Lysistrata Sarah Ruden Pdf 12 🖖🏿

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Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden: A Modern Translation of an Ancient Comedy (PDF)

Lysistrata is a classic Greek comedy written by Aristophanes in the 5th century BC. The play tells the story of a group of women who decide to withhold sex from their husbands and lovers until they agree to end the Peloponnesian War. The play is a hilarious and provocative satire of war, politics, gender, and sexuality. The play also features a chorus of old men and old women who clash and compete with each other throughout the play.

Who is Sarah Ruden and why did she translate Lysistrata?

Sarah Ruden is a poet and a classicist who received her Ph.D. in Classics from Harvard University. She has translated several works of ancient literature, including Homer’s Odyssey, Virgil’s Aeneid, and Ovid’s Metamorphoses. She has also written books and essays on various topics related to classical culture and literature.

Sarah Ruden translated Lysistrata in 2003 for the Hackett Classics Series. She chose to translate Lysistrata because she wanted to capture the humor and the relevance of the play for modern audiences. She also wanted to show the diversity and complexity of the ancient Greek language and culture. She used blank verse for the dialogue and various lyric meters and free verse for the songs. She also added commentary essays on Athenian democracy, ancient Greek warfare, Athenian women, and Greek comedy to provide more context and insight for the readers.

What is the 12th chapter of Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden?

The 12th chapter of Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden is the final chapter of the play. It is also the shortest chapter, consisting of only two pages in the PDF version. The chapter shows the resolution of the conflict and the celebration of the peace treaty between Athens and Sparta.

The chapter begins with Lysistrata announcing that she has arranged a meeting between the Athenian and Spartan ambassadors to negotiate a peace deal. She then instructs her fellow women to dress up in their finest clothes and jewelry and to seduce their husbands and lovers with their charms. She tells them to act coy and reluctant until they agree to sign the peace treaty.

The next scene shows the meeting between the Athenian and Spartan ambassadors, who are both visibly aroused by their wives’ presence. They quickly agree to end the war and to restore their friendship and alliance. They also agree to share

What are the benefits of reading Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden in PDF format?

Reading Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden in PDF format has many benefits for you and your enjoyment of the play. Some of the benefits are:

  • You can access the play anytime and anywhere, without any internet connection or physical copies.
  • You can save money and space by not having to buy or store the book or the movie.
  • You can adjust the font size, color, and layout of the play according to your preference and comfort.
  • You can highlight, annotate, or bookmark the parts of the play that you find interesting or important.
  • You can easily search for words, phrases, or references within the play or across other sources.

How can I use Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden for my studies or entertainment?

Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden is a play that you can use for various purposes and occasions for your studies or entertainment. Here are some suggestions on how you can use the play for your studies or entertainment:

  • You can read the play as a part of your curriculum or assignment on ancient Greek literature, culture, or history. You can also compare and contrast the play with other works by Aristophanes or other Greek playwrights.
  • You can watch the movie adaptation of the play, Phillauri, starring Anushka Sharma and Diljit Dosanjh. You can also compare and contrast the movie with the original play and the translation by Sarah Ruden.
  • You can perform or stage the play with your friends or classmates. You can also improvise or adapt the play to suit your own style and context.
  • You can write a review or an analysis of the play, focusing on its themes, characters, language, humor, or relevance. You can also share your opinions and insights on the play with others online or offline.
  • You can enjoy the play as a fun and witty comedy that makes you laugh and think. You can also appreciate the play as a timeless and universal satire that challenges and criticizes war, politics, gender, and sexuality.

What are the challenges and rewards of translating Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden?

Translating Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden is a task that involves many challenges and rewards for the translator and the reader. Some of the challenges and rewards are:

  • One of the challenges of translating Lysistrata is to preserve the humor and the wit of Aristophanes’ original language and style. Aristophanes used various linguistic devices, such as puns, wordplay, innuendo, parody, and irony, to create a comic effect and to convey his social and political critique. The translator has to find equivalent or comparable expressions in English that can capture the same meaning and tone as the Greek.
  • One of the rewards of translating Lysistrata is to introduce a new audience to a classic work of literature and culture. Aristophanes’ play is not only a hilarious comedy, but also a rich source of information and insight into the ancient Greek society, politics, religion, and art. The translator can help the reader to appreciate and understand the historical and cultural context of the play and its relevance for today.
  • Another challenge of translating Lysistrata is to balance the fidelity and the creativity of the translation. The translator has to respect the original text and its author’s intention, but also adapt it to the needs and expectations of the modern reader. The translator has to decide how much to retain or change the form, content, and style of the play, without losing or distorting its essence and spirit.
  • Another reward of translating Lysistrata is to express one’s own voice and vision as a translator and a writer. The translator can use his or her own language skills, knowledge, and imagination to create a new version of the play that reflects his or her own perspective and personality. The translator can also add his or her own commentary, analysis, or interpretation of the play, to enrich and enhance the reader’s experience.

