Direct X 11 Free Download PATCHED

What is DirectX 11 and Why You Should Download It

If you are a PC gamer or a multimedia enthusiast, you have probably heard of DirectX, a collection of tools developed by Microsoft that allows software to work directly with your video and audio hardware.

DirectX is a crucial component for enhancing your gaming and multimedia experience on Windows PCs, as it enables games to use multimedia accelerator features built-in to your hardware more efficiently.

One of the most popular versions of DirectX is DirectX 11, which was first released for Windows Vista in October,2009, but also works on Windows7,8,8.1,10,11.

DirectX11 was designed to improve Windows PCs by running and displaying apps rich in multimedia such as full-color HD graphics, video, rich audio, and3D animation.

It is a high-level API that is easier for developers to work with, as it provides a standardized interface between software and hardware.

In this article, we will explain what DirectX11 is, how to download and install it, how to update it to DirectX12, how to switch between them in games, and what are the benefits and drawbacks of using each version.

How to Check Your Current DirectX Version

Before you download and install DirectX 11, you may want to check what version of DirectX you already have on your PC. This way, you can avoid unnecessary downloads and updates, and also see if your PC meets the minimum requirements for DirectX 11.

Here are the steps to check your current DirectX version:

  1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows key + R on your keyboard.
  2. Type dxdiag and click OK. This will launch the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
  3. Select the System tab and look for the DirectX version number at the bottom of the window. This will tell you what version of DirectX you have installed on your PC.

If you see DirectX 11 or higher, congratulations! You already have DirectX 11 or a newer version on your PC. You can skip to the next section to learn how to update it to DirectX 12 if you want.

If you see DirectX 10 or lower, you may need to download and install DirectX 11 or a newer version to run some games and applications that require it. Read on to find out how to do that.

How to Download and Install DirectX 11

Downloading and installing DirectX 11 is easy and straightforward. You don’t need to download any files from third-party websites or run any complicated setup programs. All you need to do is use the Windows Update feature on your PC and let it do the work for you.

Here are the steps to download and install DirectX 11:

  1. Open the Windows Update settings by clicking the Start button and typing update. Then, click Check for updates.
  2. Windows will automatically scan for any available updates for your PC, including any updates for DirectX. If there are any updates available, click Download and install.
  3. Wait for the updates to download and install. You may need to restart your PC if prompted.

That’s it! You have successfully downloaded and installed DirectX 11 on your PC. You can now enjoy better gaming and multimedia performance with DirectX 11 enabled software.

How to Update DirectX 11 to DirectX 12

If you want to take advantage of the latest features and improvements of DirectX, you may want to update your DirectX 11 to DirectX 12. DirectX 12 is the newest version of DirectX that was released for Windows 10 in July,2015, but also works on Windows11.

DirectX 12 offers several benefits over DirectX 11, such as better utilization of CPU cores and GPU features, explicit multi-adapter support for using multiple graphics cards together, improved stability and performance with less stutters and delays, and support for some advanced graphics features such as ray tracing and variable rate shading.

However, before you update your DirectX 11 to DirectX 12, you need to make sure that your PC meets the system requirements for DirectX 12. These are:

  • A compatible operating system: Windows 10 or Windows 11
  • A compatible graphics card: Any graphics card that supports feature level 11_0 or higher
  • A compatible driver: The latest driver from your graphics card manufacturer

If your PC meets these requirements, you can proceed with updating your DirectX 11 to DirectX 12. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Windows Update settings by clicking the Start button and typing update. Then, click Check for updates.
  2. Windows will automatically scan for any available updates for your PC, including any updates for DirectX. If there are any updates available, click Download and install.
  3. Wait for the updates to download and install. You may need to restart your PC if prompted.

Congratulations! You have successfully updated your DirectX 11 to DirectX 12 on your PC. You can now enjoy the best gaming and multimedia experience with DirectX 12 enabled software.

How to Switch Between DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 in Games

The Benefits of Using DirectX 11

While DirectX 12 is the latest and most advanced version of DirectX, it does not mean that DirectX 11 is obsolete or inferior. In fact, there are some benefits of using DirectX 11 over DirectX 12 in certain situations. Here are some of them:

Better compatibility with older games and hardware

One of the main benefits of using DirectX 11 is that it is more compatible with older games and hardware than DirectX 12. This means that you can run more games on your PC without worrying about compatibility issues or errors.

For example, some games that were released before DirectX 12 may not support it at all, or may have bugs or glitches when running on DirectX 12. In that case, you can switch to DirectX 11 and enjoy the game as intended.

Similarly, some older graphics cards may not support DirectX 12 or some of its features, such as ray tracing or variable rate shading. In that case, you can use DirectX 11 and still get decent performance and quality from your hardware.

Easier development and debugging for game developers

Another benefit of using DirectX 11 is that it is easier for game developers to work with than DirectX 12. This is because DirectX 11 is a high-level API that abstracts away some of the low-level details and complexities of the hardware and software interaction.

This means that game developers can focus more on the gameplay and graphics design, rather than the technical aspects of the engine and the API. It also means that game developers can debug and optimize their games more easily and quickly, as they have less code to write and test.

