
Soaldan Jawaban Seni Budaya Sem II Kls 8: A Complete Guide for Students

If you are a student of grade 8 in Indonesia, you might be preparing for the Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) or Midterm Evaluation for Seni Budaya (Art and Culture) subject. This subject covers various topics related to the appreciation and expression of art and culture in Indonesia and the world. You will learn about the elements, principles, and techniques of art, as well as the types, functions, and values of art and culture. You will also explore the diversity and richness of art and culture in different regions and countries.

To help you ace the PTS, we have compiled some sample questions and answers for Seni Budaya Sem II Kls 8. These questions are based on the Kurikulum 2013 (K13) or the 2013 Curriculum that is used in Indonesian schools. The questions are divided into two types: multiple choice and essay. The multiple choice questions have four options each, while the essay questions require you to write a short answer in your own words. The answers are provided at the end of each section.

Remember that these questions are only for practice and reference. They may not be the same as the actual questions that you will encounter in the PTS. Therefore, you should also study the materials from your textbook, notes, and teacher. You should also practice your skills in creating, performing, and appreciating art and culture.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What is the term for the activity of assessing or valuing a work of art?
    a) Appreciation
    b) Perception
    c) Creation
    d) Expression
    Answer: a) Appreciation
  2. What is something that motivates someone to create a work of visual art?
    a) Idea/Concept
    b) Composition
    c) Technique
    d) Creativity
    Answer: a) Idea/Concept
  3. What kind of appreciation evaluates beauty with deep observation and feeling?
    a) Empirical appreciation
    b) Aesthetic appreciation
    c) Critical appreciation
    d) Visual appreciation
    Answer: b) Aesthetic appreciation
  4. What is the name for the hand-drawn batik technique?
    a) Batik jumputan
    b) Batik cap
    c) Batik canting
    d) Batik ikat celup
    Answer: c) Batik canting
  5. What is the correct order of the batik making process?
    a) Melting wax, canting, drying, dyeing, boiling
    b) Melting wax, canting, drying, boiling, dyeing
    c) Melting wax, canting, boiling, dyeing, drying
    d) Melting wax, canting, dyeing, boiling, drying
    Answer: d) Melting wax, canting, dyeing, boiling, drying

Essay Questions

  1. Explain the difference between traditional music and modern music.
    Traditional music is music that originates from and is inherited by a certain region or country. It reflects the culture, values, and identity of the people who create and perform it. Traditional music usually uses acoustic instruments that are made from natural materials. Traditional music can be classified into folk music, classical music, and religious music.

    Modern music is music that develops from the influence of various musical genres and styles from different regions or countries. It reflects the innovation, creativity, and diversity of the musicians who create and perform it. Modern music usually uses electric or electronic instruments that are made from synthetic materials. Modern music can be classified into pop music, rock music, jazz music, etc.

  2. Describe one type of dance from your region or country.
    One type of dance from my region is Jaipong. Jaipong is a dance that originated from West Java. It combines elements of martial arts,

    folk dance, and gamelan music. Jaipong is performed by male and female dancers who wear colorful costumes and accessories. Jaipong is characterized by dynamic movements, rhythmic beats, and expressive gestures. Jaipong is a popular form of entertainment and cultural expression in West Java.

  3. Identify one type of musical instrument from your region or country and explain how it is played.
    One type of musical instrument from my region is Angklung. Angklung is a musical instrument that consists of bamboo tubes of different sizes and pitches that are attached to a frame. Angklung is played by shaking or tapping the tubes with the hands or fingers. Angklung produces a harmonious sound that can be used to play various melodies and songs. Angklung is a traditional musical instrument that originated from Sundanese culture in West Java.
  4. Analyze one example of a work of visual art from your region or country and explain its elements, principles, and techniques.
    One example of a work of visual art from my region is Wayang Kulit. Wayang Kulit is a shadow puppet show that uses leather puppets that are carved and painted with intricate details. Wayang Kulit uses the elements of line, shape, color, texture, and space to create the puppets and the scenes. Wayang Kulit uses the principles of contrast, balance, emphasis, movement, and unity to arrange the puppets and the screen. Wayang Kulit uses the techniques of carving, painting, lighting, and manipulating to create the puppets and the show.

