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SimCity BuildIt: A Fun and Creative City Building Game

Have you ever dreamed of creating your own city from scratch? Do you enjoy managing different aspects of urban development, such as planning, zoning, services, and infrastructure? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might want to check out SimCity BuildIt, a mobile game that lets you design and run your own virtual city.

What is SimCity BuildIt?

SimCity BuildIt is a mobile game developed by Electronic Arts (EA) that belongs to the SimCity franchise, a series of games that simulate city building and management. The game was released in 2014 for iOS and Android devices, and has since become one of the most popular city builder games on mobile platforms. The game has over 100 million downloads on Google Play Store alone, and has received positive reviews from critics and players alike.

In SimCity BuildIt, you are the mayor of your own city, and you have complete control over how you want to shape it. You can choose from different types of buildings, such as residential, commercial, industrial, or specialized ones. You can also provide various services for your citizens, such as power, water, sewage, waste management, fire, police, health, education, transportation, entertainment, gambling, landmarks, etc. You can also customize your city with parks, landscapes, beaches, mountains, etc. The game also features online modes that allow you to interact with other players around the world. You can join clubs, trade materials, participate in wars, compete in contests, and more.

How to Play SimCity BuildIt?

The gameplay of SimCity BuildIt is simple yet engaging. Your main goal is to build a prosperous and happy city that attracts more residents and generates more income. To do this, you need to balance different aspects of city management, such as production, consumption, supply, demand, happiness, taxes, etc. Here are some of the key elements of the gameplay:

Build Your City

The first thing you need to do is to lay down roads that connect different parts of your city. Roads are essential for transportation and accessibility. You can also upgrade your roads to increase their capacity and reduce traffic congestion.

Next, you need to place zones where you want your buildings to be constructed. There are three types of zones in the game: residential zones where people live; commercial zones where people shop; and industrial zones where people work. You can also unlock special zones later in the game that offer unique benefits.

After placing zones, you need to

wait for the buildings to be constructed by your citizens. You can also upgrade your buildings to increase their population, value, and happiness. You can also boost your buildings with specializations, such as parks, education, transportation, entertainment, gambling, landmarks, etc. Specializations provide additional services and benefits for your citizens, and also increase your city’s attractiveness and uniqueness.

Manage Your Resources

As you build your city, you also need to produce and manage various resources that are essential for your city’s growth and development. There are three main types of resources in the game: materials, currencies, and keys.

Materials are the basic items that you need to construct and upgrade buildings, such as metal, wood, plastic, seeds, minerals, chemicals, textiles, etc. You can produce materials in your factories and stores, or trade them with other players. You can also store materials in your storage facilities, or sell them for coins.

Currencies are the money that you use to buy and sell items, services, and buildings in the game. There are two types of currencies in the game: coins and simcash. Coins are the common currency that you earn from taxes, sales, rewards, etc. Simcash is the premium currency that you can buy with real money or earn from achievements, contests, etc. You can use simcash to speed up production, buy special items, or convert it to coins.

Keys are the special items that you use to unlock specializations and landmarks in the game. There are three types of keys in the game: golden keys, platinum keys, and war keys. Golden keys are earned from completing cargo shipments or disaster challenges. Platinum keys are earned from winning contests of mayors or wars. War keys are earned from participating in wars or buying war chests. You can use keys to buy exclusive buildings that enhance your city’s appearance and performance.

Interact with Other Players

One of the most fun and exciting features of SimCity BuildIt is the online mode that allows you to connect with other players around the world. You can join clubs, trade materials, participate in wars, compete in contests, and more.

Clubs are groups of players who share a common interest or goal in the game. You can join or create a club with up to 25 members. You can chat with your club members, exchange tips and advice, help each other with requests, and cooperate in wars and contests.

Wars are battles between two clubs that last for two days. You can use war items to attack your opponent’s cities and defend your own. You can also use war boosts to enhance your attacks or defenses. The club with the most war points at the end of the war wins and earns war rewards.

Contests are competitions between players or clubs that last for a week. You can complete various assignments that challenge your city building skills and earn contest points. The more points you earn, the higher you rank in the contest leaderboard. The higher you rank, the better rewards you get.