More stable and reliable performance in some cases

A final benefit of using DirectX 11 is that it may offer more stable and reliable performance than DirectX 12 in some cases. This is because DirectX 11 has been around longer and has been tested more extensively than DirectX 12.

This means that DirectX 11 has fewer bugs and issues than DirectX 12, and may run more smoothly and consistently on different systems and configurations. It also means that DirectX 11 has more support and documentation from Microsoft and other sources, which can help resolve any problems or questions that may arise.

The Benefits of Using DirectX 12

On the other hand, DirectX 12 also has some benefits over DirectX 11 that make it worth using in some situations. Here are some of them:

Better utilization of CPU cores and GPU features

One of the main benefits of using DirectX 12 is that it allows better utilization of CPU cores and GPU features than DirectX 11. This means that games can run faster and smoother on DirectX 12, as they can take advantage of the full potential of your hardware.

For example, DirectX 12 can distribute the workload more evenly across multiple CPU cores, reducing the bottleneck and improving the performance. It can also access more GPU features, such as asynchronous compute, which can boost the graphics quality and efficiency.

Explicit multi-adapter support for using multiple graphics cards together

Another benefit of using DirectX 12 is that it supports explicit multi-adapter, which is a feature that allows games to use multiple graphics cards together for better performance and quality. This can be useful if you have more than one graphics card on your PC, or if you have a laptop with an integrated and a discrete graphics card.

For example, explicit multi-adapter can enable games to use both graphics cards simultaneously, increasing the frame rate and resolution. It can also enable games to use one graphics card for rendering and another for computing, improving the balance and efficiency.

Improved stability and performance with less stutters and delays

A final benefit of using DirectX 12 is that it can improve the stability and performance of games with less stutters and delays than DirectX 11. This is because DirectX 12 can reduce the overhead and latency of the API and the driver, which can cause slowdowns and hiccups in games.

For example, DirectX 12 can reduce the number of draw calls, which are commands that tell the GPU what to render. This can improve the responsiveness and smoothness of games, especially in complex scenes with many objects and effects. It can also reduce the CPU usage and power consumption, which can extend the battery life and prevent overheating.

The Drawbacks of Using DirectX 11

While DirectX 11 has some advantages over DirectX 12, it also has some drawbacks that may limit its performance and quality in some situations. Here are some of them:

Lower performance and efficiency compared to DirectX 12 in some games

One of the main drawbacks of using DirectX 11 is that it may offer lower performance and efficiency than DirectX 12 in some games, especially those that are optimized for DirectX 12. This means that games may run slower and choppier on DirectX 11, as they cannot leverage the full power of your hardware.

For example, some games that use DirectX 12 can achieve higher frame rates and resolutions than those that use DirectX 11, as they can use more CPU cores and GPU features. They can also reduce the overhead and latency of the API and the driver, which can cause stutters and delays in games.

Lack of support for some advanced graphics features such as ray tracing and variable rate shading

Another drawback of using DirectX 11 is that it does not support some advanced graphics features that DirectX 12 does, such as ray tracing and variable rate shading. These are features that can enhance the realism and immersion of games, by simulating the behavior of light and shadows, and by adjusting the level of detail according to the scene.

For example, ray tracing can create realistic reflections, refractions, and shadows in games, by tracing the path of light rays in a scene. Variable rate shading can improve the performance and quality of games, by rendering different parts of the screen with different levels of detail, depending on their importance and visibility.

Limited scalability and flexibility for future hardware innovations

A final drawback of using DirectX 11 is that it has limited scalability and flexibility for future hardware innovations, compared to DirectX 12. This means that DirectX 11 may not be able to take advantage of the new features and capabilities that may be introduced by new generations of graphics cards and processors.

For example, DirectX 12 can support more types and combinations of graphics cards, such as discrete, integrated, hybrid, or multi-adapter. It can also support more types and configurations of CPU cores, such as single-core, multi-core, or heterogeneous. This can allow games to run faster and better on a wider range of systems and devices.

The Drawbacks of Using DirectX 12

While DirectX 12 has some advantages over DirectX 11, it also has some drawbacks that may make it less suitable or desirable for some users and developers. Here are some of them:

Higher complexity and difficulty for game developers and users

One of the main drawbacks of using DirectX 12 is that it is more complex and difficult for game developers and users than DirectX 11. This is because DirectX 12 is a low-level API that exposes more of the low-level details and complexities of the hardware and software interaction.

This means that game developers have to write more code and deal with more technical aspects of the engine and the API. It also means that game developers have to optimize and debug their games more carefully and thoroughly, as they have more control and responsibility over the performance and quality.

Similarly, users have to be more aware and knowledgeable about their system specifications and game settings, as they have more options and variables to consider. They also have to update their drivers and software more frequently, as they may encounter more compatibility issues or errors.

Potential compatibility issues with older games and hardware

Another drawback of using DirectX 12 is that it may cause potential compatibility issues with older games and hardware than DirectX 11. This means that some games or devices may not work properly or at all on DirectX 12, or may require additional steps or patches to run.