    Wayang Kulit is a form of visual art that also incorporates storytelling, music, and drama. Wayang Kulit tells stories from Hindu epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata, as well as local legends and folklore. Wayang Kulit is a cultural heritage that reflects the values, beliefs, and history of Indonesian people.

    folk dance, and gamelan music. Jaipong is performed by male and female dancers who wear colorful costumes and accessories. Jaipong is characterized by dynamic movements, rhythmic beats, and expressive gestures. Jaipong is a popular form of entertainment and cultural expression in West Java.

  5. Identify one type of musical instrument from your region or country and explain how it is played.
    One type of musical instrument from my region is Angklung. Angklung is a musical instrument that consists of bamboo tubes of different sizes and pitches that are attached to a frame. Angklung is played by shaking or tapping the tubes with the hands or fingers. Angklung produces a harmonious sound that can be used to play various melodies and songs. Angklung is a traditional musical instrument that originated from Sundanese culture in West Java.
  6. Analyze one example of a work of visual art from your region or country and explain its elements, principles, and techniques.
    One example of a work of visual art from my region is Wayang Kulit. Wayang Kulit is a shadow puppet show that uses leather puppets that are carved and painted with intricate details. Wayang Kulit uses the elements of line, shape, color, texture, and space to create the puppets and the scenes. Wayang Kulit uses the principles of contrast, balance, emphasis, movement, and unity to arrange the puppets and the screen. Wayang Kulit uses the techniques of carving, painting, lighting, and manipulating to create the puppets and the show.

    Wayang Kulit is a form of visual art that also incorporates storytelling, music, and drama. Wayang Kulit tells stories from Hindu epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata, as well as local legends and folklore. Wayang Kulit is a cultural heritage that reflects the values, beliefs, and history of Indonesian people.


    In conclusion, Seni Budaya Sem II Kls 8 is a subject that teaches you about the appreciation and expression of art and culture in Indonesia and the world. You will learn about various aspects of art and culture such as elements, principles, techniques, types, functions, values, diversity, and richness. You will also practice your skills in creating, performing, and appreciating art and culture. By studying this subject, you will gain more knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of art and culture as a part of human civilization.

    folk dance, and gamelan music. Jaipong is performed by male and female dancers who wear colorful costumes and accessories. Jaipong is characterized by dynamic movements, rhythmic beats, and expressive gestures. Jaipong is a popular form of entertainment and cultural expression in West Java.

  7. Identify one type of musical instrument from your region or country and explain how it is played.
    One type of musical instrument from my region is Angklung. Angklung is a musical instrument that consists of bamboo tubes of different sizes and pitches that are attached to a frame. Angklung is played by shaking or tapping the tubes with the hands or fingers. Angklung produces a harmonious sound that can be used to play various melodies and songs. Angklung is a traditional musical instrument that originated from Sundanese culture in West Java.
  8. Analyze one example of a work of visual art from your region or country and explain its elements, principles, and techniques.
    One example of a work of visual art from my region is Wayang Kulit. Wayang Kulit is a shadow puppet show that uses leather puppets that are carved and painted with intricate details. Wayang Kulit uses the elements of line, shape, color, texture, and space to create the puppets and the scenes. Wayang Kulit uses the principles of contrast, balance, emphasis, movement, and unity to arrange the puppets and the screen. Wayang Kulit uses the techniques of carving, painting, lighting, and manipulating to create the puppets and the show.

    Wayang Kulit is a form of visual art that also incorporates storytelling, music, and drama. Wayang Kulit tells stories from Hindu epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata, as well as local legends and folklore. Wayang Kulit is a cultural heritage that reflects the values, beliefs, and history of Indonesian people.


    In conclusion, Seni Budaya Sem II Kls 8 is a subject that teaches you about the appreciation and expression of art and culture in Indonesia and the world. You will learn about various aspects of art and culture such as elements, principles, techniques, types, functions, values, diversity, and richness. You will also practice your skills in creating, performing, and appreciating art and culture. By studying this subject, you will gain more knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of art and culture as a part of human civilization.


    In conclusion, Seni Budaya Sem II Kls 8 is a subject that teaches you about the appreciation and expression of art and culture in Indonesia and the world. You will learn about various aspects of art and culture such as elements, principles, techniques, types, functions, values, diversity, and richness. You will also practice your skills in creating, performing, and appreciating art and culture. By studying this subject, you will gain more knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of art and culture as a part of human civilization.×264%20[Dual-Audio]%20[English%205.1%20Hindi%202.0]%20-%20Mafi)
