Download Clash Mini For Ios PATCHED

Download Clash Mini for iOS: A Fun and Strategic Board Game in the Clash Universe

If you are a fan of the Clash games, such as Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, you might be interested in trying out a new member of the Clash family: Clash Mini. This is a fun and strategic board game that lets you collect, summon, and upgrade your army of Minis in an exciting real-time auto battler. You can predict your opponent’s moves and then assemble your winning strategy and formation. You can also watch your Minis come to life and clash to be the last one standing.

In this article, we will show you how to download Clash Mini for iOS, how to play it, what features it has, and what tips and tricks you can use to improve your skills. We will also tell you when the game will be available globally and what updates are coming soon. So, if you are ready to join the mini madness in the Clash universe, read on!

How to Download Clash Mini for iOS

Clash Mini is currently available only on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. However, it is not yet released globally. The game is in beta stage and it is only accessible in some countries, such as Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Singapore, Chile, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines. If you are not in these regions, you will have to wait until the game is launched worldwide.

If you are in one of these countries where the game is available, here are the steps to download Clash Mini for iOS:

  1. Check if your device is compatible with the game. You need iOS 10.0 or later to run it.
  2. Visit the App Store and search for “Clash Mini”. You can also use this link to go directly to the game page.
  3. Tap on the Get button and install the game on your device.

That’s it! You can now open the game and start playing.

How to Play Clash Mini

Clash Mini is a game of choices, where you have to duel and outwit others in a fun, strategy-packed board game. Here are some of the basics of how to play it:

The basics of the game: Collect, summon, and upgrade your army of Minis

In Clash Mini, you have an army of Minis that you can use to fight against other players. Minis are cute versions of the familiar characters from the Clash universe, such as Barbarians, Archers , and Wizards. You can collect different Minis by opening chests or buying them with coins or gems. You can also upgrade your Minis to make them stronger and unlock new abilities.

You can summon up to five Minis per round on a 3×3 board. Each Mini has a cost, a health, an attack, and a special ability. You have to balance your budget and your strategy to create the best formation possible. You can also rearrange your Minis before each round to adapt to your opponent’s moves.

The modes of the game: 1v1 and Rumble mode

Clash Mini has two main modes of play: 1v1 and Rumble mode. In 1v1 mode, you can challenge other players in a best-of-three match. You can choose between casual or ranked mode, depending on your preference. In casual mode, you can play for fun and practice your skills without affecting your trophies. In ranked mode, you can compete for trophies and climb the leaderboards.

In Rumble mode, you can join a team of four players and battle against another team in a best-of-five match. You can cooperate with your teammates and use your Minis’ abilities to support each other. You can also chat with your team and use emojis to communicate.

The strategy of the game: Anticipate, arrange, and adjust your Minis

Clash Mini is not just a game of luck, but also a game of skill and strategy. You have to anticipate what your opponent will do and then arrange your Minis accordingly. You also have to adjust your strategy as the game progresses and react to the changing board state.

Some of the factors that you have to consider when playing Clash Mini are:

  • The position of your Minis: You have to place your Minis in the optimal spots on the board to maximize their potential. For example, you might want to put your ranged Minis in the back row to avoid being attacked by melee Minis, or you might want to put your tanky Minis in the front row to protect your weaker ones.
  • The synergy of your Minis: You have to choose Minis that work well together and complement each other’s abilities. For example, you might want to pair up a Mini that deals splash damage with a Mini that stuns enemies, or you might want to pair up a Mini that heals allies with a Mini that boosts their attack.
  • The timing of your Minis’ abilities: You have to activate your Minis’ abilities at the right moment to gain an advantage over your opponent. For example, you might want to use a Mini’s ability that deals damage at the start of the round to eliminate an enemy Mini before it can act, or you might want to use a Mini’s ability that shields allies at the end of the round to survive an enemy’s attack.

By using these factors, you can create a winning strategy and defeat your opponent in Clash Mini.

Clash Mini Features and Tips

Clash Mini is not only a fun and strategic game, but also a game with many features and tips that you can enjoy and use. Here are some of them:

The characters of the game: Heroes and Minis with unique abilities

Clash Mini has many characters that you can collect and use in the game. There are two types of characters: Heroes and Minis.

Heroes are powerful characters that lead your army of Minis. They have higher stats and more complex abilities than Minis. They also have passive skills that affect all your Minis on the board. You can choose one Hero per match from a pool of four random Heroes.

Minis are cute characters that fight for you on the board. They have lower stats and simpler abilities than Heroes. They also have different rarities: Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. The higher the rarity, the harder it is to get them, but the stronger they are.

Some examples of Heroes and Minis are:

Hero Mini
King: A melee Hero that deals high damage and stuns enemies with his hammer. Barbarian: A common melee Mini that charges at enemies with his sword.
Queen: A ranged Hero that shoots arrows and summons archers with her bow. Archer: A common ranged Mini that shoots arrows at enemies from afar.
Goblin King: A melee Hero that steals coins and gems from enemies with his dagger. Goblin: A rare melee Mini that deals extra damage to enemies with coins or gems.
Witch: A ranged Hero that summons skeletons and heals allies with her staff. Skeleton: An epic melee Mini that revives after being killed once.
Dragon: A legendary flying Hero that breathes fire and burns enemies with his wings. Baby Dragon: A legendary flying Mini that breathes fire at enemies in a cone.

