Pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 Download HOT!

How to Download and Install pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1

If you are looking for a free, open source, and powerful firewall and router software for your network security and management, you might want to consider pfsense. In this article, we will show you how to download and install pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, the latest stable version of this software.

What is pfsense and why use it as a firewall and router

pfsense is a firewall and router software that is based on FreeBSD operating system with a custom kernel and many third party packages for additional functionality. It can run on any compatible hardware platform, such as a dedicated appliance, a bare metal or virtual machine, or a cloud instance.

pfsense offers many features and advantages over commercial firewalls and routers, such as:

  • Stateful packet inspection, concurrent IPv4 and IPv6 support, and intrusion prevention
  • SSL encryption, automatic or custom routing, and multiple tunneling options for VPN
  • Optional clustering and load-balancing, along with proxying and content filtering services
  • Strength and accuracy in following default or custom rules for traffic filtering
  • Flexibility and customization in adding and integrating additional features as code
  • User-friendliness and accessibility in providing a web interface for configuration
  • Open source nature and community support in ensuring security and reliability

What is new in pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 and why download it

pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 is a maintenance release that was released on June 9th, 2020. It brings several important stability and bug fixes for issues present in pfsense 2.4.5-release.

Some of the highlights of this release are:

  • Fixed an issue with IPsec VTI interfaces not working properly after an upgrade
  • Fixed an issue with DHCPv6 leases not being displayed correctly in the web interface
  • Fixed an issue with OpenVPN clients not being able to connect when using AES-GCM ciphers
  • Fixed an issue with WireGuard not starting automatically after a reboot
  • Fixed an issue with pfBlockerNG not updating DNSBL feeds correctly
  • Fixed several security vulnerabilities related to FreeBSD base system components

To see a complete detailed list of changes, see the Release Notes.

Downloading pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 is recommended for all users who are running pfsense 2.4.x versions, as it provides improved performance and stability, as well as enhanced security.

How to download pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1

To download p To download pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you have three options depending on the type of installation media you want to use: – USB memstick: This is a USB flash drive that contains the pfsense installer and can be used to boot and install pfsense on any compatible hardware. This is the most common and recommended option for most users. – DVD image: This is an ISO file that can be burned to a DVD disc and used to boot and install pfsense on any compatible hardware. This is a good option for users who prefer optical media or have older hardware that does not support USB booting. – Netgate ADI: This is a special image that is designed for Netgate appliances, which are dedicated hardware devices that come pre-installed with pfsense. This is an option for users who have purchased a Netgate appliance and want to upgrade or reinstall pfsense. You can download any of these options from the following sources: – Official website: This is the primary source for downloading pfsense, as it provides the latest and most secure versions of the software. You can find the download links for pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 on the Download page. – This is a secondary source for downloading pfsense, as it provides a backup of the official website in case it is down or inaccessible. You can find the download links for pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 on the Archive page. – This is a tertiary source for downloading pfsense, as it provides an alternative mirror of the official website hosted by Netgate, the company behind pfsense. You can find the download links for pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 on the Netgate page. Before you download pfsense, you should verify the integrity and authenticity of the file you are downloading by checking its SHA256 checksum. A checksum is a unique string of characters that is generated from the file content and can be used to detect any corruption or tampering of the file. You can find the checksums for pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 on the Checksums page. You can compare them with the checksums of the file you downloaded using a tool such as 7-Zip or HashTab. If they match, then you have downloaded a valid and secure file. If they do not match, then you should delete the file and download it again from another source.

How to install pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1

Once you have downloaded pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you can proceed to install it on your hardware platform of choice. The installation process is similar for all platforms, but there are some differences depending on the type of media and hardware you are using.

Here are some general requirements and steps for installing pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1:

Installation requirements

To install pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you will need:

  • A compatible hardware platform that meets the minimum specifications for running pfsense, such as CPU, RAM, disk space, network interfaces, etc.
  • A console device that can connect to your hardware platform and display the output of the installation process, such as a monitor and keyboard, a serial console, or a remote console.
  • An installation media that contains the pfsense installer and can boot your hardware platform, such as a USB memstick, a DVD disc, or a Netgate appliance.

