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Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy: A Guide to the Most Frustrating Game Ever

If you are looking for a game that will test your patience, skill, and sanity, look no further than Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. This game is a punishing climbing simulator that will make you rage, laugh, cry, and question your life choices. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this game, from its origin and gameplay to its tips and tricks. We will also show you how to get the modded version of the game that will make your experience even more interesting. So, grab your hammer and kettle, and let’s get over it!

What is Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy?

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a video game developed by Bennett Foddy, an Australian game designer and academic. The game was released in October 2017 as part of the Humble Bundle monthly subscription service, and later on Steam in December 2017. The game is also available for iOS and Android devices.

The premise and gameplay of Getting Over It

The premise of the game is simple: you play as a man named Diogenes who is stuck in a metal kettle, and you have to use a sledgehammer to climb a mountain of random objects. Sounds easy, right? Well, not quite. The game is notorious for its brutal difficulty and unforgiving physics. There are no checkpoints, no save points, no undo buttons. If you make a mistake, you can lose all your progress in an instant. And trust us, you will make a lot of mistakes.

The gameplay of the game is equally simple: you move the hammer with the mouse or touch screen, and you use it to hook, push, pull, or swing yourself up the mountain. You can also use the hammer to balance yourself or adjust your position. However, the game requires a lot of precision, timing, coordination, and practice to master. You will have to deal with slippery surfaces, narrow gaps, steep slopes, moving platforms, and other obstacles that will try to stop you from reaching the top.

The developer and history of Getting Over It

The developer of the game is Bennett Foddy, who is known for creating other challenging and quirky games such as QWOP, GIRP, CLOP, Super Pole Riders, Ape Out, and more. Foddy is also a professor at New York University’s Game Center, where he teaches game design and programming.

Foddy said that he was inspired by a 2002 game called Sexy Hiking, which was made by a Czech developer named Jazzuo. Sexy Hiking also featured a man with a hammer who had to climb a mountain of objects. Foddy wanted to create a tribute to Jazzuo’s game, but also add his own twist to it. He said that he wanted to make a game that was “about the relationship between frustration and satisfaction”. He also wanted to make a game that was “about giving up”. He said

The speedrun records and achievements of Getting Over It

If you are feeling adventurous and competitive, you might want to try speedrunning Getting Over It. Speedrunning is the act of completing a game as fast as possible, usually with some rules and categories. There are many speedrunners who have attempted to beat Getting Over It in record time, and some of them have achieved incredible feats.

According to the website, the current world record for the fastest glitchless completion of Getting Over It is 1 minute and 13.2 seconds, achieved by a player named Blastbolt. This means that he did not use any glitches or exploits to skip parts of the game. He used a mouse and keyboard to control the hammer, and he performed some amazing moves and jumps to reach the top of the mountain in a blink of an eye.

However, some speedrunners have used glitches and exploits to beat the game even faster. For example, there is a glitch that allows you to launch yourself into the air by flicking the hammer at a certain angle and speed. This glitch can be used to skip most of the game and reach the end in seconds. The current world record for the fastest glitched completion of Getting Over It is 56.717 seconds, achieved by a player named Lumord. He used a modded version of the game that allowed him to change the gravity and speed settings, and he also used a script that automated some of his movements.

Of course, speedrunning is not for everyone, and it requires a lot of practice, skill, and luck. Most players will never be able to beat Getting Over It in such a short time, but they can still enjoy watching others do it. There are many videos and streams of speedruns on YouTube and Twitch, where you can see how different players approach the game and overcome its challenges.

How to get the modded version of Getting Over It?

If you are bored or curious about Getting Over It, you might want to try the modded version of the game. The modded version is a modified version of the game that adds new features, options, and changes to the original game. Some of these features include:

The benefits and features of the modded version

  • You can change the size, shape, color, and texture of your pot and hammer.
  • You can change the gravity, friction, speed, and sensitivity of the game.
  • You can teleport to any location on the map, or create your own custom map.
  • You can enable or disable no-clip mode, which allows you to pass through objects and walls.
  • You can play online multiplayer with other players who have the modded version.
  • You can access a debug menu that lets you tweak various aspects of the game.
  • You can listen to different music tracks or sound effects.

The modded version can make the game easier, harder, funnier, or weirder. It can also give you more freedom and creativity to explore and experiment with the game. However, it can also cause some problems and risks.

The steps and precautions to download the modded version

If you want to download and install the modded version of Getting Over It, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have a copy of the original game on your computer. You can buy it from Steam or other platforms.
  2. Make a backup of your original game files. You will need them in case something goes wrong or you want to revert back to the original game.
  3. Download the modded version from a reliable source. There are many websites and forums where you can find links to download mods for Getting Over It. However, some of them might be unsafe or outdated. One of the most popular sources is Anjo2’s Getting Over It Modpack, which is a tool that lets you modify Getting Over It as you play.
  4. Extract the modded files into your game folder. Depending on which mod you download, you might need to replace some files or add new ones. Usually, you will need to replace or add files in the “GettingOverit_Data” folder or the “Managed” folder. Make sure you follow the instructions that come with the mod.
  5. Launch the game and enjoy! You should be able to see a menu or a button that lets you access the mod features. You can also use keyboard shortcuts or commands to activate them.

