Kuptimi I Lektyres Agimet E Kaltra Qamil Batalli ✔

The Meaning of the Reading Blue Dreams Qamil Batalli

Have you ever wondered what it means to read a novel that challenges your imagination and inspires you to care for the world around you? If so, you might want to check out Blue Dreams, a novel for children and young people by Qamil Batalli, a Kosovar writer.

What is Blue Dreams about?

Blue Dreams is a novel that tells the story of Gazmendi, a creative and curious boy who wants to invent machines to clean the air polluted by industrial development. He lives in the Golden City, a place that used to be beautiful and green, but now is covered with smog and dust. Gazmendi’s friend, Cia, has to leave the city because of her health problems caused by the pollution. Gazmendi decides to follow his dream and find a way to make the city clean again.

Who is Qamil Batalli?

Qamil Batalli is a Kosovar writer who was born in 1945. He studied literature and journalism and worked as a teacher, editor and director of various cultural institutions. He has written many novels, short stories, poems and essays for children and adults. He is one of the most prominent and respected writers in Kosovo and has won several awards for his work.

Why should you read Blue Dreams?

Blue Dreams is a novel that offers many benefits for readers of all ages. Here are some of them:

  • It stimulates your imagination and creativity. You can join Gazmendi on his adventures and discoveries as he tries to invent new machines and solve problems.
  • It teaches you about the importance of environmental protection. You can learn about the causes and effects of pollution and how it affects people’s lives and health.
  • It explores the themes of family, friendship and innovation. You can see how Gazmendi deals with his conflicts with his parents, who do not understand his ambitions and aspirations. You can also see how he develops his friendship with Cia and other characters who support him in his quest.
  • It enriches your vocabulary and knowledge of Albanian culture. You can learn new words and expressions in Albanian, as well as some aspects of the history, geography and traditions of Kosovo.

How to read Blue Dreams?

If you want to read Blue Dreams, you have several options. You can find the original version in Albanian, which is titled Agimet e kaltra, online or in bookstores. You can also look for a translation in your preferred language, if available. Alternatively, you can use an online tool like Google Translate or Bing Translator to get a rough idea of the text, but be aware that the quality and accuracy may vary.

What are some questions to think about while reading Blue Dreams?

Reading Blue Dreams can be a fun and educational experience, but it can also make you think about some important issues and questions. Here are some examples:

  • What are the main causes and consequences of environmental pollution? How can we prevent or reduce it?
  • What are the characteristics of a good inventor? What skills and knowledge do you need to create something new and useful?
  • How do you cope with conflicts and disagreements with your parents or other authority figures? How do you express your opinions and feelings in a respectful way?
  • What are the values and traditions of Albanian culture? How are they different or similar to your own culture?

How is Blue Dreams structured?

Blue Dreams is a novel that consists of 18 chapters, each with a different title. The chapters are divided into smaller sections, which are marked by asterisks. The novel follows a chronological order, but it also includes some flashbacks and dreams that reveal more information about the characters and their past. The novel uses a third-person narrator, who sometimes addresses the reader directly.

What are some literary devices used in Blue Dreams?

Blue Dreams is a novel that employs various literary devices to enhance its style and meaning. Here are some examples:

  • Metaphors and similes. The novel uses figurative language to compare different things and create vivid images. For example, the Golden City is described as “a huge iron cage” and Gazmendi’s inventions are compared to “birds” and “flowers”.
  • Personification. The novel gives human qualities to non-human things, such as machines, animals and nature. For example, Gazmendi’s machines are said to have “eyes”, “ears” and “voices”, and the wind is described as “angry” and “jealous”.
  • Symbols. The novel uses objects, colors and names to represent abstract ideas or concepts. For example, the blue dreams symbolize Gazmendi’s hopes and aspirations, the golden city symbolizes the corrupted and polluted society, and Gazmendi’s name means “moonlight” in Albanian.
  • Irony. The novel uses irony to create contrast or humor between what is expected and what actually happens. For example, Gazmendi’s father is a war hero who fought for freedom, but he does not support his son’s freedom of expression and creativity.

What are some reviews and opinions about Blue Dreams?