You can learn more about the Heroes and Minis in the game by visiting the Clash Mini website or the Clash Mini wiki.

The customization of the game: Skins and quests

Clash Mini also allows you to customize your game experience by using skins and quests. Skins are cosmetic items that change the appearance of your Heroes and Minis. You can unlock skins by opening chests or buying them with gems. You can also mix and match different skins to create your own unique look.

Quests are challenges that reward you with coins, gems, chests, or skins. You can complete quests by playing the game and achieving certain goals, such as winning matches, using specific Minis, or activating abilities. You can also get daily quests and seasonal quests that refresh regularly.

The tips and tricks of the game: Positioning, upgrading, and special abilities

Clash Mini is a game that requires skill and strategy, but also some tips and tricks that can help you improve your performance. Here are some of them:

  • Positioning: The position of your Minis on the board can make a big difference in the outcome of the match. You have to consider the range, the direction, and the area of effect of your Minis’ attacks and abilities. You also have to avoid placing your Minis in spots where they can be easily targeted or countered by your opponent’s Minis.
  • Upgrading: The level of your Minis affects their stats and abilities. You can upgrade your Minis by using coins or gems, or by merging duplicate Minis. You can also use star points to unlock new abilities for your Minis. Upgrading your Minis can give you an edge over your opponent, especially if you have a higher level than them.
  • Special abilities: The special abilities of your Minis are powerful effects that can change the course of the match. You can activate them by tapping on your Minis during the round. However, you have to be careful about when and how to use them. Some abilities have a cooldown, a cost, or a condition that you have to consider before using them. You also have to avoid wasting them or using them at the wrong time.

By using these tips and tricks, you can master Clash Mini and become a mini champion.

Clash Mini Release Date and Availability

Clash Mini is still in development and it is not yet available globally. The game is currently in beta stage and it is only accessible in some countries, such as Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Singapore, Chile, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines. If you are not in these regions, you will have to wait until the game is launched worldwide.

The developers of Clash Mini have not announced an official release date for the game yet. However, they have stated that they are working hard to make the game ready for a global launch as soon as possible. They have also promised to add more features and updates to the game in the future, such as new Heroes, new Minis, new modes, new skins, new quests, and more.

If you want to stay updated on the latest news and announcements about Clash Mini, you can follow their social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Discord. You can also sign up for their newsletter on their website to get notified when the game is available in your country.


Clash Mini is a fun and strategic board game in the Clash universe that lets you collect, summon, and upgrade your army of Minis in an exciting real-time auto battler. You can predict your opponent’s moves and then assemble your winning strategy and formation. You can also watch your Minis come to life and clash to be the last one standing.

In this article, we have shown you how to download Clash Mini for iOS, how to play it, what features it has , and what tips and tricks you can use to improve your skills. We have also told you when the game will be available globally and what updates are coming soon.

If you are looking for a new and exciting game to play on your iOS device, you should definitely give Clash Mini a try. It is a game that combines fun, strategy, and creativity in a mini package. You will surely enjoy collecting and customizing your Minis, dueling and outwitting other players, and exploring the Clash universe in a new way.

So, what are you waiting for? Download Clash Mini for iOS today and join the mini madness!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Clash Mini:

Q1: What is the difference between Clash Mini and other Clash games?

A1: Clash Mini is a board game that is set in the Clash universe, but it has a different gameplay and style than other Clash games. Unlike Clash of Clans or Clash Royale, where you build bases or decks and fight in real-time strategy battles, Clash Mini is an auto battler where you collect and summon Minis on a 3×3 board and watch them fight automatically. Clash Mini also has a different art style than other Clash games, as it features cute and chibi versions of the familiar characters from the Clash universe.

Q2: How can I provide feedback or report bugs for Clash Mini?

A2: You can provide feedback or report bugs for Clash Mini by using the in-game support system. You can access it by tapping on the settings icon on the top right corner of the screen, then tapping on “Help and Support”. You can then choose from various options, such as “Contact Us”, “Report a Problem”, or “Feedback”. You can also join the official Discord server of Clash Mini and share your thoughts and suggestions with the developers and other players.

Q3: How can I connect with other Clash Mini players?

A3: You can connect with other Clash Mini players by using the in-game chat system or by joining the official social media accounts of Clash Mini. You can chat with other players in the game by tapping on the chat icon on the bottom left corner of the screen. You can also use emojis to express yourself. You can join the official social media accounts of Clash Mini by following them on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Discord. You can also visit their website or their wiki to learn more about the game.

Q4: How can I earn more coins and gems in Clash Mini?

A4: You can earn more coins and gems in Clash Mini by playing the game and completing quests. You can get coins and gems by winning matches, opening chests, or completing daily or seasonal quests. You can also buy coins or gems with real money by using the in-game shop. However, you should be careful about spending your coins or gems wisely, as they are limited resources that you need to upgrade your Minis or unlock skins.

Q5: How can I watch Clash Mini gameplay videos or guides?

A5: You can watch Clash Mini gameplay videos or guides by visiting the official YouTube channel of Clash Mini or by searching for other YouTube channels that feature Clash Mini content. You can also watch live streams of Clash Mini on Twitch or other streaming platforms. You can learn from watching how other players play the game, what strategies they use, what Minis they choose, and what tips they share.
