Table Football Game !!EXCLUSIVE!!

Table Football Game: A Fun and Competitive Hobby

Do you love playing football, but don’t have enough space, time, or teammates to enjoy it? Do you want to have a fun and exciting activity that you can do with your friends, family, or colleagues? Do you want to challenge your skills, strategies, and sportsmanship in a fast-paced and thrilling game? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might want to try table football game.

Table football game, also known as foosball or table soccer, is a table-top game that is loosely based on association football. The aim of the game is to move the ball into the opponent’s goal by manipulating rods which have figures attached. Although rules often vary by country and region when the game is played casually, at the competitive level table football game is played according to a unified code.

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about table football game, from its history and origin, to its rules and equipment, to its benefits and challenges. We will also show you how to play table football game, how to improve your table football game, and how to find resources and opportunities for table football game. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of this fun and competitive hobby, and hopefully, you will be inspired to give it a try.

What is table football game?

Table football game is a game that simulates a real game of football on a miniature scale. It involves using figures mounted on rotating bars to kick a ball into the opposing goal. Table football tables can vary in size, but a typical table is about 120 centimetres (3.9 ft) long and 61 centimetres (2.00 ft) wide. The table usually contains eight rows of foos men, which are plastic, metal, wooden, or sometimes carbon-fibre figures mounted on horizontal metal bars.

The history and origin of table football game

The exact origin of table football game is unclear, as there are several claims and patents for similar table games dating back as early as the 1890s in Spain, Europe. However, some of the most notable inventors of table football game are:

  • Harold Searles Thornton from the United Kingdom, who patented the game as “Apparatus for playing a game of table football” in 1921. He invented a football game that people could play in their homes due to the popularity of association football in Europe.
  • Lucien Rosengart from France, who came up with the game of “baby foot” in the 1930s when he was looking for things to keep his grandchildren entertained during the cold winter months. He used wooden matches as players and a cork as a ball.
  • Alejandro Finisterre from Spain, who patented his invention of “futbolín” in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War in 1937. He was inspired by the wounded children who could not play outdoor sports. His version of the game is the one used in modern-day table football.

The game was eventually brought to the United States in the 1950s by Lawrence Patterson, reaching its peak of popularity there in the 1970s, when it could be found in bars and pool halls everywhere throughout the country. In 2002, the International Table Soccer Federation (ITSF) was established in France with the aim of promoting the sport and organizing international tournaments. Today, table football game is played and enjoyed by millions of people around the world, both as a hobby and as a professional sport.

The rules and equipment of table football game

The rules of table football game can vary depending on the location, the level of play, and the preferences of the players. However, there are some general rules that are commonly followed by most players. These include:

  • The game is played by two teams of one or two players each, with four rods per team. The players can only use their hands to manipulate the rods and the figures.
  • The game starts with a coin toss to decide which team serves first. The ball is placed at the center of the table and the serving team can flick it into play. The ball must touch at least two figures before it can enter the goal.
  • The game is played until one team scores a predetermined number of goals, usually five, ten, or eleven. The team that scores the last goal wins the game. If the score is tied at the end of the game, a sudden death or overtime period is played until one team scores a goal.
  • The players must not spin, lift, or move the rods in an illegal way that would give them an unfair advantage or damage the table. The players must also not distract, touch, or interfere with their opponents during the game. Any violation of these rules results in a foul and a free shot for the other team.

The equipment of table football game consists of a table, rods, figures, balls, handles, bumpers, and bearings. The quality and design of these components can affect the performance and durability of the table football game. Some of the factors to consider when choosing a table football table are:

  • The size and weight of the table, which should be stable and sturdy enough to withstand vigorous play.
  • The material and shape of the figures, which should be balanced and smooth to allow for precise control and shot accuracy.
  • The type and number of balls, which should be suitable for the surface and style of play. The balls can be made of plastic, cork, wood, or metal, and can have different textures and colors.
  • The grip and comfort of the handles, which should be ergonomic and non-slip to prevent hand fatigue and blisters.
  • The smoothness and speed of the rods, which should be lubricated and aligned properly to allow for easy movement and rotation.
  • The cushioning and protection of the bumpers, which should be soft and durable to prevent damage to the table and the rods.
  • The quality and maintenance of the bearings, which should be clean and free from dirt and dust to reduce friction and noise.

