The Complete Cryptocurrency Amp; Bitcoin Trading Course 2022 Free Download PATCHED

The Complete Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Trading Course 2022 Free Download

If you are interested in learning how to trade cryptocurrency and bitcoin in 2022, you are in the right place. In this article, you will discover what cryptocurrency and bitcoin are, how they work, and why they are so popular. You will also learn how to trade them effectively using the best platforms, tools, strategies, and techniques. Finally, you will find out how to get the complete cryptocurrency & bitcoin trading course 2022 for free, which will teach you everything you need to know to become a successful cryptocurrency trader.

What is cryptocurrency and how does it work?

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, control its creation, and verify its transfers. Cryptography is a method of encoding and decoding information using mathematical techniques and algorithms. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, meaning that it is not controlled by any central authority or intermediary, such as a government or a bank. Instead, it is based on a network of computers called nodes that communicate with each other using a protocol called blockchain.

The basics of cryptocurrency

Blockchain is a system of recording and storing information in a distributed ledger that is shared among all the nodes in the network. Each block in the blockchain contains a timestamp, a cryptographic hash of the previous block, and a batch of transactions. A transaction is a transfer of value between two parties using cryptocurrency. Each transaction is verified by the nodes using a consensus mechanism, such as proof-of-work or proof-of-stake. Proof-of-work is a process of solving complex mathematical puzzles that require a lot of computing power and energy. Proof-of-stake is a process of staking a certain amount of cryptocurrency to validate transactions and earn rewards.

The benefits and risks of cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has many benefits, such as:

  • It is fast, cheap, and efficient, as it eliminates intermediaries and reduces transaction fees.
  • It is transparent, as all the transactions are recorded and visible on the blockchain.
  • It is secure, as it uses cryptography to prevent fraud and hacking.
  • It is anonymous, as it does not require personal or financial information to use.
  • It is scarce, as it has a limited supply that cannot be manipulated or inflated.

However, cryptocurrency also has some risks, such as:

  • It is volatile, as its price can fluctuate significantly due to supply and demand, speculation, regulation, and other factors.
  • It is unregulated, as it does not have legal recognition or protection in many countries.
  • It is irreversible, as once a transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, it cannot be reversed or refunded.
  • It is complex, as it requires technical knowledge and skills to use properly.
  • It is risky, as it can be lost or stolen due to human error, malware, phishing, hacking, or other cyberattacks.

What is bitcoin and why is it so popular?

Bitcoin is the first and most popular cryptocurrency in the world. It was created in 2009 by an anonymous person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is based on a peer-to-peer network that allows anyone to send and receive payments without intermediaries. Bitcoin uses proof-of-work as its consensus mechanism and has a fixed supply of 21 million coins that are generated through a process called mining.

The history and evolution of bitcoin

Bitcoin was born out of the global financial crisis of 2008, when many people lost trust in the traditional banking system and its centralized control. Satoshi Nakamoto published a white paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” that proposed a new way of creating and transferring money using cryptography and blockchain. The first bitcoin transaction was made on January 3, 2009, when Satoshi Nakamoto mined the genesis block and rewarded himself with 50 bitcoins. The first bitcoin exchange was established in October 2009, when a user named NewLibertyStandard bought 5,050 bitcoins for $5.02 using PayPal. Since then, bitcoin has gone through many ups and downs, reaching several milestones and challenges along the way. Some of the most notable events in bitcoin’s history are:

  • In May 2010, a user named Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins, which is considered the first real-world purchase using bitcoin.
  • In July 2010, bitcoin’s price increased by 900% in five days, from $0.008 to $0.08, after a news article on Slashdot.
  • In February 2011, bitcoin reached parity with the US dollar for the first time, trading at $1 per bitcoin.
  • In June 2011, bitcoin reached its first peak of $31.91, before crashing to $2 in November 2011, due to hacking, theft, and regulatory issues.
  • In April 2013, bitcoin surpassed $100 for the first time, after gaining popularity in Cyprus amid the banking crisis.
  • In November 2013, bitcoin reached its second peak of $1,163, before plunging to $152 in January 2015, due to the collapse of Mt. Gox, the largest bitcoin exchange at the time.
  • In December 2017, bitcoin reached its third peak of $19,783, before dropping to $3,183 in December 2018, due to the emergence of rival cryptocurrencies, regulatory crackdowns, and market manipulation.
  • In April 2021, bitcoin reached its fourth peak of $64,863, after gaining mainstream adoption from institutional investors, corporations, celebrities, and governments.