Why You Should Play SimCity BuildIt?

If you are still not convinced that SimCity BuildIt is a game worth playing, here are some of the reasons why you should give it a try:

Stunning Graphics and Animations

SimCity BuildIt is a game that looks amazing on any mobile device. The game features realistic 3D graphics and animations that bring your city to life. You can zoom in and out of your city and see every detail of your buildings, roads, vehicles, citizens, etc. You can also rotate and tilt your view to see your city from different angles. The game also has dynamic day and night cycles and weather effects that add more realism and variety to your city.

Engaging and Addictive Gameplay

SimCity BuildIt is a game that offers endless possibilities for creativity and fun. The game has a simple yet addictive gameplay that keeps you hooked for hours. You can build your city however you want it to be, without any limitations or restrictions. You can also face various challenges and rewards that keep you motivated and entertained. The game also has online modes that add more excitement and interaction to your gameplay.

Free and Accessible to Everyone

SimCity BuildIt is a game that is free to download and play on any iOS or Android device. The game does not require any registration or subscription to play. The game also does not require any internet connection to play offline mode (except for some online features). The game also has optional in-app purchases that allow you to buy simcash or other items with real money if you want to enhance your gameplay experience.

Tips and Tricks for SimCity BuildIt

If you want to play SimCity BuildIt like a pro, here are some of the tips and tricks that you should know:

Upgrade Your Factories and Stores

One of the most important things to do in SimCity BuildIt is to upgrade your factories and stores as soon as possible. Upgrading your factories and stores will increase their production capacity and efficiency, which means you can produce more materials in less time. This will help you save time and space, and also reduce pollution and traffic. You can upgrade your factories and stores by spending coins or simcash, or by using special items that you can earn from rewards or contests.

Avoid Using Vu Tower Disasters

Another thing to avoid in SimCity BuildIt is using Vu Tower disasters. Vu Tower is a building that allows you to unleash disasters on your city, such as meteor strikes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. The purpose of using disasters is to damage your buildings and earn golden keys from repairing them. However, this is not a good strategy for several reasons. First, using disasters will lower your city’s happiness and population, which will affect your income and taxes. Second, using disasters will consume a lot of resources and time, which you could use for other purposes. Third, using disasters will make your city look ugly and chaotic, which will reduce its attractiveness and uniqueness. Therefore, it is better to skip this feature and earn golden keys from other sources.

Start Your Cargo Shipments Early

A third tip for SimCity BuildIt is to start your cargo shipments early. Cargo shipments are missions that require you to deliver certain materials to a cargo ship that docks at your city’s port. Completing cargo shipments will earn you golden keys, which you can use to buy specializations and landmarks. The trick is to start your cargo shipments as soon as the cargo ship arrives, and not wait until the last minute. This way, you can have more time to produce the required materials, and also avoid missing the deadline. You can also use simcash to speed up the production or delivery process if you are running out of time.


SimCity BuildIt is a fun and creative city building game that you can play on your mobile device. The game allows you to create and manage your own virtual city, with various features and options that suit your preferences and style. The game also has online modes that let you interact with other players around the world, and join clubs, trade materials, participate in wars, compete in contests, and more. The game is free to download and play, with optional in-app purchases that enhance your gameplay experience. If you are looking for a game that combines simulation, strategy, creativity, and fun, then SimCity BuildIt is the game for you.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about SimCity BuildIt:

Question Answer
How do I get more simcash? You can get more simcash by buying it with real money or earning it from achievements, contests, etc.
How do I get more land? You can get more land by expanding your city’s borders with expansion items that you can collect from bubbles or trade with other players.
How do I get more population? You can get more population by building and upgrading residential buildings, providing services and specializations, increasing happiness, etc.
How do I get more storage? You can get more storage by upgrading your storage facilities with storage items that you can collect from bubbles or trade with other players.
How do I get more keys? You can get more keys by completing cargo shipments or disaster challenges (golden keys), winning contests of mayors or wars (platinum keys), or participating in wars or buying war chests (war keys).