What are some questions and answers about Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden?

Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden is a play that may raise some questions and answers for the reader. Some of the questions and answers are:

  • Q: What is the main theme of Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden?
  • A: The main theme of Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden is the power of women to end war and violence. The play shows how women can use their sexuality, intelligence, and solidarity to persuade their husbands and lovers to stop fighting and to make peace. The play also explores the consequences and challenges of women’s empowerment and resistance in a patriarchal society.
  • Q: Who are the main characters of Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden?
  • A: The main characters of Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden are:
  • Lysistrata: The leader of the women’s movement and the protagonist of the play. She is a strong, smart, and charismatic woman who devises the plan to withhold sex from the men until they agree to end the war.
  • Calonice: A friend and supporter of Lysistrata. She is a cheerful, friendly, and loyal woman who follows Lysistrata’s instructions and helps her to organize the women.
  • Myrrhine: A friend and supporter of Lysistrata. She is a beautiful, seductive, and cunning woman who teases and tortures her husband Cinesias with her sexual promises and denials.
  • Lampito: A friend and supporter of Lysistrata. She is a Spartan woman who represents the alliance of women from different city-states. She is a strong, brave, and proud woman who speaks with a thick accent.
  • Cinesias: The husband of Myrrhine and an Athenian soldier. He is a horny, frustrated, and desperate man who begs his wife to sleep with him and to end the strike.
  • Athenian Ambassador: A representative of Athens who negotiates with the Spartan Ambassador. He is a horny, aroused, and eager man who agrees to sign the peace treaty under the influence of his wife.
  • Spartan Ambassador: A representative of Sparta who negotiates with the Athenian Ambassador. He is a horny, aroused, and eager man who agrees to sign the peace treaty under the influence of his wife.

What are some related keywords and phrases for Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden?

Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden is a play that has many related keywords and phrases that can help you to optimize your article for search engines and readers. Some of the related keywords and phrases are:

  • Aristophanes: The author of Lysistrata and one of the most famous and influential Greek playwrights of all time. He wrote about 40 comedies, of which 11 have survived. He is known for his political and social satire, his inventive language and style, and his use of fantasy and absurdity.
  • Phillauri: The movie adaptation of Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden, starring Anushka Sharma and Diljit Dosanjh. The movie is a romantic comedy that transposes the plot of Lysistrata to a modern-day Indian setting. The movie was released in 2017 and received mixed reviews from critics and audiences.
  • Sex strike: The main strategy of the women in Lysistrata to end the war between Athens and Sparta. The sex strike is a form of nonviolent protest that uses sexual abstinence as a means of coercion or persuasion. The sex strike has been used by various groups and movements throughout history and across the world.
  • Peloponnesian War: The war between Athens and Sparta that lasted from 431 to 404 BC. The war was a result of the rivalry and conflict between the two leading city-states of ancient Greece and their respective allies. The war had a devastating impact on the Greek civilization, culture, and democracy.
  • Greek comedy: The genre of ancient Greek drama that deals with humorous and amusing topics and characters. Greek comedy is divided into three periods: Old Comedy, Middle Comedy, and New Comedy. Aristophanes is the representative of Old Comedy, which is characterized by political and social satire, fantasy and absurdity, obscenity and innuendo, and chorus songs.


Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden is a play that you should definitely read and enjoy. The play is a modern translation of an ancient comedy that tells the story of a group of women who go on a sex strike to end a war. The play is a hilarious and provocative satire of war, politics, gender, and sexuality. The play also features a chorus of old men and old women who clash and compete with each other throughout the play.

In this article, we have discussed the meaning, popularity, benefits, reviews, challenges, rewards, questions, answers, and tips and tricks of reading and downloading Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden in PDF format. We have also provided you with some suggestions on how to use the play for your studies or entertainment. We hope that this article has helped you to understand and appreciate the play better and to have fun with Lysistrata by Sarah Ruden.×!!TOP!!.md