Installation steps

To install pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you will need to:

  1. Connect your console device to your hardware platform and power it on.
  2. Insert your installation media into your hardware platform and make sure it is set as the first boot device in your BIOS settings.
  3. Boot from your installation media and wait for the pfsense installer to start.
  4. Select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the menu.
  5. Select “Install” from the menu to begin the installation process.
  6. Select “Auto (UFS)” from the menu to use the default partitioning scheme or “Manual” to customize it.
  7. Select “Accept” from the menu to confirm your partitioning choices.
  8. Select “Standard Kernel” from the menu to use the default kernel configuration or “Embedded Kernel” to use a minimal kernel configuration for low-resource systems.
  9. Select “Reboot” from the menu to finish the installation process and restart your hardware platform.
  10. Remove your installation media from your hardware platform and wait for pfsense to boot.
  11. Follow the instructions on the console to assign your network interfaces and set up your WAN and LAN connections.
  12. Note down the IP address of your LAN interface and use it to access the web interface of pfsense from another device on your network.

Installation tips

Here are some tips to help you with the installation process:

  • Make sure you have a backup of your data and configuration before installing pfsense, as it will erase any existing data on your hardware platform.
  • Make sure you have a reliable power source and network connection during the installation process, as any interruption may cause errors or corruption.
  • Make sure you select the correct boot device and terminal type for your hardware platform, as different devices may have different settings and requirements.
  • Make sure you assign your network interfaces correctly, as pfsense will use them to communicate with your network and the internet.

How to configure pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1

Once you have installed pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you can proceed to configure it according to your needs and preferences. The configuration process is mostly done through the web interface of pfsense, which is a graphical user interface that allows you to manage all aspects of pfsense.

Here are some general options and steps for configuring pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1:

Configuration options

To configure pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you have three options depending on the level of control and complexity you want:

– Web interface: This is the primary option for configuring pfsense, as it provides a user-friendly and comprehensive interface for managing all features and settings of pfsense. You can access the web interface by entering the IP address of your LAN interface in a web browser from another device on your network. – Command line: This is a secondary option for configuring pfsense, as it provides a text-based interface for executing commands and scripts on pfsense. You can access the command line by connecting to your hardware platform via SSH or console. – Config.xml: This is a tertiary option for configuring pfsense, as it provides a file-based interface for editing the configuration of pfsense directly. You can access the config.xml file by using a file manager or editor on pfsense or by exporting or importing it via the web interface.

Configuration features

pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 offers many features and functions that you can configure and use for your network security and management, such as:

– Firewall: This is the core feature of pfsense, as it allows you to control and monitor the traffic that enters and leaves your network. You can configure firewall rules, aliases, schedules, NAT, port forwarding, etc. – VPN: This is a feature that allows you to create secure and encrypted connections between different networks or devices over the internet. You can configure VPN servers and clients, using protocols such as IPsec, OpenVPN, WireGuard, etc. – Routing: This is a feature that allows you to direct and manage the traffic that flows through your network. You can configure routing protocols, gateways, static routes, policy routing, etc. – Proxying: This is a feature that allows you to intercept and modify the traffic that passes through your network. You can configure proxy servers and clients, using services such as Squid, HAProxy, etc. – Content filtering: This is a feature that allows you to block or allow certain types of content or websites on your network. You can configure content filtering services, using packages such as pfBlockerNG, Snort, Suricata, etc.

Configuration best practices

Here are some best practices to help you with the configuration process:

  • Make sure you have a backup of your configuration before making any changes, as any mistake may cause errors or problems.
  • Make sure you test your configuration before applying it to your production environment, as any issue may affect your network performance or security.
  • Make sure you follow the official documentation and guides for configuring pfsense, as they provide detailed and accurate information and instructions.
  • Make sure you update your pfsense regularly, as new versions may provide new features or fixes for existing issues.


In this article, we have shown you how to download and install pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, the latest stable version of the free, open source, and powerful firewall and router software. We have also shown you how to configure pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 according to your needs and preferences, using the web interface, the command line, or the config.xml file.

