Ice Cream 3 Apk

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Ice Cream 3 APK: A Guide to Download and Play the Game

If you are looking for a fun, thrilling, and scary game to play on your Android device, you might want to check out Ice Cream 3 APK. This game is a horror adventure game where you have to hide from an evil ice-cream seller who has kidnapped your friend and other children. You have to solve puzzles, explore different scenarios, and rescue the frozen kids from his van. In this article, we will give you a guide on how to download and install Ice Cream 3 APK on your device, how to play the game, some tips and tricks for playing better, a review of the game, and some FAQs. Let’s get started!

What is Ice Cream 3 APK?

Ice Cream 3 APK is a horror adventure game developed by Keplerians Horror Games. It is the third installment in the Ice Scream series, which started in 2019. The game follows the story of Rod, an ice-cream seller who has a mysterious superpower that allows him to freeze people with his ice-cream. He uses this power to kidnap children and take them to his secret lair. You play as one of his neighbors who witnesses him kidnapping your friend Mike. You decide to follow him into his van and try to save Mike and other children from his clutches.

The game features:

  • Stunning graphics and sound effects that create a creepy atmosphere
  • Immersive gameplay that lets you interact with objects, hide from Rod, and solve puzzles
  • Different scenarios that you can travel to with Rod’s van, such as a carnival, a supermarket, a cemetery, etc.
  • A variety of puzzles and challenges that test your logic, memory, and reflexes
  • Three modes (ghost, normal, and hard) that offer different levels of difficulty
  • 40 levels that you can complete in each mode
  • A horror game without bloody scenes, suitable for all audiences

How to Download and Install Ice Cream 3 APK on Your Device

If you want to play Ice Cream 3 APK on your Android device, you will need to download and install it manually. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Go to a trusted website that offers Ice Cream 3 APK file for download, such as [APKPure] or [APKCombo].
  2. Click on the download button and wait for the file to be downloaded to your device.
  3. Once the file is downloaded, go to your device’s settings and enable the installation of apps from unknown sources. This will allow you to install Ice Cream 3 APK on your device.
  4. Locate the Ice Cream 3 APK file on your device and tap on it to start the installation process.
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen and wait for the installation to be completed.
  6. Launch the game and enjoy playing Ice Cream 3 APK on your device.

How to Play Ice Cream 3 APK

Ice Cream 3 APK is a horror adventure game that requires you to use your wits, skills, and courage to save your friend and other children from Rod, the ice-cream seller. The game has a simple and intuitive control system that lets you move around, interact with objects, hide from Rod, and solve puzzles. Here is a summary of how to play the game:

  • The game starts with a cutscene that shows Rod kidnapping your friend Mike. You decide to follow him into his van and try to save him.
  • You will find yourself inside Rod’s van, which is his mobile base. You can explore the van and find clues, items, and secrets that will help you in your mission.
  • You can also use the map on the wall of the van to travel to different scenarios, such as a carnival, a supermarket, a cemetery, etc. Each scenario has its own puzzles and challenges that you need to solve in order to rescue the children.
  • You can switch between three modes (ghost, normal, and hard) that offer different levels of difficulty. In ghost mode, Rod cannot see you or hear you, so you can explore freely. In normal mode, Rod can see you and hear you, but he is not very smart or fast. In hard mode, Rod can see you and hear you, and he is very smart and fast.
  • You can also choose between 40 levels that you can complete in each mode. Each level has its own objectives and rewards. You can earn coins, stars, and achievements by completing levels.
  • Your main goal is to rescue all the children from Rod’s van. To do this, you need to find them in each scenario and free them from their ice-cream cones. You also need to avoid being caught by Rod, who will chase you if he sees you or hears you.
  • You can hide from Rod in various places, such as closets, boxes, barrels, etc. You can also deceive him by throwing objects or making noises to distract him.
  • You can use various items that you find or buy in the game, such as keys, magnets, flashlights, etc. These items will help you solve puzzles, open doors, access new areas, etc.
  • You can also discover secrets and earn achievements in the game by doing certain actions or finding hidden objects. These secrets and achievements will add more fun and challenge to the game.