Blue Dreams is a novel that has received positive feedback and praise from readers and critics alike. Here are some examples of reviews and opinions about the novel:

“Blue Dreams is a captivating and inspiring novel that shows the power of imagination and creativity. It also raises awareness about the environmental issues that affect our planet and our lives. Qamil Batalli is a master storyteller who knows how to engage and entertain his audience.” – A reader from Amazon.com

“Qamil Batalli’s Blue Dreams is a novel that deserves to be read by children and adults alike. It is a novel that combines adventure, humor, emotion and education in a perfect balance. It is a novel that reflects the rich and diverse culture of Kosovo and its people.” – A literary critic from Kosovo Times

“I loved reading Blue Dreams with my students. They were fascinated by Gazmendi’s inventions and his courage to follow his dreams. They also learned a lot about the importance of protecting the environment and respecting different cultures. I highly recommend this novel to teachers and parents who want to enrich their children’s reading experience.” – A teacher from Goodreads.com

How to write a summary of Blue Dreams?

If you want to write a summary of Blue Dreams, you need to follow some steps and guidelines. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Read the novel carefully and identify the main events and characters.
  • Write a brief introduction that includes the title, author, genre and main idea of the novel.
  • Write a body paragraph that summarizes each chapter in one or two sentences. Use your own words and avoid copying from the text.
  • Write a conclusion that restates the main idea and gives your opinion or evaluation of the novel.
  • Check your summary for accuracy, clarity, coherence and completeness. Make sure you use the keyword in the introduction, body and conclusion.

What are some examples of summaries of Blue Dreams?

Here are some examples of summaries of Blue Dreams written by different students:

Blue Dreams is a novel for children and young people by Qamil Batalli, a Kosovar writer. It tells the story of Gazmendi, a boy who wants to invent machines to clean the air polluted by industrial development. He lives in the Golden City, a place that used to be green and beautiful, but now is covered with smog and dust. His friend Cia has to leave the city because of her health problems caused by the pollution. Gazmendi decides to follow his dream and find a way to make the city clean again.

The novel has 18 chapters that describe Gazmendi’s adventures and discoveries. He meets different people and faces different challenges along his journey. He also learns more about his family, his culture and his history. He invents various machines that help him clean the air, such as a vacuum cleaner, a fan and a balloon. He also makes friends with animals and plants that support him in his quest.

The novel ends with Gazmendi returning to his home and reconciling with his parents. He shows them his inventions and explains his motives. His parents are proud of him and support him in his dream. Gazmendi also reunites with Cia, who comes back to the city after it becomes cleaner and healthier.

I think Blue Dreams is a very interesting and inspiring novel. It shows how imagination and creativity can make a difference in the world. It also teaches us about the importance of environmental protection and cultural diversity.” – A student from Grade 5

The Meaning of the Reading Blue Dreams Qamil Batalli is a novel for children and young people by Qamil Batalli, a Kosovar writer. It is about Gazmendi, a creative and curious boy who wants to invent machines to clean the air polluted by industrial development. He lives in the Golden City, a place that used to be beautiful and green, but now is full of smog and dust. His friend Cia has to move away from the city because of her health problems caused by the pollution. Gazmendi decides to follow his dream and find a solution to make the city clean again.

The novel has 18 chapters that follow Gazmendi’s journey and experiences. He encounters different situations and people that help him or hinder him in his mission. He also discovers more about his past, his culture and his identity. He creates different machines that help him clean the air, such as a vacuum cleaner, a fan and a balloon. He also befriends animals and plants that assist him in his mission.

The novel concludes with Gazmendi going back to his home and making peace with his parents. He shows them his machines and tells them his reasons. His parents are proud of him and encourage him in his dream. Gazmendi also meets Cia again, who returns to the city after it becomes cleaner and healthier.

I like The Meaning of the Reading Blue Dreams Qamil Batalli very much. It is a fun and educational novel that stimulates my imagination and creativity. It also teaches me about the importance of environmental protection and cultural diversity.” – A student from Grade 6


To sum up, Blue Dreams is a novel that offers a great reading experience for children and young people. It is a novel that tells an engaging and inspiring story of a boy who wants to invent machines to clean the air polluted by industrial development. It is a novel that explores the themes of family, friendship and innovation. It is a novel that introduces us to the beautiful and diverse culture of Kosovo and its people. It is a novel that encourages us to use our imagination and creativity to make a difference in the world.

