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Download Drive Google Link: How to Create and Use Direct Download Links for Google Drive Files


Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud storage services that lets you store and access your files from any device. You can also share your files with others, either by inviting them to view or edit your files, or by generating a link that anyone can use to access your files.

However, sometimes you may want to share a file that can be directly downloaded by the recipient, without opening a web page or requiring a Google account. This is where a direct download link comes in handy. A direct download link is a custom URL that triggers the file download as soon as someone clicks it or pastes it into their browser.

In this article, we will show you how to create and use direct download links for Google Drive files. This is a simple workaround that uses your file’s unique ID in a custom link template. You can use this method on any device, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chromebook, iPhone, iPad, and Android.

How to Create a Direct Download Link for Google Drive Files

Step 1: Share your file on Google Drive

The first step is to share your file on Google Drive. To do this, open a web browser on your device and go to the Google Drive site. Find the file that you want to create a direct download link for, right-click it, and select “Share” from the menu.

A “Share with People and Groups” window will open. Here, you have two options:

  • If you want to limit who can download your file, share your file with specific people or groups by entering their email addresses or names in the “Add people and groups” field.
  • If you want to allow anyone on the internet to download your file, click the “Change to Anyone with the Link” option at the bottom of this window.

We will use the second option for this example.

Step 2: Copy the file ID from the shared link

On the same “Share with People and Groups” window, from the “Get Link” section, select “Copy Link”. This will copy the link to your Google Drive file to your clipboard.

Your copied link should look something like this:


From this link, copy the text that’s between d/ and /view. This is the unique file ID for your Google Drive file. In our example, the file ID is 1Q7MB6smDEFd-PzpqK-3cC2_fAZc4yaXF.

Step 3: Replace the file ID in the custom link template

In the following link template, replace FILEID with the unique file ID that you copied from above.


Your final link should look similar to this:

[4]( /uc?export=download&id=1Q7MB6smDEFd-PzpqK-3cC2_fAZc4yaXF)

Congratulations! You have just created a direct download link for your Google Drive file.

Step 4: Test your direct download link

To test your direct download link, open a new tab in your web browser and paste the link into the address bar. Press Enter and see what happens.

If everything works correctly, you should see a prompt to download your file, either at the bottom of your browser window or in a pop-up window. The file name and size should match the original file on Google Drive.

If you see an error message or a different web page, check your link for any typos or mistakes. Make sure you copied the correct file ID and replaced it in the custom link template.

How to Use a Direct Download Link for Google Drive Files

Option 1: Click the link or paste it into your browser

The easiest way to use a direct download link for Google Drive files is to simply click it or paste it into your browser. This will start the file download immediately, without opening any web pages or requiring any sign-ins.

You can use this option to share your files with anyone who has access to the link, either via email, chat, social media, or any other platform. You can also use this option to download your own files from Google Drive without opening the Google Drive site.

Option 2: Embed the link in your website or document

Another way to use a direct download link for Google Drive files is to embed it in your website or document. This will allow your visitors or readers to download your files directly from your site or document, without leaving it or opening any other web pages.

To embed a direct download link in your website, you can use HTML code like this:

Download File

This will create a clickable text that says “Download File” and links to your direct download link. You can change the text and the style of the link as you wish.

To embed a direct download link in your document, you can use a hyperlink feature like this:

[Download File]

This will create a clickable text that says “Download File” and links to your direct download link. You can change the text and the style of the link as you wish.


In this article, we have shown you how to create and use direct download links for Google Drive files. This is a simple workaround that uses your file’s unique ID in a custom link template. You can use this method on any device, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chromebook, iPhone, iPad, and Android.

With direct download links, you can share your files with anyone who has access to the link, without opening any web pages or requiring any sign-ins. You can also embed your direct download links in your website or document, allowing your visitors or readers to download your files directly from your site or document.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!


Q: How do I create a direct download link for Google Drive folders?

A: Unfortunately, there is no easy way to create a direct download link for Google Drive folders. The method described in this article only works for individual files. If you want to share a folder that can be directly downloaded by the recipient, you will have to either zip the folder and share it as a single file, or use a third-party service that allows you to create direct download links for folders.

Q: How do I create a direct download link for Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Forms?

A: The method described in this article does not work for Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Forms. These are not actual files stored on Google Drive, but online documents that are accessed through web pages. If you want to create a direct download link for these documents, you will have to either export them as PDFs or other formats and share them as regular files, or use a third-party service that allows you to create direct download links for online documents.

Q: How do I prevent unauthorized access to my direct download links?

A: If you want to limit who can access your direct download links, you will have to share your files with specific people or groups on Google Drive, as explained in Step 1 of this article. This way, only the people or groups that you have invited can use your direct download links. However, keep in mind that anyone who has access to your direct download links can still share them with others, so be careful who you trust with your files.

Q: How do I delete or disable my direct download links?

A: If you want to delete or disable your direct download links, you will have to either delete or unshare your files on Google Drive. To do this, go to the Google Drive site, find the file that you want to delete or unshare, right-click it, and select “Remove” or “Share” from the menu. If you choose “Remove”, your file will be moved to the trash and your direct download link will stop working. If you choose “Share”, you can change the sharing settings of your file and revoke access to anyone who has the link.

Q: How do I track or monitor the usage of my direct download links?

A: Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to track or monitor the usage of your direct download links on Google Drive. You will not be able to see how many times your files have been downloaded, by whom, or from where. If you want to track or monitor the usage of your direct download links, you will have to use a third-party service that allows you to create and manage direct download links with analytics and statistics.