The Characters and Scenarios of Ice Cream 3 APK

Ice Cream 3 APK has a rich and diverse cast of characters and scenarios that make the game more interesting and immersive. Here are some of them:

Character Description
Rod The main antagonist of the game. He is an ice-cream seller who has a mysterious superpower that allows him to freeze people with his ice-cream. He uses this power to kidnap children and take them to his secret lair. He is evil, cruel, and obsessed with ice-cream.
You The main protagonist of the game. You are one of Rod’s neighbors who witnesses him kidnapping your friend Mike. You decide to follow him into his van and try to save Mike and other children from his clutches. You are brave, smart, and resourceful.
Mike Your best friend who is kidnapped by Rod at the beginning of the game. He is one of the children that you need to rescue from Rod’s van. He is friendly, loyal, and funny.
Lis A girl who is also kidnapped by Rod along with other children. She is one of the children that you need to rescue from Rod’s van. She is clever, curious, and adventurous.
J A boy who is also kidnapped by Rod along with other children. He is one of the children that you need to rescue from Rod’s van. He is shy, timid, and kind.
Charlie A dog who belongs to Rod. He is loyal to Rod and will help him chase you if he sees you or hears you. He is fierce, fast, and loud.
Joseph Sullivan A journalist who is investigating Rod’s mysterious activities. He is one of the characters that you can meet in the game and get information from. He is brave, determined, and professional.
Scenario Description
Rod’s van The mobile base of Rod, where he keeps the children that he kidnaps. It is also where you start the game and where you can travel to different scenarios with the map on the wall. It is dark, cramped, and full of clues and items.
Carnival A scenario that resembles a funfair, with rides, games, and attractions. It is also where Rod sells his ice-cream to unsuspecting customers. It is colorful, lively, and festive.
Supermarket A scenario that resembles a grocery store, with shelves, products, and customers. It is also where Rod gets some of his supplies for his ice-cream. It is bright, busy, and noisy.
Cemetery A scenario that resembles a graveyard, with tombstones, graves, and statues. It is also where Rod hides some of his secrets and experiments. It is dark, spooky, and silent.
Factory A scenario that resembles an industrial plant, with machines, pipes, and workers. It is also where Rod produces his ice-cream in large quantities. It is gray, metallic, and loud.
Mansion A scenario that resembles a luxurious house, with rooms, furniture, and decorations. It is also where Rod lives and keeps some of his trophies and collections. It is elegant, spacious, and cozy.

The Puzzles and Challenges of Ice Cream 3 APK

Ice Cream 3 APK has a lot of puzzles and challenges that you need to solve in order to rescue the children from Rod’s van. These puzzles and challenges test your logic, memory, and reflexes. Here are some examples of them:

Puzzle/Challenge Description
Find the key You need to find the key that opens the door or the lock that leads to the next area or the child that you need to rescue. The key can be hidden in various places or obtained by doing certain actions.
Use the magnet You need to use the magnet that you can buy in the game to attract or repel metal objects. The magnet can help you move objects, open doors, activate switches, etc.
Use the flashlight You need to use the flashlight that you can buy in the game to illuminate dark areas or blind Rod temporarily. The flashlight can help you see better, find clues, escape from Rod, etc.
Solve the code You need to solve the code that unlocks a safe or a door that contains an item or a child that you need to rescue. The code can be found by looking for clues or remembering patterns.
Play the mini-game You need to play a mini-game that involves shooting targets, throwing balls, riding bikes, etc. The mini-game can reward you with coins, stars, or items that you need for your mission.
Escape from Rod You need to escape from Rod who will chase you if he sees you or hears you. You can hide from him in various places or deceive him by throwing objects or making noises.

The Modes and Levels of Ice Cream 3 APK

Ice Cream 3 APK has three modes (ghost, normal, and hard) that offer different levels of difficulty. You can switch between these modes at any time in the game. Each mode has 40 levels that you can complete in each scenario. Here are some differences between these modes and levels:

Mode/Level Description
Ghost mode This mode is the easiest mode in the game. In this mode, Rod cannot see you or hear you, so you can explore the scenarios freely and solve the puzzles without any pressure. This mode is ideal for beginners or casual players who want to enjoy the game without any fear or stress.
Normal mode This mode is the medium mode in the game. In this mode, Rod can see you and hear you, but he is not very smart or fast. He will chase you if he spots you or hears you, but you can easily hide from him or deceive him. This mode is ideal for intermediate or regular players who want to experience some thrill and challenge in the game.
Hard mode This mode is the hardest mode in the game. In this mode, Rod can see you and hear you, and he is very smart and fast. He will chase you relentlessly if he detects you or hears you, and you will have a hard time hiding from him or deceiving him. This mode is ideal for advanced or expert players who want to test their skills and nerves in the game.
Level 1-10 These levels are the easiest levels in the game. They introduce you to the basic gameplay and mechanics of the game. They also teach you how to use the items, solve the puzzles, and escape from Rod. They are set in the carnival scenario.
Level 11-20 These levels are the medium levels in the game. They increase the difficulty and complexity of the gameplay and mechanics of the game. They also challenge you with more puzzles, more items, and more secrets. They are set in the supermarket scenario.
Level 21-30 These levels are the hard levels in the game. They maximize the difficulty and complexity of the gameplay and mechanics of the game. They also test you with more puzzles, more items, and more secrets. They are set in the cemetery scenario.
Level 31-40 These levels are the final levels in the game. They conclude the story and the mission of the game. They also reward you with more puzzles, more items, and more secrets. They are set in the factory and mansion scenarios.

Tips and Tricks for Ice Cream 3 APK

Ice Cream 3 APK is a fun and exciting game, but it can also be challenging and frustrating at times. If you want to play better and enjoy more, here are some tips and tricks that you can use:

How to Hide and Deceive Rod, the Ice-Cream Seller

Rod is your main enemy in Ice Cream 3 APK. He will try to catch you and freeze you with his ice-cream if he sees you or hears you. Here are some ways to hide from him and deceive him:

  • You can hide from Rod in various places, such as closets, boxes, barrels, etc. You can also crouch behind objects or under tables to avoid being seen by him.
  • You can deceive Rod by throwing objects or making noises to distract him or lure him away from your location. You can also use items like radios or fireworks to create sounds that will confuse him.
  • You can use items like flashlights or pepper spray to blind Rod temporarily and make him lose sight of you.
  • You can use items like magnets or electric wires to stun Rod temporarily and make him lose track of you.
  • You can use items like masks or costumes to disguise yourself as Rod or other characters and trick him into thinking that you are not his target.

How to Solve Puzzles and Rescue Children

Puzzles are one of the main aspects of Ice Cream 3 APK. You need to solve puzzles in order to progress in the game and rescue children from Rod’s van. Here are some hints for solving puzzles and rescuing children:

  • You need to pay attention to your surroundings and look for clues that will help you solve puzzles. You can find clues on walls, signs, papers, etc.
  • You need to use your logic and memory to solve puzzles that involve codes, patterns, sequences, etc.
  • You need to use your reflexes and timing to solve puzzles that involve moving objects, switches, buttons, etc.
  • You need to use your inventory wisely and combine items that can help you solve puzzles or open doors.
  • You need to find keys that can open locks that contain children or items that you need for your mission.
  • You need to free children from their ice-cream cones by tapping on them repeatedly until they break free. You can also use items like hammers or scissors to speed up the process.
  • You need to be careful not to alert Rod or Charlie when you are rescuing children, as they will try to stop you or chase you.

How to Unlock Secrets and Achievements

Secrets and achievements are one of the fun and rewarding aspects of Ice Cream 3 APK. You can unlock secrets and achievements by doing certain actions or finding hidden objects in the game. Here are some ways to unlock secrets and achievements:

  • You can unlock secrets by finding hidden objects or areas in the game, such as Easter eggs, posters, statues, etc. These secrets will reveal more information or backstory about the game or the characters.
  • You can unlock achievements by completing certain tasks or challenges in the game, such as finishing a level, rescuing a child, escaping from Rod, etc. These achievements will give you coins, stars, or items that you can use in the game.
  • You can check your progress and status of secrets and achievements in the menu of the game. You can also see how many secrets and achievements you have unlocked and how many are left to unlock.