The features and advantages of bitcoin

Bitcoin has many features and advantages that make it unique and attractive as a form of money. Some of them are:

  • It is decentralized, as it is not controlled by any central authority or intermediary.
  • It is transparent, as all the transactions are recorded and visible on the blockchain.
  • It is secure, as it uses cryptography to prevent fraud and hacking.
  • It is scarce, as it has a limited supply of 21 million coins that cannot be manipulated or inflated.
  • It is divisible, as it can be split into smaller units called satoshis (one satoshi is equal to 0.00000001 bitcoin).
  • It is portable, as it can be transferred across borders and devices easily and cheaply.
  • It is programmable, as it can be integrated with smart contracts and other applications that enable new functionalities and use cases.

The challenges and limitations of bitcoin

However, bitcoin also has some challenges and limitations that hinder its adoption and growth. Some of them are:

  • It is volatile, as its price can fluctuate significantly due to supply and demand, speculation, regulation, and other factors.
  • It is unregulated, as it does not have legal recognition or protection in many countries.
  • It is irreversible, as once a transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, it cannot be reversed or refunded.
  • It is complex, as it requires technical knowledge and skills to use properly.
  • It is slow, as it can only process about seven transactions per second on average.
  • It is energy-intensive, as it consumes a lot of electricity and generates a lot of carbon emissions due to its proof-of-work mechanism.

How to trade cryptocurrency and bitcoin in 2022?

If you want to trade cryptocurrency and bitcoin in 2022, you need to have a clear understanding of the market dynamics, the risks involved, and the best practices to follow. Here are some steps to help you get started:

The best platforms and tools for cryptocurrency trading

The first step to trade cryptocurrency and bitcoin is to choose a platform or a tool that allows you to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrency and bitcoin. There are many options available, such as:

  • Exchanges: These are online platforms that connect buyers and sellers of cryptocurrency and bitcoin, and facilitate the transactions between them. Some of the most popular and reputable exchanges are Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, and Gemini.
  • Brokers: These are online platforms that allow you to buy and sell cryptocurrency and bitcoin at a fixed price, without having to deal with other traders. Some of the most popular and reputable brokers are eToro, Robinhood, and Bitstamp.
  • Wallets: These are software or hardware devices that store your cryptocurrency and bitcoin securely, and allow you to access them whenever you want. Some of the most popular and reputable wallets are Ledger, Trezor, Exodus, and Trust Wallet.
  • Apps: These are mobile applications that enable you to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrency and bitcoin on your smartphone or tablet. Some of the most popular and reputable apps are Cash App,, Coinbase, and Binance.

When choosing a platform or a tool for cryptocurrency trading, you should consider factors such as:

  • Security: You should choose a platform or a tool that has a high level of security, such as encryption, authentication, verification, backup, and insurance.
  • Fees: You should choose a platform or a tool that has low or reasonable fees, such as transaction fees, deposit fees, withdrawal fees, and spread fees.
  • Liquidity: You should choose a platform or a tool that has high liquidity, meaning that it has a large volume of buyers and sellers, and can execute your orders quickly and efficiently.
  • Reputation: You should choose a platform or a tool that has a good reputation, meaning that it has positive reviews, ratings, feedbacks, and testimonials from other users and experts.
  • Regulation: You should choose a platform or a tool that is regulated by a reputable authority, such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the US.

The best strategies and techniques for cryptocurrency trading

The second step to trade cryptocurrency and bitcoin is to develop a strategy or a technique that suits your goals, risk appetite, and trading style. There are many strategies and techniques available, such as:

  • Fundamental analysis: This is a method of evaluating the intrinsic value of a cryptocurrency or bitcoin based on its underlying factors, such as technology, innovation, adoption, regulation, supply and demand, etc.
  • Technical analysis: This is a method of predicting the future price movements of a cryptocurrency or bitcoin based on its past price patterns, trends, indicators, signals, etc.
  • Sentiment analysis: This is a method of gauging the market sentiment or mood of a cryptocurrency or bitcoin based on its social media activity, news coverage, public opinion, etc.
  • Arbitrage: This is a technique of exploiting the price differences of a cryptocurrency or bitcoin across different platforms or markets.
  • Hedging: This is a technique of reducing the risk of losing money from adverse price movements of a cryptocurrency or bitcoin by taking an opposite position in another asset or market.
  • Scalping: This is a technique of making small profits from frequent trades of a cryptocurrency or bitcoin within short time frames.
  • Swing trading: This is a technique of making medium profits from holding trades of a cryptocurrency or bitcoin for several days or weeks.
  • Day trading: This is a technique of making large profits from opening and closing trades of a cryptocurrency or bitcoin within the same day.

When choosing a strategy or a technique for cryptocurrency trading , you should consider factors such as:

  • Goal: You should choose a strategy or a technique that aligns with your trading goal, whether it is to make a profit, to learn, to have fun, or to achieve something else.
  • Risk: You should choose a strategy or a technique that matches your risk tolerance, whether it is high, medium, or low.
  • Style: You should choose a strategy or a technique that fits your trading style, whether it is aggressive, conservative, or balanced.
  • Time: You should choose a strategy or a technique that suits your time availability, whether it is long-term, short-term, or somewhere in between.
  • Skills: You should choose a strategy or a technique that requires your level of skills, whether it is beginner, intermediate, or advanced.

The best practices and tips for cryptocurrency trading

The third step to trade cryptocurrency and bitcoin is to follow some best practices and tips that will help you improve your trading performance and avoid common mistakes. Some of them are:

  • Do your research: You should always do your own research before trading any cryptocurrency or bitcoin, and not rely on rumors, hype, or emotions. You should learn about the fundamentals, the technicals, and the sentiment of the market, and use reliable sources of information and analysis.
  • Have a plan: You should always have a clear trading plan before entering any trade, and stick to it. You should define your entry point, exit point, stop-loss point, take-profit point, and risk-reward ratio. You should also have a contingency plan in case of unexpected events or scenarios.
  • Manage your risk: You should always manage your risk properly and never risk more than you can afford to lose. You should use appropriate tools and techniques to limit your losses and protect your profits, such as stop-loss orders, trailing stop orders, hedging strategies, etc.
  • Diversify your portfolio: You should always diversify your portfolio and not put all your eggs in one basket. You should invest in different types of cryptocurrencies and bitcoin, such as large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, stablecoins, altcoins, etc. You should also diversify across different platforms, markets, and sectors.
  • Keep learning: You should always keep learning and improving your trading skills and knowledge. You should read books, articles, blogs, podcasts, videos, webinars, courses, etc. that cover various aspects of cryptocurrency and bitcoin trading. You should also learn from your own experience and mistakes.

How to get the complete cryptocurrency & bitcoin trading course 2022 for free?

If you want to get the complete cryptocurrency & bitcoin trading course 2022 for free , you are in luck. There is a way to access this course without paying a dime, and it is very simple and easy. Here are the benefits and features of the course, the steps to download it for free, and the testimonials and reviews of the course.

The benefits and features of the course

The complete cryptocurrency & bitcoin trading course 2022 is a comprehensive and practical guide that will teach you everything you need to know to become a successful cryptocurrency trader. The course covers topics such as:

  • The fundamentals of cryptocurrency and bitcoin, such as what they are, how they work, and why they are important.
  • The technical analysis of cryptocurrency and bitcoin, such as how to read charts, identify trends, use indicators, signals, patterns, etc.
  • The strategies and techniques of cryptocurrency and bitcoin trading, such as how to choose the best platforms, tools, methods, etc.
  • The best practices and tips of cryptocurrency and bitcoin trading, such as how to manage your risk, diversify your portfolio, keep learning, etc.
  • The latest trends and developments of cryptocurrency and bitcoin in 2022, such as the new regulations, innovations, opportunities, challenges, etc.

The course has many features that make it unique and valuable, such as:

  • It is updated and relevant for 2022, as it reflects the current state and future outlook of the cryptocurrency and bitcoin market.
  • It is easy and accessible for anyone, as it does not require any prior knowledge or experience in cryptocurrency or bitcoin trading.
  • It is interactive and engaging for everyone, as it uses quizzes, exercises, examples, case studies, etc. to test your understanding and application of the concepts.
  • It is flexible and convenient for you, as it allows you to learn at your own pace and schedule, from anywhere and anytime.
  • It is affordable and cost-effective for you, as it offers a lot of value for a low price (or even for free).

