PDF Report Writer Crack Activation

FyTek’s PDF Report Writer allows you to easily create reports with headers and footers as well as text and tables that flow across pages. This product features XML tags and many popular HTML tags (like TABLE, TR, and TD) to create PDF reports. PDF Report Writer contains a rich set of features and functions that go far beyond plain HTML however.
You can use Report Writer application to build PDFs that match pre-printed paper forms or just place your data in tables and create a report. Set up headers and footers that automatically repeat on all pages. Table columns are sized automatically or you may specify the column sizes if you want. Table headers will automatically reprint on page breaks.
Provide alternate views of your data by allowing the end user to click the sorting option they want. Add in bookmarks and links to easily jump from one area of a report to another. Secure your output with 40 or 128-bit built-in encryption. Even create XPS documents for Microsoft XP and Vista.
Here are some key features of “PDF Report Writer “:
■ Use familiar HTML tags
■ Use interactive features (Text input, checkboxes, selection lists, buttons) and submit form data over the web
■ Support for layers in PDFs
■ Combine pages from existing PDFs into a single new PDF
■ Encrypt your documents (40-bit or 128-bit encryption options) so only authorized users can open, print, copy text, etc.
■ Export tables from PDF to Microsoft Excel using our converter
■ Create Microsoft RTF and/or XPS (Metro) Documents when creating the PDF
■ Right, left or center justify text (all type faces)
■ Create tables of data – insert tables within tables
■ Includes functions to create various charts
■ Create bookmarks, embed web links, underline and highlight
■ Convert one file, a whole directory or build on-the-fly over the web
■ Supports built-in type faces or use your own TrueType, OpenType or Type 1 fonts
■ Supports Chinese Simplified, Japanese and Korean fonts (must have the appropriate Asian font pack from Adobe installed in order to view)
■ Use a variety of image types – jpeg, gif, tiff, bmp, png and more
■ Universal 3D (U3D) graphics support
■ 30 day trial
■ Nag screen

PDF Report Writer Crack +

Version 2.4 (Rev. 7)
— Bug fixes and improvements
Version 2.3.0
— many new features
Version 2.2.0
— Improve the application compatibility with other application
— Fix the new exported data lost
Version 2.1.3
— Fix bug with the scroll event handling when the document is created on the fly
Version 2.1.2
— Fix bug that prevent the document to be saved as a PDF
Version 2.1.1
— Fix bug that prevent the document to be saved as a PDF
Version 2.1
— Many new features added:
■ the scale value of the rectangle object can be determined
■ the blur and drop shadow effects can be used
■ the hyperlink can be enabled
■ the line height can be specified for the hyperlink
■ the line height can be specified for the title
■ the line height can be specified for the description
■ image scaling can be specified for the image
■ the same page can be imported from many documents and set the right master page
■ the foreground and background colors can be specified
■ the foreground and background colors can be specified for the tables
■ two tables can be specified in one table
■ two tables can be specified in one table
■ the documents can be protected with different passwords
■ the documents can be protected with different passwords
■ the hash calculation can be specified for the password
■ the hash calculation can be specified for the password
■ the documents can be saved as PDF, XPS, RTF, Microsoft Excel, or XLS
■ the documents can be saved as PDF, XPS, RTF, Microsoft Excel, or XLS
■ the documents can be saved as PDF, XPS, RTF, Microsoft Excel, or XLS
■ the documents can be saved as PDF, XPS, RTF, Microsoft Excel, or XLS
— The application is now created with the same license as the MS Word
— To update the application, you only need to install it with the same
— license number of the application you want to update
— Compatibility with all Office versions (including the recent one)
— All feature of PDF format (header, footer, textbox, listbox, image, table,

PDF Report Writer

■ Remember macros saved to the clipboard
■ Import macros from Clipboard to work with your data
■ Apply macros to your data (one, all or some)
■ Macro calls within macros are visible, use viewer to see macro being called
■ Macros can be called in a “pass by reference” mode so you can pass values back to the macro
■ Macros can be called in “pass by value” mode so macros are not cleared after calling
■ Macros can be called in a “call by name” mode
■ Enable or disable debugging (click the Debug button)
■ Macro debugging displays the variable and expression before, during or after each macro call
■ Display the value of the variable prior to calling the macro
■ Macros will automatically call themselves if you click on any blank line to call a new macro
■ Macros can be automatically called from the workbook in a similar manner to macros called from the Ribbon
■ Macros can call other macros
■ Modify variables in the macro
■ Remove variables from the macro
■ Insert variables into the macro (in a different order than what they appear in the macro)
■ Enable or disable the.DISPLAY and.PRINTING when calling macros
■ Cancel macros after the macro has been called
■ Automatically cancel macros called by the workbook if the user hits Cancel
■ Automatically cancel all macros called by the workbook when the workbook is closed
■ Enable or disable macros called from the workbook
■ Call the workbook’s macros by using a sheet’s name (this way you can use a named reference from a different workbook)
■ Automatically call macro “from” a sheet when the user uses a sheet name to refer to a macro
■ When calling macros from a sheet name, force the macro to run even if the workbook is not open
■ Use or create a hyperlink to a macro
■ Create a URL (the location of a macro) that opens to the specified location
■ Automatic Close (no need to click the x in the top right corner) of all workbooks in the after a selected macro has been run
■ Automatically close the workbook before starting a macro


PDF Report Writer Crack+ With Keygen

What’s New In PDF Report Writer?

The Great Gatsby (traditionally written by F. Scott Fitzgerald) is now easier than ever to create and publish. It’s a simple word processing software program with the power to transform your Gatsby into a compelling narrative. The Great Gatsby™ Publisher allows you to:

■ Story Editor ■ Word Processor ■ Publisher ■ Page Layout Designer ■ Page Designer ■ Resizer ■ Web Page Builder ■ History Tracker ■ Presentation Builder ■ ■ Flash- and XML-based dynamic publishing ■ Interactive pages ■ Printable output ■ Designed specifically for writing in the mid-20th century style ■ Fast and easy to learn

■ Includes a full editor and features like spell-checker and word finder, a thesaurus, a built-in grammar checker, support for advanced highlighting & footnote, and an outline editor for brainstorming ideas & writing more effectively
■ Can publish to Microsoft Word, Microsoft RTF, Microsoft XPS, and more
■ Allows you to easily create multiple versions of your document
■ Can be used for both word processing and Web publishing
■ Can be used with Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007, as well as Microsoft Office Communicator & Outlook 2003, 2007, and Communicator 2007
■ Supports Microsoft Office 2007 Help and Source files
■ Supports high-contrast and low-contrast modes
■ Supports customization of headers and footers, buttons, tabs, and hyperlinks
■ Supports Unicode Text and Microsoft Word 2003/2007 / 2007 RTF format
■ Allows for printing, full-page rotation, layout and paper handling
■ Allows you to password-protect the document
■ Allows you to publish to network locations
■ Supports internal and external stylesheets
■ Supports customization of fonts & colors
■ Allows you to import hyperlinks from other documents & databases
■ Supports multiple desktops
■ Allows you to group fonts in style sets and apply stylesets to specific groups
■ Supports multiple languages
■ Supports in-text links and control the page-break behavior
■ Allows you to change font size to fit text to page margins
■ Includes an automatic hyphenator
■ Allows you to view source documents as they

System Requirements For PDF Report Writer:


Operating System
Windows 7/8
Windows 10
Intel Core 2 Duo @ 1.4Ghz
Intel Core i3 @ 2.0Ghz
4 GB
8 GB
Hard Drive
250 GB
500 GB
Video Card
NVIDIA Geforce 8600 GTS
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1070
