Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17


# Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17: The Ultimate Guide for Professional Audio Engineers

If you are looking for a versatile and musical compressor plugin that can handle any kind of material, you might want to check out the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17. This plugin is an exacting emulation of the legendary hardware unit that has been used on countless records by artists like Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Beck, Green Day and Coldplay. In this article, we will show you what makes this plugin so special and how you can use it to enhance your mixes and masters.

## What is the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17?

The Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17 is a digital version of the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor, a high-end analog device that combines two different compression sections and three switchable output transformers. The plugin was meticulously modeled by Brainworx after the original hardware, with the approval and endorsement of Peter Reardon, the founder of Shadow Hills Industries.

The plugin offers the same features and controls as the hardware, but with some added benefits such as parallel mix, sidechain filter and external sidechain options. The plugin is available in all major native formats and can be used on both individual tracks and busses.

## How does the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17 work?

The Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17 works by applying two stages of compression to your signal: optical and discrete. You can use either one or both for maximum flexibility and musicality.

The optical section is similar to an LA-2A compressor, with a simple threshold and gain control and a two-stage release time. The optical section is great for shaping the dynamic range and bringing up the overall level of your signal. It has a smooth and transparent sound that works well on vocals, bass, drums and acoustic instruments.

The discrete section is a VCA compressor with more precise control over the ratio, attack and release settings. The discrete section can fine-tune the compression response to fit any kind of material, from subtle to aggressive. It has a more detailed and fast sound that works well on guitars, synths, percussion and electric instruments.

You can blend the two sections together using the dual meter that shows the amount of gain reduction applied by each one. You can also bypass either section or link them together for stereo operation.

## How to use the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17?

One of the most unique features of the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17 is the ability to switch between three different output transformers: steel, nickel and iron. Each transformer adds a distinct flavor to your signal, affecting the tonal balance and harmonic distortion.

The steel transformer has an extremely detailed and fast response with a subtle boost in the 40Hz range, which contributes to a rocking low end. It is ideal for punchy and energetic mixes that need clarity and definition.

The nickel transformer offers smooth lows with a polished top end and sounds great on more subtle and sparse recordings. It is ideal for smooth and elegant mixes that need warmth and depth.

The iron transformer has a more colored sound but still maintains a pristine high end with a small boost in the 100Hz range. It operates through a Class-A output stage that applies only even-ordered harmonic distortion, leaving you with a very musical sound. It is ideal for rich and dense mixes that need character and vibe.

You can experiment with different transformers to find the best fit for your material. You can also adjust the input and output levels to compensate for any changes in volume or headroom.

## Conclusion

The Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17 is a powerful and versatile compressor plugin that can handle any kind of material with ease. It offers two different compression sections and three switchable output transformers that can shape your sound in various ways. Whether you need subtle or aggressive compression, smooth or punchy sound, warm or bright tone, this plugin can deliver it all.

If you want to try out this plugin for yourself, you can download it from here (link). You will need an account with Plugin Alliance to activate it. You can also watch some video tutorials on how to use it here (link).

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about this amazing plugin. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

## How to get the most out of the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17?

The Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17 is a compressor plugin that can do wonders for your mixes and masters. However, like any other tool, it requires some skill and knowledge to use it effectively. Here are some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of this plugin:

– Use the optical section for gentle and transparent compression. The optical section is great for smoothing out the dynamics and adding some glue to your tracks. It works well on vocals, bass, drums and acoustic instruments. You can adjust the threshold and gain to set the amount of compression and level. You can also use the dual meter to see how much gain reduction is applied by the optical section.
– Use the discrete section for precise and aggressive compression. The discrete section is great for shaping the transients and adding some punch to your tracks. It works well on guitars, synths, percussion and electric instruments. You can adjust the ratio, attack and release to set the compression response. You can also use the dual meter to see how much gain reduction is applied by the discrete section.
– Blend the two sections together for maximum flexibility and musicality. You can use both sections together to achieve a balanced and natural compression that suits your material. You can use the optical section to control the overall dynamics and the discrete section to fine-tune the transients. You can also bypass either section or link them together for stereo operation.
– Switch between different transformers for different tonal flavors. You can use the three output transformers to add some color and character to your sound. You can choose between steel, nickel and iron depending on your preference and genre. You can also adjust the input and output levels to compensate for any changes in volume or headroom.
– Use parallel mix, sidechain filter and external sidechain for extra control and creativity. You can use the parallel mix control to blend the compressed signal with the dry signal for a more natural and dynamic sound. You can use the sidechain filter to prevent low frequencies from triggering the compression for a tighter sound. You can use the external sidechain option to compress your signal based on another signal for a more creative effect.

The Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin Torrent 17 is a compressor plugin that can help you achieve professional sounding mixes and masters with ease. It offers two different compression sections and three switchable output transformers that can handle any kind of material with ease. It has a smooth and transparent sound that can also be colored and enhanced with different transformers. It is a plugin that can adapt to your needs and preferences and give you the best results possible.