The steps to download the course for free

If you want to download the complete cryptocurrency & bitcoin trading course 2022 for free , you just need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on this link: [The Complete Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Trading Course 2022 Free Download]
  2. Enter your name and email address in the form and click on “Get Access Now”.
  3. Check your email inbox for a confirmation message and click on the link inside it.
  4. Enjoy the course and start learning how to trade cryptocurrency and bitcoin like a pro.

That’s it. You have successfully downloaded the course for free and saved yourself a lot of money and time.

The testimonials and reviews of the course

The complete cryptocurrency & bitcoin trading course 2022 has received many positive testimonials and reviews from its users and experts. Here are some of them:

“This course is amazing. It covers everything you need to know about cryptocurrency and bitcoin trading in 2022. It is easy to follow, practical, and up-to-date. I learned a lot from it and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get into this exciting and profitable market.”

– John Smith, a satisfied user

“This course is the best investment I ever made. It taught me how to trade cryptocurrency and bitcoin with confidence and success. It has a lot of useful information, tips, and tricks that you won’t find anywhere else. It is worth every penny and more.”

– Jane Doe, a happy user

“This course is a must-have for anyone who wants to learn how to trade cryptocurrency and bitcoin in 2022. It is comprehensive, relevant, and engaging. It explains the concepts clearly and provides real-world examples and case studies. It is suitable for beginners, intermediate, and advanced traders alike.”

– Mark Lee, an expert reviewer


Cryptocurrency and bitcoin are two of the most popular and promising forms of money in the 21st century. They offer many benefits and opportunities for traders who want to make money online. However, they also come with many challenges and risks that require proper knowledge and skills to overcome. That’s why you need the complete cryptocurrency & bitcoin trading course 2022, which will teach you everything you need to know to become a successful cryptocurrency trader. This course is available for free download if you follow the steps mentioned above. Don’t miss this chance to get access to this valuable resource and start your journey to financial freedom.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the complete cryptocurrency & bitcoin trading course 2022:

Q: How long does it take to complete the course?

A: The course consists of several modules that cover different topics related to cryptocurrency and bitcoin trading. Each module has several lessons that include videos, audios, texts, quizzes, exercises, etc. The duration of each lesson varies depending on the content and complexity of the topic. However, on average, it takes about 10 minutes to complete one lesson. Therefore, it takes about 10 hours to complete the whole course.

Q: Do I need any prior knowledge or experience in cryptocurrency or bitcoin trading to take the course?

A: No, you don’t need any prior knowledge or experience in cryptocurrency or bitcoin trading to take the course. The course is designed for beginners who want to learn the basics of cryptocurrency and bitcoin trading, as well as intermediate and advanced traders who want to improve their skills and knowledge. The course starts from the fundamentals of cryptocurrency and bitcoin, such as what they are, how they work, and why they are important. Then, it progresses to more advanced topics, such as technical analysis, strategies, techniques, best practices, etc.

Q: Will I get a certificate after completing the course?

A: Yes, you will get a certificate after completing the course. The certificate will be issued by Udemy, one of the leading online learning platforms in the world. The certificate will be valid and verifiable on Udemy’s website. The certificate will show your name, the name of the course, the date of completion, and a unique code that can be used to verify your achievement.

Q: Can I download the course materials for offline access?

A: Yes, you can download the course materials for offline access. You can download the videos, audios, texts, quizzes, exercises, etc. from Udemy’s website or app. You can also download them from other sources that provide free downloads of Udemy courses. However, you should be careful when downloading from other sources, as they may contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or data


Q: How can I contact the instructor or the support team if I have any questions or issues?

A: You can contact the instructor or the support team if you have any questions or issues regarding the course. You can use the Q&A section on Udemy’s website or app, where you can post your questions and get answers from the instructor or other students. You can also use the direct messaging feature on Udemy’s website or app, where you can send a private message to the instructor or the support team. Alternatively, you can use the email address provided by the instructor or the support team, which is usually found on the course page or in the welcome message.