For example, some older games that were designed for DirectX 11 or lower may not support DirectX 12 at all, or may have bugs or glitches when running on DirectX 12. In that case, users may have to switch to DirectX 11 or lower to play the game as intended.

Similarly, some older graphics cards or processors may not support DirectX 12 or some of its features, such as ray tracing or variable rate shading. In that case, users may have to upgrade their hardware or lower their settings to use DirectX 12.

Inconsistent performance gains across different games and systems

A final drawback of using DirectX 12 is that it may not offer consistent performance gains across different games and systems compared to DirectX 11. This means that the benefits of using DirectX 12 may vary depending on the game, the hardware, the driver, and the settings.

For example, some games may show significant improvements in frame rate and resolution when using DirectX 12, while others may show little or no difference, or even worse performance. Some games may also run better on certain graphics cards or processors than others, depending on how well they are optimized for DirectX 12.

Therefore, users should not expect a universal boost in performance and quality when using DirectX 12, but rather test and compare each game individually and adjust their settings accordingly.

How to Choose Between DirectX 11 and DirectX 12

As you can see, both DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 have their pros and cons, and there is no definitive answer to which one is better or worse. Ultimately, the choice between them depends on your personal preference, your system specifications, your game requirements, and your expectations.

Here are some tips on how to choose between DirectX 11 and DirectX 12:

Consider your PC specifications and game requirements

The first thing you should do is consider your PC specifications and game requirements. You should check if your PC meets the minimum requirements for DirectX 11 or DirectX 12, as well as the recommended requirements for the game you want to play.

If your PC does not meet the minimum requirements for DirectX 12, or if the game does not support DirectX 12 at all, you should stick with DirectX 11. If your PC meets the minimum requirements for both versions, but not the recommended requirements for the game, you should try both versions and see which one runs better.

If your PC meets the recommended requirements for both versions and the game supports both versions, you can choose either one based on your preference. You can also try both versions and compare the results.

Experiment with both versions and compare the results

The second thing you should do is experiment with both versions and compare the results. You should try running the same game on both versions with the same settings and see how they perform in terms of frame rate, resolution, graphics quality, stability, etc.

You can use tools such as FRAPS or MSI Afterburner to measure your frame rate and other statistics while playing. You can also use tools such as NVIDIA GeForce Experience or AMD Radeon Software to optimize your settings for each version automatically.

You should also pay attention to how the game looks and feels on each version. You should notice if there are any visual differences such as lighting, shadows, textures, etc., or if there are any gameplay differences such as responsiveness, smoothness, etc. You should also notice if there are any issues or errors such as crashes, freezes, artifacts, etc.

Based on your observations and measurements, you should decide which version offers the best balance between performance and quality for your PC and game. You should also consider your personal preference and expectations, as you may prefer one version over the other for subjective reasons.

Adjust your settings and preferences accordingly

The third thing you should do is adjust your settings and preferences accordingly. You should fine-tune your settings for each version to achieve the optimal performance and quality for your PC and game. You should also save your settings and preferences for each version, so you can easily switch between them whenever you want.

You can use tools such as NVIDIA GeForce Experience or AMD Radeon Software to adjust your settings for each version automatically or manually. You can also use tools such as DirectX Tweaker or DirectX Control Panel to tweak some advanced settings and options for each version.

You should also check the game’s settings menu and see if there are any options that are specific to each version, such as ray tracing, variable rate shading, etc. You should enable or disable these options depending on your preference and hardware capability.


In conclusion, DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 are both powerful and useful tools that can enhance your gaming and multimedia experience on Windows PCs. However, they are not the same, and they have their own benefits and drawbacks that may affect your performance and quality in different ways.

Therefore, you should choose between them based on your PC specifications, game requirements, personal preference, and expectations. You should also experiment with both versions and compare the results, and adjust your settings and preferences accordingly.

By doing so, you can enjoy the best of both worlds and have a great time playing your favorite games on your PC.


Q: Is DirectX 11 free to download?

A: Yes, DirectX 11 is free to download from Microsoft’s website or through Windows Update. You don’t need to pay anything or register anything to use it.

Q: Is DirectX 12 better than DirectX 11?

A: It depends on the game, the hardware, the driver, and the settings. DirectX 12 may offer better performance and quality than DirectX 11 in some games, but not in others. It may also cause some compatibility issues or errors with some games or devices. Therefore, you should try both versions and see which one works better for you.

Q: Can I use both DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 on the same PC?

A: Yes, you can use both DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 on the same PC, as long as your PC meets the minimum requirements for both versions. However, you cannot use them at the same time for the same game. You have to switch between them in the game’s settings menu or launch options.

Q: How can I uninstall DirectX 11 or DirectX 12?

A: You cannot uninstall DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 from your PC, as they are integrated components of Windows. However, you can revert to an older version of DirectX by restoring your system to a previous point or by reinstalling Windows.

Q: Where can I get more information or support for DirectX 11 or DirectX 12?

A: You can get more information or support for DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 from Microsoft’s website or forums. You can also get more information or support from your graphics card manufacturer’s website or forums. You can also get more information or support from the game developer’s website or forums.