The benefits and challenges of table football game

Table football game is not only a fun and entertaining game, but also a beneficial and challenging one. Some of the benefits of playing table football game are:

  • It improves your hand-eye coordination, reflexes, dexterity, and motor skills.
  • It enhances your cognitive abilities, such as concentration, memory, decision-making, problem-solving, and strategy.
  • It boosts your physical fitness, as it burns calories, increases your heart rate, strengthens your muscles, and relieves stress.
  • It fosters your social skills, as it encourages communication, cooperation, teamwork, friendship, and sportsmanship.
  • It stimulates your creativity, as it allows you to express yourself through your style of play and customize your own table football table.

Some of the challenges of playing table football game are:

  • It requires practice, patience, persistence, and passion to master the skills and techniques of the game.
  • It demands discipline, respect, honesty, and fairness to follow the rules and etiquette of the game.
  • It involves competition, pressure, frustration, and disappointment to cope with winning and losing in the game.

How to play table football game?

Now that you know what table football game is, you might be wondering how to play it. Well, playing table football game is not as hard as it may seem, as long as you learn the basic skills and techniques of the game. Here are some of the most important ones:

The basic skills and techniques of table football game

The basic skills and techniques of table football game are:

  • The grip: The way you hold the handles of the rods affects your control and power of the figures. There are different types of grips, such as the standard grip, the open-handed grip, the snake grip, and the rollover grip. The best grip for you depends on your preference and style of play. However, regardless of the type of grip, you should always keep your wrists relaxed and flexible, and avoid squeezing the handles too hard.
  • The shot: The way you kick the ball with the figures determines your accuracy and speed of the shot. There are different types of shots, such as the push shot, the pull shot, the snake shot, the tic-tac shot, and the bank shot. The best shot for you depends on your position and situation in the game. However, regardless of the type of shot, you should always aim for the corners of the goal, and avoid hitting the ball too high or too low.
  • The pass: The way you move the ball from one rod to another enables you to create opportunities and avoid turnovers. There are different types of passes, such as the wall pass, the lane pass, the brush pass, and the chip pass. The best pass for you depends on your formation and strategy in the game. However, regardless of the type of pass, you should always look for open spaces, and avoid passing to your opponent’s figures.
  • The defense: The way you block your opponent’s shots and passes prevents them from scoring and gaining possession. There are different types of defenses, such as the zone defense, the man-to-man defense, the two-bar defense, and the one-man defense. The best defense for you depends on your opponent’s skills and tactics in the game. However, regardless of the type of defense, you should always keep your figures in motion, and avoid leaving gaps in your goal.

The common strategies and tactics of table football game

Besides mastering the basic skills and techniques of table football game, you also need to develop some strategies and tactics to outsmart and outplay your opponent. Some of the common strategies and tactics of table football game are:

  • The formation: The way you arrange your figures on each rod affects your offense and defense in the game. There are different types of formations, such as 1-2-5-3 (one goalie, two defenders, five midfielders, three forwards), 1-3-5-2 (one goalie, three defenders, five midfielders, two forwards), 2-5-3 (two goalies, five midfielders, three forwards), and 3-5-2 (three goalies or defenders, five midfielders, two forwards). The best formation for you depends on your strengths and weaknesses in the game. However, regardless of the type of formation, you should always balance your attack and defense, and adapt to your opponent’s formation.
  • The tempo: The way you control the pace and rhythm of the game affects your energy and momentum in the game. There are different types of tempo, such as fast, slow, or mixed. The best tempo for you depends on your skills and stamina in the game. However, regardless of the type of tempo, you should always vary your speed and timing, and avoid being predictable or rushed.
  • The style: The way you express your personality and flair in the game affects your enjoyment and satisfaction in the game. There are different types of style, such as aggressive, defensive, creative, or technical. The best style for you depends on your preference and attitude in the game. However, regardless of the type of style, you should always have fun and be confident, and avoid being arrogant or boring.

The etiquette and sportsmanship of table football game

Finally, playing table football game is not only about winning or losing, but also about respecting and appreciating the game and your opponent. Some of the etiquette and sportsmanship of table football game are:

  • The handshake: Before and after each game, you should shake hands with your opponent and congratulate them on their performance. This shows that you acknowledge their effort and skill, and that you value their friendship and competition.
  • The compliment: During and after each game, you should compliment your opponent on their good shots, passes, or defenses. This shows that you recognize their talent and ability, and that you encourage their improvement and development.
  • The apology: During and after each game, you should apologize to your opponent for any mistakes, fouls, or distractions that you may have caused. This shows that you admit your fault and responsibility, and that you respect their feelings and rights.
  • The honesty: During and after each game, you should be honest with yourself and your opponent about the score, the rules, and the outcome of the game. This shows that you trust your integrity and honor, and that you expect their fairness and justice.