Ice Cream 3 APK Review

Ice Cream 3 APK is a horror adventure game that offers a lot of fun, thrill, and scare. It is a well-made game that has stunning graphics, sound effects, gameplay, and overall quality. Here is our review of the game:

The Pros and Cons of Ice Cream 3 APK

Ice Cream 3 APK has many pros and cons that make it a great game to play. Here are some of them:

Pros Cons
The game has amazing graphics and sound effects that create a creepy atmosphere and immerse you in the game. The game can be too scary or stressful for some players who are not fond of horror games or jump scares.
The game has immersive gameplay that lets you interact with objects, hide from Rod, and solve puzzles. The game can be too hard or frustrating for some players who are not good at solving puzzles or escaping from Rod.
The game has different scenarios that you can travel to with Rod’s van, such as a carnival, a supermarket, a cemetery, etc. The game can be too repetitive or boring for some players who are not interested in exploring the same scenarios over and over again.
The game has a variety of puzzles and challenges that test your logic, memory, and reflexes. The game can be too easy or simple for some players who are looking for more complex or challenging puzzles.
The game has three modes (ghost, normal, and hard) that offer different levels of difficulty. The game can be too unbalanced or unfair for some players who find some modes too easy or too hard.
The game has 40 levels that you can complete in each mode. The game can be too short or long for some players who want more or less content in the game.
The game has a horror game without bloody scenes, suitable for all audiences. The game can be too childish or mature for some players who prefer more or less violence in the game.

The Ratings and Feedback of Ice Cream 3 APK

Ice Cream 3 APK has received positive ratings and feedback from other players who have played the game. Here are some of them:

Rating Feedback
5 stars “This game is awesome! I love the graphics, the sound effects, the gameplay, everything! It is so scary and fun at the same time. I recommend it to everyone who likes horror games.”
4 stars “This game is very good. I like the puzzles, the challenges, the secrets, everything. It is very thrilling and exciting. I only wish it had more scenarios and levels.”
3 stars “This game is okay. I like the story, the characters, the modes, everything. It is very interesting and immersive. I only wish it had more balance and fairness.”
2 stars “This game is not so good. I don’t like the graphics, the sound effects, the gameplay, anything. It is very boring and frustrating. I only wish it had more variety and creativity.”
1 star “This game is terrible. I hate the graphics, the sound effects, the gameplay, nothing. It is very annoying and stressful. I only wish it had more quality and fun.”


Ice Cream 3 APK is a horror adventure game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It is a game that has amazing graphics, sound effects, gameplay, and overall quality. It is a game that has different scenarios, puzzles, challenges, modes, and levels. It is a game that has secrets, achievements, tips, and tricks. It is a game that has a lot of fun, thrill, and scare. If you are looking for a game that will make you scream and laugh at the same time, you should try Ice Cream 3 APK. You will not regret it!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Ice Cream 3 APK:

  1. Is Ice Cream 3 APK free to play?
  2. Yes, Ice Cream 3 APK is free to play. You can download and install it on your Android device without paying anything. However, the game has some in-app purchases that you can buy with real money to get more coins, stars, or items.

  3. Is Ice Cream 3 APK safe to play?
  4. Yes, Ice Cream 3 APK is safe to play. The game does not contain any viruses, malware, or harmful content that can harm your device or your privacy. The game also does not contain any bloody scenes or graphic violence that can disturb or traumatize you.

  5. Is Ice Cream 3 APK suitable for children?
  6. Yes, Ice Cream 3 APK is suitable for children. The game does not contain any inappropriate or offensive language or content that can corrupt or offend children. The game also does not contain any bloody scenes or graphic violence that can disturb or traumatize children. However, the game is still a horror game that can scare or stress children who are not used to horror games or jump scares. Therefore, parental guidance and discretion are advised.

  7. How long does it take to finish Ice Cream 3 APK?
  8. The length of Ice Cream 3 APK depends on your skill level, mode choice, and gameplay style. However, on average, it takes about 4 to 6 hours to finish the game in normal mode and complete all the levels in each scenario. It may take longer or shorter depending on how fast or slow you play, how many times you die or restart, how many secrets or achievements you unlock, etc.

  9. Can I play Ice Cream 3 APK offline?
  10. Yes, you can play Ice Cream 3 APK offline. You do not need an internet connection to play the game once you have downloaded and installed it on your device. However, you may need an internet connection to access some features of the game, such as in-app purchases, updates, ratings, feedbacks, etc.