However, before you download and install any mod for Getting Over It, you should be aware of some precautions:

  • Some mods might not work with certain versions of the game.
  • Some mods might be incompatible with each other or cause conflicts or errors.
  • Some mods might contain viruses, malware, or other harmful software that can damage your computer or steal your personal information.
  • Some mods might violate the terms of service or the intellectual property rights of the original game developer or publisher.
  • Some mods might affect your game performance, stability, or quality.

Therefore, you should always be careful and cautious when downloading and installing any mod for Getting Over It. You should only download mods from trusted sources, scan them for viruses, and backup your game files. You should also respect the rights and wishes of the original game developer and publisher, and not distribute or share any modded files without their permission. You should also be prepared to face any consequences or risks that might arise from using mods, such as losing your progress, crashing your game, or getting banned.

The comparison and review of the modded version

So, how does the modded version of Getting Over It compare to the original version? Well, that depends on your personal preference and taste. Some players might enjoy the modded version more, while others might prefer the original version. Here are some pros and cons of the modded version:

Pros Cons
You can customize your pot and hammer to suit your style. You might lose the charm and challenge of the original game.
You can adjust the game settings to make it easier or harder. You might ruin the balance and design of the game.
You can teleport to any location or create your own map. You might miss out on the exploration and discovery of the game.
You can play online multiplayer with other players. You might encounter hackers, cheaters, or trolls.
You can access a debug menu and tweak various aspects of the game. You might encounter bugs, glitches, or crashes.

In conclusion, the modded version of Getting Over It can be a fun and interesting way to experience the game in a different way. However, it can also be a risky and problematic way to alter the game in a way that it was not intended to be. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether you want to try the modded version or stick to the original version. Either way, we hope you have fun and get over it!

Conclusion and FAQs

We hope you enjoyed this article about Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy, one of the most frustrating games ever made. In this article, we told you what Getting Over It is, why it is so hard and frustrating, how to beat it with tips and tricks, and how to get the modded version of it. We hope you learned something new and useful from this article, and we hope you have a great time playing Getting Over It!

If you have any questions or comments about Getting Over It or this article, feel free to leave them below. We will try to answer them as soon as possible. Here are some frequently asked questions that you might find helpful:

FAQ 1: How long is Getting Over It?

The length of Getting Over It depends on your skill level, luck, and persistence. Some players can beat the game in minutes, while others can take hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. The average time to beat the game is around 5 hours, but this can vary widely depending on how often you play and how much progress you make. The game has no end credits or final cutscene; once you reach the top of the mountain, you can either continue playing or quit the game.

FAQ 2: What is the reward for beating Getting Over It?

The reward for beating Getting Over It is mostly personal satisfaction and pride. You can also unlock some achievements on Steam or other platforms if you beat the game under certain conditions. For example, you can unlock an achievement called “Golden God” if you beat the game without falling below 10 meters. However, there is no tangible reward for beating Getting Over It; you will not get any money, items, trophies, medals, or anything like that. The only thing you will get is a sense of accomplishment and relief.

FAQ 3: Who is Bennett Foddy?

Bennett Foddy is the developer and narrator of Getting Over It. He is an Australian game designer and academic who is known for creating challenging and quirky games such as QW

FAQ 4: What is the meaning of Getting Over It?

Getting Over It is a game that can have different meanings for different players. Some might see it as a metaphor for life, where you have to overcome obstacles and setbacks, and where you have to accept failure and frustration. Some might see it as a challenge, where you have to prove your skill and perseverance, and where you have to compete with yourself and others. Some might see it as a joke, where you have to laugh at the absurdity and randomness of the game, and where you have to enjoy the humor and sarcasm of the narrator. Some might see it as a torture, where you have to endure the pain and anger of the game, and where you have to question your sanity and motivation. Ultimately, the meaning of Getting Over It is up to you to decide.

FAQ 5: How to uninstall Getting Over It?

If you want to uninstall Getting Over It from your computer or device, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Steam or the platform where you bought the game.
  2. Go to your library or list of games.
  3. Right-click or tap on Getting Over It.
  4. Select “Uninstall” or “Delete” from the menu.
  5. Confirm your choice and wait for the process to finish.

If you want to uninstall the modded version of Getting Over It, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the folder where you installed the modded version of the game.
  2. Delete all the files that belong to the modded version.
  3. Restore your original game files from your backup.
  4. Launch the original game and check if everything is working properly.