How to improve your table football game?

Playing table football game is not only a fun and competitive hobby, but also a rewarding and challenging one. If you want to improve your table football game, here are some tips that can help you:

The best practices and tips for table football game

Some of the best practices and tips for table football game are:

  • Practice regularly: The more you play table football game, the more you will improve your skills, techniques, strategies, and tactics. You can practice alone or with a partner, at home or at a club, online or offline. You can also watch videos or read books on table football game to learn from the experts.
  • Experiment with different options: The more you try different things in table football game, the more you will discover what works best for you. You can experiment with different grips, shots, passes, defenses, formations, tempos, and styles. You can also experiment with different tables, rods, figures, balls, handles, bumpers, and bearings. You can also experiment with different opponents, levels, modes, and formats of the game.
  • Learn from your feedback: The more you analyze your performance in table football game, the more you will identify your strengths and weaknesses. You can learn from your feedback by reviewing your games, recording your statistics, asking for advice, or joining a community. You can also learn from your feedback by setting goals, tracking your progress, celebrating your achievements, or overcoming your challenges.

The common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid in table football game

Some of the common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid in table football game are:

  • Spinning the rods: Spinning the rods is when you rotate the rods more than 360 degrees before or after striking the ball. This is considered a foul and a bad habit in table football game, as it reduces your control and accuracy of the figures and the ball. It also damages the table and the rods, and annoys your opponent.
  • Lifting the table: Lifting the table is when you raise or tilt the table to influence the movement of the ball. This is also considered a foul and a bad habit in table football game, as it violates the spirit and fairness of the game. It also risks injuring yourself or others, and breaking the table.
  • Distracting your opponent: Distracting your opponent is when you use words or actions to interfere with their concentration or enjoyment of the game. This is also considered a foul and a bad habit in table football game, as it shows disrespect and rudeness to your opponent. It also backfires on you, as it makes you look insecure and unprofessional.

The resources and opportunities for table football game

Some of the resources and opportunities for table football game are:

  • The clubs and associations: There are many clubs and associations that offer facilities, equipment, coaching, events, and competitions for table football game enthusiasts. You can join a club or an association near you to meet other players, learn new skills, have fun, and challenge yourself.
  • The websites and apps: There are many websites and apps that provide information, education, entertainment, and communication for table football game fans. You can visit a website or download an app to find out more about the game, watch videos, read articles, play online games, chat with other users, and more.
  • The tournaments and championships: There are many tournaments and championships that organize official matches and awards for table football game players. You can participate in a tournament or a championship to test your skills, compete with others, win prizes, and earn recognition.


Table football game is a fun and competitive hobby that can bring you many benefits and challenges. It can improve your physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being, as well as your creativity and personality. It can also provide you with many resources and opportunities to learn, play, and grow as a table football game player.

Summary of the main points

In this article, we have covered the following topics:

  • What is table football game?
  • How to play table football game?
  • How to improve your table football game?

Call to action

If you are interested in table football game, we encourage you to give it a try. You can start by finding a table football table near you, or buying one online. You can also join a club or an association, visit a website or an app, or participate in a tournament or a championship. You can also invite your friends, family, or colleagues to play with you, or make new friends along the way. You will soon discover the joy and excitement of table football game, and become a better player and person.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about table football game:

  • Q: How much does a table football table cost?
  • A: The price of a table football table depends on the quality, design, and brand of the table. A basic table can cost around $100 to $200, while a professional table can cost up to $1000 or more.
  • Q: How long does a table football game last?
  • A: The duration of a table football game depends on the number of goals set by the players. A typical game can last from 10 to 20 minutes, while a tournament game can last up to 30 minutes.
  • Q: How many players can play table football game?
  • A: Table football game can be played by two or four players, with one or two players per team. However, some tables can accommodate up to six or eight players, with three or four players per team.
  • Q: What are the best brands of table football tables?
  • A: Some of the best brands of table football tables are Tornado, Bonzini, Garlando, Kicker, Warrior, and Fireball.
  • Q: Where can I find more information about table football game?
  • A: You can find more information about table football game on the following websites:
    • [International Table Soccer Federation]: The official website of the ITSF, which organizes world championships and other events for table football game.
    • []: A comprehensive website that provides news, articles, videos, forums, and more for table football game enthusiasts.
    • [Foosball Zone]: A helpful website that offers tips, guides, reviews, and more for table football game beginners and experts.