By using pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you can benefit from improved performance and stability, as well as enhanced security and functionality. You can also customize and extend pfsense with additional features and packages, as well as integrate it with other network devices and services.

If you want to learn more about pfsense and how to use it for your network security and management, you can visit the following resources:

  • Official website: This is the main source of information and support for pfsense, where you can find documentation, guides, forums, blogs, etc.
  • YouTube channel: This is a source of video tutorials and demonstrations for pfsense, where you can watch and learn from experts and users.
  • Reddit community: This is a source of discussion and feedback for pfsense, where you can interact and share with other pfsense enthusiasts.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and found it useful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions about pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1:

What are the system requirements for running pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1?

The minimum system requirements for running pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 are:

  • CPU: 500 MHz or higher
  • RAM: 512 MB or higher
  • Disk space: 4 GB or higher
  • Network interfaces: at least one supported NIC

The recommended system requirements for running pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1 are:

  • CPU: 1 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 1 GB or higher
  • Disk space: 8 GB or higher
  • Network interfaces: at least two supported NICs

How do I upgrade from an older version of pfsense to pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1?

To upgrade from an older version of pfsense to pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Web interface: This is the easiest method for upgrading pfsense, as it allows you to check for updates and apply them directly from the web interface of pfsense.
  • Command line: This is an alternative method for upgrading pfsense, as it allows you to run commands and scripts on pfsense to check for updates and apply them manually.
  • Installation media: This is a last resort method for upgrading pfsense, as it allows you to reinstall pfsense with the new version using your installation media.

Before you upgrade pfsense, you should backup your configuration and data, as well as verify the compatibility of your hardware and software with the new version.

How do I backup and restore my configuration on pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1?

To backup and restore your configuration on pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Web interface: This is the preferred method for backing up and restoring your configuration on pfsense, as it allows you to export and import your configuration file directly from the web interface of pfsense.
  • Command line: This is an alternative method for backing up and restoring your configuration on pfsense, as it allows you to copy and paste your configuration file using commands and tools on pfsense.
  • Config.xml: This is a manual method for backing up and restoring your configuration on pfsense, as it allows you to edit your configuration file directly using a file manager or editor on pfsense or another device.

You should backup your configuration regularly, as well as before making any changes or upgrades on pfsense.

How do I add additional features and packages to pfsense 2. 4.5-release-p1?

To add additional features and packages to pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you can use the following method:

  • Web interface: This is the only method for adding additional features and packages to pfsense, as it allows you to browse and install available packages directly from the web interface of pfsense.

You can find the list of available packages on the Packages page of the web interface, where you can filter them by category, name, or status. You can also see the description, version, size, and dependencies of each package.

To install a package, you just need to click on the “Install” button next to the package name and confirm your choice. To uninstall a package, you just need to click on the “Remove” button next to the package name and confirm your choice.

Some packages may require additional configuration or settings after installation, which you can access from the web interface or the command line.

How do I troubleshoot and resolve issues on pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1?

To troubleshoot and resolve issues on pfsense 2.4.5-release-p1, you can use one or more of the following methods:

  • Web interface: This is a useful method for troubleshooting and resolving issues on pfsense, as it allows you to access various tools and logs from the web interface of pfsense.
  • Command line: This is a powerful method for troubleshooting and resolving issues on pfsense, as it allows you to run commands and scripts on pfsense to diagnose and fix problems.
  • Documentation: This is a helpful method for troubleshooting and resolving issues on pfsense, as it provides detailed and accurate information and instructions on how to use and manage pfsense.
  • Support: This is a reliable method for troubleshooting and resolving issues on pfsense, as it provides professional and community assistance and guidance on how to deal with pfsense issues.

You can find the web interface tools and logs on the Diagnostics page of the web interface, where you can access ping, traceroute, packet capture, firewall logs, system logs, etc.

You can find the command line tools and logs by connecting to your hardware platform via SSH or console, where you can access pfctl, tcpdump, dmesg, syslogd, etc.

You can find the documentation on the Documentation page of the official website, where you can access guides, manuals, wikis, books, etc.

You can find the support on the Support page of the official website, where you can access forums, mailing lists, chat rooms, blogs, etc.
