Ashrae Standard 170 Pdf Download

How to Download Ashrae Standard 170 PDF for Free and Why You Need It

If you are a health care facility designer, engineer, or manager, you may have heard of Ashrae Standard 170, the ventilation standard for health care facilities. But what is it exactly and why is it important? And how can you download it for free?

In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will explain what Ashrae Standard 170 is, what it covers, and how it can help you create a safe and comfortable indoor environment for patients, staff, and visitors. We will also show you how to download the PDF version of the standard for free from the official website of ASHRAE (the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers).

What is Ashrae Standard 170?

Ashrae Standard 170 is a joint standard developed by ASHRAE and ASHE (the American Society for Health Care Engineering). It defines ventilation system design requirements that provide environmental control for comfort, asepsis, and odor in health care facilities.

The standard applies to all types of health care facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, ambulatory care centers, and dental offices. It covers both new construction and renovation projects. It also covers both general and specific areas within health care facilities, such as operating rooms, isolation rooms, intensive care units, pharmacies, laboratories, and more.

The standard specifies minimum ventilation rates, air change rates, filtration levels, temperature and humidity ranges, pressure relationships, and air distribution methods for each type of space. It also provides guidance on how to monitor and maintain the ventilation systems to ensure optimal performance and compliance.

Why do you need Ashrae Standard 170?

Ashrae Standard 170 is a mandatory minimum requirement for health care ventilation design in many jurisdictions. It is also referenced by other codes and standards, such as the FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities, the NFPA Life Safety Code, and the Joint Commission Accreditation Standards. Therefore, following Ashrae Standard 170 is not only a good practice but also a legal obligation for many health care facilities.

But more importantly, Ashrae Standard 170 is essential for ensuring the health and safety of patients, staff, and visitors in health care facilities. Proper ventilation can prevent the spread of airborne infections, such as COVID-19, by diluting and removing contaminated air from the spaces. It can also provide thermal comfort and odor control for the occupants. Moreover, it can reduce energy consumption and operating costs by optimizing the ventilation system efficiency and performance.

How to download Ashrae Standard 170 PDF for free?

If you want to download Ashrae Standard 170 PDF for free, you can do so from the official website of ASHRAE. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to this page on the ASHRAE website.
  2. Scroll down to find the latest version of the standard (currently ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2017) and click on it.
  3. You will be redirected to a page where you can purchase the standard or download it for free as a member or a non-member.
  4. If you are an ASHRAE member or an ASHE member, you can log in with your credentials and download the standard for free.
  5. If you are not a member of either organization, you can register as a non-member for free by filling out a form with your name, email address, country, and organization type.
  6. After registering as a non-member, you will receive an email with a link to download the standard for free.
  7. Click on the link in the email and save the PDF file to your device.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded Ashrae Standard 170 PDF for free. Now you can use it as a reference for your health care ventilation design projects.


Ashrae Standard 170 is a vital standard for health care ventilation design. It provides minimum requirements and best practices for creating a safe and comfortable indoor environment for patients, staff, and visitors in health care facilities. It also helps reduce energy consumption and operating costs by optimizing the ventilation system performance and efficiency.

If you want to download Ashrae Standard 170 PDF for free, you can do so from the official website of ASHRAE. You just need to register as a member or a non-member and follow the instructions to get the PDF file. You can also access the latest addenda and updates to the standard from the same website.

We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading.

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Here are some possible sources for images, charts, or tables:

You can use these sources as references and cite them accordingly in your article. You can also use your own sources or create your own images, charts, or tables if you prefer.

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How to apply Ashrae Standard 170 to your health care ventilation design project?

If you want to apply Ashrae Standard 170 to your health care ventilation design project, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the type and function of each space in your health care facility and classify them according to the standard’s categories and subcategories.
  2. Determine the minimum ventilation requirements for each space based on the standard’s tables and figures. These include the ventilation rate, air change rate, filtration level, temperature and humidity range, pressure relationship, and air distribution method.
  3. Design the ventilation system to meet or exceed the minimum requirements for each space. Consider the system layout, ductwork, equipment, controls, and accessories. Use the standard’s appendices and informative notes for additional guidance and recommendations.
  4. Verify and document the compliance of the ventilation system with the standard’s requirements. Perform testing and balancing, commissioning, and maintenance activities to ensure the system’s performance and efficiency.

What are the benefits of using Ashrae Standard 170 for your health care ventilation design project?

Using Ashrae Standard 170 for your health care ventilation design project can bring you many benefits, such as:

  • Improving the indoor air quality and infection control in your health care facility by reducing the risk of airborne transmission of pathogens.
  • Enhancing the comfort and satisfaction of patients, staff, and visitors by providing optimal temperature and humidity conditions and odor control.
  • Saving energy and money by optimizing the ventilation system efficiency and performance and reducing unnecessary over-ventilation or under-ventilation.
  • Avoiding legal issues and penalties by complying with the mandatory codes and standards that reference Ashrae Standard 170.
  • Gaining a competitive edge and reputation by demonstrating your commitment to excellence and best practices in health care ventilation design.

As you can see, Ashrae Standard 170 is a valuable resource for health care ventilation design. It can help you create a safe and comfortable indoor environment for your health care facility while saving energy and money.

There is no need to continue the article as it already has enough content and covers the main aspects of the keyword. If you want to add more content, you can consider adding a summary, a call to action, or some references at the end of the article. For example, you can add a summary that highlights the main points of the article, a call to action that invites the readers to contact you for more information or services, or some references that cite the sources you used in the article.

Here are some possible examples of a summary, a call to action, and some references:


In this article, we have explained what Ashrae Standard 170 is, what it covers, and how it can help you create a safe and comfortable indoor environment for your health care facility. We have also shown you how to download the PDF version of the standard for free from the official website of ASHRAE. We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you.

Call to action

If you need professional help with your health care ventilation design project, please feel free to contact us. We are a team of experienced and qualified engineers who specialize in health care ventilation design. We can help you apply Ashrae Standard 170 to your project and ensure compliance and quality. We can also provide you with customized solutions and recommendations to meet your specific needs and goals. Contact us today and let us know how we can help you.


  • ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2017, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities. Retrieved from
  • Health Care Design: FGI Guidelines, ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170, and Beyond. Retrieved from
  • Ventilation of Health Care Facilities – ASHRAE. Retrieved from
  • Ventilation of Health Care Facilities – ASHRAE. Retrieved from
  • ASHRAE Standard 170 ‘COVID-19 Guidance’ for Hospital Isolation Rooms – RGF. Retrieved from

A possible conclusion is:


Ashrae Standard 170 is a vital standard for health care ventilation design. It provides minimum requirements and best practices for creating a safe and comfortable indoor environment for patients, staff, and visitors in health care facilities. It also helps reduce energy consumption and operating costs by optimizing the ventilation system performance and efficiency.

If you want to download Ashrae Standard 170 PDF for free, you can do so from the official website of ASHRAE. You just need to register as a member or a non-member and follow the instructions to get the PDF file. You can also access the latest addenda and updates to the standard from the same website.

We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading.
