modules required by the current module into the local module cache.

Possible causes of the error

The “go mod download io timeout” error can happen for various reasons, such as:

  • Your network connection is slow or unstable.
  • Your Wi-Fi signal is weak or blocked by some physical objects.
  • Your router or modem is malfunctioning or needs to be restarted.
  • The server that hosts the module you need is down or overloaded.
  • The module you need is not available on the default proxy (https://proxy.golang.org) or source (https://golang.org) for Go modules.
  • Your firewall or antivirus software is blocking or interfering with the connection.
  • Your Go version or dependencies are outdated or incompatible.

How to troubleshoot and solve the error

To fix this error, you can try the following methods:

Run Windows built-in network troubleshooter

If you are using Windows, you can use the network troubleshooter to identify and repair network problems. To do this:

  1. Type “network troubleshooter” on the search bar and choose Identify and repair network problems.
  2. Follow the instructions to repair the network connection.

Turn off airplane mode

If you have enabled airplane mode on your device, disable it and check if the error is resolved. Airplane mode turns off all wireless communication on your device, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular data. To turn off airplane mode:

  1. Select Start > Settings > Network & internet, then turn off Airplane mode.
  2. Select Show available networks, then choose a Wi-Fi network and select Connect.

Restart your router and modem

Sometimes, restarting your router and modem can fix network issues and improve your connection speed. To do this:

  1. Unplug the power cords from your router and modem.
  2. Wait for about 30 seconds, then plug them back in.
  3. Wait for another few minutes until the router and modem are fully restarted.
  4. Try to run the go mod download command again and see if the error is gone.

Use a proxy or mirror for Go modules

If the default proxy or source for Go modules is not working for you, you can try to use a different proxy or mirror that hosts the module you need. A proxy or mirror is a server that caches and serves Go modules to clients. You can find a list of public proxies and mirrors here.

To use a proxy or mirror for Go modules, you need to set the GOPROXY environment variable to the URL of the proxy or mirror. For example, to use the goproxy.io proxy, you can run this command:

set GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io,direct 

The ,direct suffix means that if the proxy fails to fetch a module, the Go tool will try to fetch it directly from the source. You can also set multiple proxies or mirrors in a comma-separated list, and the Go tool will try them in order until one succeeds.

Check your firewall and antivirus settings

Your firewall or antivirus software may be blocking or interfering with the connection to the server that hosts the module you need. To fix this, you need to allow the Go tool and the server URL through your firewall or antivirus settings. The exact steps may vary depending on your firewall or antivirus software, but here are some general guidelines:

  1. Open your firewall or antivirus software and go to the settings menu.
  2. Look for an option to add exceptions or allow programs through the firewall or antivirus.
  3. Add the Go tool (go.exe) and the server URL (e.g., https://proxy.golang.org) to the list of exceptions or allowed programs.
  4. Save the changes and restart your firewall or antivirus software.
  5. Try to run the go mod download command again and see if the error is resolved.

Update your Go version and dependencies

The last method you can try is to update your Go version and dependencies to the latest versions. This can help you avoid compatibility issues and bugs that may cause the error. To update your Go version, you can download and install the latest version from https://golang.org/dl/.

To update your dependencies, you can use the go get -u command, which updates all direct and indirect dependencies of your current module to their latest minor or patch versions. For example, to update all dependencies of your current module, you can run this command:

go get -u ./... 

Note that this command may change the versions of your dependencies in your go.mod file, so make sure you test your code after updating.


In this article, we have explained what the “go mod download io timeout” error is, why it happens, and how to fix it. We have also provided some tips on how to avoid this error in the future. We hope this article has helped you solve your problem and improve your Go development experience.


  • What is a go.mod file?
  • A go.mod file is a file that defines a Go module and its dependencies. It contains information such as the module path, the Go version, and the required versions of other modules.
  • What is a Go module?
  • A Go module is a collection of Go packages that are released, versioned, and distributed together. A Go module is identified by a module path, which is declared in a go.mod file.
  • What is a module path?
  • A module path is a string that uniquely identifies a Go module. It usually has the form of a domain name followed by one or more subdirectories, such as github.com/user/repo.
  • What is the local module cache?
  • The local module cache is a directory on your computer where the Go tool stores the downloaded modules. The default location of the cache is $GOPATH/pkg/mod, where $GOPATH is the environment variable that specifies the root of your Go workspace.
  • What is the default proxy and source for Go modules?
  • The default proxy and source for Go modules are https://proxy.golang.org and https://golang.org, respectively. The proxy is a server that caches and serves Go modules to clients, while the source is a server that hosts the original source code of Go modules.
  • How can I change the default proxy and source for Go modules?
  • You can change the default proxy and source for Go modules by setting the GOPROXY and GOSUMDB environment variables, respectively. For example, to use a different proxy and source, you can run these commands:
set GOPROXY=https://example.com/proxy set GOSUMDB=https://example.com/sumdb 
