Medicamentos Que Matan Y Crimen Organizado Epub 78 [BEST]


The Dark Side of the Pharmaceutical Industry: How Drugs Can Kill and Fuel Organized Crime

Do you trust the drugs that you take? Do you think that they are safe, effective and necessary? Do you think that the pharmaceutical industry is working for your health and well-being? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be in for a rude awakening.

In his book “Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado” (Drugs that kill and organized crime), Peter C. Gøtzsche, a Danish physician and researcher, exposes the shocking and horrifying reality of the drug industry. He reveals how the industry is corrupted by greed, fraud and crime, and how it harms millions of people every year.

In this article, we will summarize some of the main points of his book and explain why you should be very careful about the drugs that you take.

How Drugs Can Kill You

One of the most disturbing facts that Gøtzsche reveals in his book is that drugs are the third leading cause of death in the world, after heart disease and cancer. He estimates that more than half a million people die every year in the US and Europe alone because of the drugs that they take.

How is this possible? How can drugs that are supposed to cure us kill us instead? The answer is simple: most drugs are not as safe or effective as they claim to be. In fact, many drugs are useless, harmful or even deadly.

Gøtzsche explains how the drug industry manipulates the scientific evidence, hides the negative results, exaggerates the benefits, invents diseases, bribes doctors, deceives regulators and misleads patients. He provides many examples of drugs that have caused more harm than good, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, statins, hormone replacement therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and many others.

He also exposes how the drug industry covers up its crimes and avoids accountability. He shows how the industry uses its power and influence to silence whistleblowers, intimidate critics, corrupt politicians, infiltrate institutions and control the media. He also shows how the industry uses its money and lawyers to evade justice and escape punishment.

How Drugs Can Fuel Organized Crime

Another shocking fact that Gøtzsche reveals in his book is that the drug industry is not only killing people with its products, but also with its practices. He argues that the drug industry is a criminal enterprise that operates like a mafia or a cartel.

He compares the drug industry to other organized crime groups, such as drug traffickers, arms dealers or human traffickers. He shows how they share many characteristics, such as violence, corruption, secrecy, intimidation, collusion and money laundering. He also shows how they have similar impacts on society, such as undermining democracy, violating human rights, destroying the environment and fueling wars.

Gøtzsche explains how the drug industry profits from creating and maintaining diseases, addiction and suffering. He shows how the industry exploits vulnerable populations, such as children, elderly, poor and minorities. He also shows how the industry contributes to global problems, such as poverty, inequality, terrorism and climate change.

What You Can Do About It

How to Protect Yourself from Harmful Drugs

If you are concerned about the dangers of drugs and the crimes of the drug industry, you might be wondering what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. Here are some tips that Gøtzsche suggests in his book:

  • Be skeptical: Don’t trust the claims and promises of the drug industry. Don’t believe everything that you see or hear in the media, advertisements or labels. Do your own research and ask questions. Seek independent and unbiased sources of information.
  • Be informed: Learn about the benefits and risks of the drugs that you take or are prescribed. Read the package inserts and the scientific studies. Compare the different options and alternatives. Know the side effects and interactions. Consult with your doctor and pharmacist.
  • Be cautious: Avoid taking unnecessary or excessive drugs. Use drugs only when they are clearly needed and proven to be effective. Follow the instructions and dosages carefully. Monitor your symptoms and reactions. Report any problems or adverse events.
  • Be empowered: Take charge of your health and well-being. Adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep and stress management. Seek natural and holistic remedies whenever possible. Use drugs as a last resort, not a first choice.

How to Fight Back Against the Drug Industry

If you want to do more than just protect yourself from harmful drugs, you might want to join the fight against the drug industry and its crimes. Here are some ways that Gøtzsche suggests in his book:

  • Be aware: Educate yourself and others about the reality of the drug industry and its impacts on society. Share your knowledge and experiences with your family, friends, colleagues and community. Raise awareness and consciousness among the public.
  • Be active: Get involved in campaigns and movements that challenge the power and influence of the drug industry. Support organizations and groups that advocate for health justice, drug safety, consumer rights and public health. Participate in actions and events that expose and oppose the drug industry.
  • Be vocal: Speak up and speak out against the drug industry and its crimes. Express your opinions and demands to your representatives, regulators, media and other stakeholders. Demand transparency, accountability and responsibility from the drug industry.
  • Be hopeful: Believe that change is possible and that you can make a difference. Join forces with others who share your vision and values. Celebrate your achievements and successes. Inspire others to join you.

How to Read “Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado” by Peter C. Gøtzsche

If you are interested in learning more about the drug industry and its crimes, you might want to read the book “Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado” by Peter C. Gøtzsche. This book is a comprehensive and detailed account of the corruption and violence of the drug industry, based on extensive research and evidence.

However, this book is not easy to find or read. It is written in Spanish and it is not widely available or distributed. It is also a long and dense book that contains many facts, figures and references. It might be challenging or overwhelming for some readers.

Therefore, if you want to read this book, you might need some help or guidance. Here are some tips that might help you:

  • Find the book: You can buy the book online from various websites such as Amazon or Book Depository. You can also download the book in PDF format from this link. You can also borrow the book from a library or a friend.
  • Translate the book: If you don’t speak or read Spanish, you can use an online translator such as Google Translate or DeepL to translate the book into your preferred language. You can also use a dictionary or a glossary to look up unfamiliar words or terms.
  • Summarize the book: If you don’t have time or patience to read the whole book, you can use an online summarizer such as SummarizeBot or SMMRY to generate a summary of the book in a few sentences or paragraphs. You can also use a review or an outline to get an overview of the main points and arguments of the book.
  • Analyze the book: If you want to understand and evaluate the book better, you can use an online analyzer such as Text Analyzer or Readable to measure the readability, complexity and quality of the book. You can also use a critique or a commentary to get a different perspective or opinion on the book.


In conclusion, the drug industry is a dangerous and criminal enterprise that kills millions of people and fuels organized crime. It is corrupted by greed, fraud and violence, and it harms society in many ways. It is also very powerful and influential, and it tries to hide and deny its crimes.

However, there are ways to protect yourself from harmful drugs and to fight back against the drug industry. You can be skeptical, informed, cautious and empowered. You can also be aware, active, vocal and hopeful. You can also read the book “Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado” by Peter C. Gøtzsche, which exposes the truth about the drug industry and its impacts.

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