Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb Pdf Fixed Download

Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb PDF Download: A Guide to the Canon of Medicine

Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb, or The Canon of Medicine, is a famous and influential encyclopedia of medicine written by the Persian physician and philosopher Avicenna (Ibn Sina) in the 11th century. It is considered one of the most important works in the history of medicine, as it summarizes and systematizes the medical knowledge of the Islamic world, which was influenced by earlier traditions such as Greek, Persian, Chinese and Indian medicine.

The Canon of Medicine consists of five books, covering basic medical principles, anatomy, pharmacology, diseases of specific organs and systems, and compound remedies. It was translated into Latin in the 12th century and became a standard medical textbook in Europe for centuries. It is also an important text in Unani medicine, a form of traditional medicine practiced in India.

If you are interested in learning more about this masterpiece of Islamic medicine, you can download Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb PDF online from various sources. However, you should be aware that some of these sources may not be reliable or accurate, and that some of the translations may not reflect the original meaning and context of Avicenna’s words. Therefore, it is advisable to consult reputable and scholarly websites and publications that provide authentic and annotated versions of Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb PDF.

Some Reliable Sources for Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb PDF Download

Here are some examples of reliable sources for Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb PDF download:

  • The Internet Archive: This is a digital library that offers free access to millions of books, movies, music and other media. You can find several editions and translations of Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb PDF on this website, such as the one published by the Typographia Medicea in Rome in 1593. This edition contains both Arabic and Latin texts, as well as Avicenna’s other works on logic, physics and metaphysics.
  • World Digital Library: This is a project of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that aims to promote cultural diversity and understanding by providing free access to cultural heritage materials from around the world. You can find a copy of Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb PDF on this website, which is part of a manuscript collection from the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland. This copy dates back to the 13th or 14th century and contains illustrations and annotations by various scholars.
  • Wellcome Library: This is a library and museum based in London that specializes in medical history and science. You can find a copy of Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb PDF on this website, which is part of a manuscript collection from the Wellcome Library. This copy dates back to the 15th century and contains marginal notes by different hands.


Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb PDF download is a great way to explore the rich and fascinating legacy of Avicenna and Islamic medicine. However, you should be careful about the quality and authenticity of the sources you use, and always cross-check them with scholarly references. By doing so, you will be able to appreciate the wisdom and innovation of Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine.

The Contents and Structure of Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb

Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb is divided into five books, each containing several parts, chapters, subchapters, sections and subsections. The first book deals with general medical principles, such as the theory of the four humors, the causes and symptoms of diseases, the classification of diseases, the principles of diagnosis and prognosis, the rules of hygiene and diet, and the general methods of treatment. The second book covers the materia medica, or the substances used for medical purposes, such as plants, minerals, animals and drugs. It lists about 800 simple drugs, arranged alphabetically according to their Arabic names, and describes their properties, effects, indications, contraindications and doses. The third book focuses on the diseases of specific organs and systems, such as the head, the eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth, the throat, the chest, the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, the bladder, the intestines, the skin, the bones and the nerves. It also includes chapters on fevers, tumors, wounds, poisons and antidotes. The fourth book deals with the diseases that affect the whole body or multiple parts of it, such as leprosy, plague, scabies, rabies, epilepsy and melancholy. It also includes chapters on aging and death. The fifth book contains a formulary of compound remedies that are composed of two or more simple drugs. It lists about 650 compound drugs that are classified according to their therapeutic effects.

The Influence and Legacy of Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb

Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb was a monumental work that had a profound impact on the development of medicine in both the Islamic world and Europe. It was widely read and studied by Muslim physicians and scholars for centuries. It was also translated into several languages, such as Latin, Hebrew and Persian. It influenced many famous medical authors and schools in Europe, such as Gerard of Cremona , Constantine the African , Roger Bacon , Arnaldus de Villa Nova , Paracelsus , Vesalius , William Harvey and Thomas Sydenham . It was used as a standard medical textbook in many European universities until the 18th century. It was also an important source for Unani medicine , a form of traditional medicine practiced in India.

Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb is not only a valuable historical document that reflects the state of medical knowledge in medieval times. It is also a remarkable scientific achievement that demonstrates Avicenna’s originality and creativity in synthesizing and organizing diverse medical information into a coherent and comprehensive system. It is a testament to Avicenna’s genius and his contribution to human civilization.

How to Read and Understand Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb

Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb is a complex and sophisticated work that requires a lot of background knowledge and critical thinking to read and understand. It is not a simple manual that provides easy answers and solutions to medical problems. It is a scientific treatise that presents a comprehensive and systematic view of medicine based on Avicenna’s philosophy and logic. It also reflects the cultural and historical context of Avicenna’s time and place.

Therefore, if you want to read and understand Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb, you need to do some preparation and research before you start. You need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts and terms of Avicenna’s philosophy and logic, such as the four causes, the four elements, the four humors, the four faculties, the syllogism, the definition, the genus, the species, the differentia and the accident. You also need to learn about the history and development of medicine in the Islamic world and its relation to other medical traditions, such as Greek, Persian, Chinese and Indian medicine. You also need to be aware of the challenges and limitations of translating and interpreting Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb from Arabic into other languages.

Once you have done your preparation and research, you can start reading Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb with an open mind and a critical eye. You should not expect to find everything in Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb to be accurate or relevant to modern medicine. You should also not reject everything in Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb as outdated or irrelevant to modern medicine. You should try to appreciate Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb as a historical and scientific document that reveals Avicenna’s insights and achievements in medicine. You should also try to evaluate Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb according to its own standards and criteria, rather than imposing your own standards and criteria on it.


Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb PDF download is a great opportunity to explore one of the most influential works in the history of medicine. It is a masterpiece of Islamic medicine that summarizes and systematizes the medical knowledge of Avicenna’s time. It is also a remarkable scientific achievement that demonstrates Avicenna’s originality and creativity in synthesizing and organizing diverse medical information into a coherent and comprehensive system. However, reading and understanding Al Qanun Fi Al Tibb is not an easy task. It requires a lot of background knowledge and critical thinking to appreciate its value and significance. By doing so, you will be able to learn from Avicenna’s wisdom and innovation in medicine.
