Resolution Changer DLL [32|64bit]

ResMaster.dll was developed to be a DLL that can be used to query and change a system’s display modes. I wrote this DLL for use with AutoPlay Media Studio 4.0, although it should be callable from any Win32 program written in C, C++, Delphi, VB, etc. You might want to use this DLL to change a user’s display settings when your application starts and then to set it back again when the application exits.
ResMaster.dll was written in C++ and does not have any external dependencies. It exposes three functions:
– LPCTSTR GetCurrentDisplayMode()
Returns the display’s current settings in the format WIDTH,HEIGHT,BITSPERPIXEL,FREQUENCY. For example 1024,768,32,75 means 1024×768 at 32 bits per pixel with a 75 Hertz. It is a good idea to retrieve and store this informaiton at the start of your application so that you can restore it later or when your application exits.
– LPCTSTR GetAllDisplayModes()
Returns all display modes supported by the primary display in a semi-colon delimited string. For example:
– int SetDisplayMode(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBPP, int nFreq)
Changes the display mode with the specfied values. Returns 1 if successful, 0 if it fails. Internally the function checks first to make sure that the mode is supported. However, you should still do some checks of your own. It is a good idea to prompt the user to make sure that they want to change their display resolution, even temporarily.

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ResMaster.dll has been developed as a stand alone utility that works with Windows. The DLL is only 2.7 Kb in size and there are no external dependencies. It works on any Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and server versions.
The DLL uses the Win32 API to query and change the display mode settings for the main display. It does not support multiple displays. It is best used in combination with AutoPlay Media Studio 4.0 or any other application that supports monitor selection.
To use the DLL, you will have to include a header file and some DLL exports. ResMaster.h is a C header file. A sample main.cpp is included with the DLL. Note that this sample code is not complete or robust. It was not written by me.
To get started you will need to locate the DLL and header file. They can be found in the redistributable folder that you downloaded from the AutoPlay download page. This is the file name: resmaster.dll. This file can be placed in the same folder as your executable or it can be copied to any location that you would like. The other file needed is ResMaster.h. You can copy this file to the same folder as resmaster.dll or you can place it in the same folder as your executable. I chose to place it in the same folder as the DLL so that it is easier to copy the DLL and header file into a folder that you want to use.
Once you have the DLL and header file in the same folder as your application then you can include ResMaster.h in your code.
#include “ResMaster.h”
I assume that you have a main Win32 C/C++ application. In this case, to use the DLL you will have to add the following in the top of your application:
LPCTSTR ResMasterSettings[] = {L”General”, L”Video”, L”Monitor Settings”, L”Viewers”, L”Interface”, L”Preferences”, L”Advanced”, L”Quit”};

static char Ret[256];
static HANDLE spHandle;
static char *sp;
static char *dir;
static int dirlen;

You can then query and change the display settings like this:
sp = ResMasterSettings[0];
dir = ResMasterSettings[1];

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Set the display mode of the primary display.
Check the display resolution of the primary display. If it matches the one set by SetDisplayMode() then continue. Otherwise display a message and prompt the user to set the display resolution. Return the new resolution if successful, 0 if the user cancels or if the resolution is not supported.
Return a string that lists all supported modes. This is an array of strings, each of which represent a mode as described in GetCurrentDisplayMode(). A semi-colon is placed between each string.
SetDisplayMode(nWidth, nHeight, nBPP, nFreq)
Set the display mode of the primary display. If nWidth or nHeight are 0 then it is assumed that the user wants to set the default display resolution. If nBPP is 0 then it is assumed that the display supports 8, 16 or 32 bits per pixel. If nFreq is 0 then it is assumed that the user wants to set the default display frequency. If nFreq is not 0 then it is assumed that the display supports the specified frequency. Return 1 if successful, 0 if the user cancels.
Programmer’s Notes:
Most display manufacturers define their own display mode constants. These will be in hexadecimal (base 16) format. For example, 320×200 is defined as 0x2E. Some display manufactures even have more exotic constants defined for the display that they provide. You can obtain these constants from your manufacturer and use them instead of the ones listed here.
The function SetDisplayMode() is a modified version of the function found in the Graphics demo programs. It was modified to work with 24 bit images. If a display has a 16 bit display mode then the image will only be 16 bit. If a display has a 32 bit display mode then the image will be 32 bit. If a display has a display mode that is not one of the above then SetDisplayMode() will display a message and prompt the user to set the display mode. Note that this function requires knowledge of the display’s display mode. If you are writing an application that wants to display images then you will need to know the display’s display mode. This function should be called after a user has set the display mode in the image viewer.
All text is written in Unicode format. You will probably need to modify ResMaster.cpp so that the text is displayed correctly on

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A description of the MacKeyName keys.
The text to be displayed on the title bar of an application when the user presses the alt-key in combination with the mouse’s left button. This may be different depending on whether the application has a menu bar or not.
The text to be displayed on the title bar of an application when the user presses the alt-key in combination with the mouse’s right button. This may be different depending on whether the application has a menu bar or not.
The text to be displayed on the scroll bar on the right side of the title bar of an application when the user presses the alt-key in combination with the mouse’s right button. This may be different depending on whether the application has a menu bar or not.
The text to be displayed on the title bar of an application when the user presses the alt-key in combination with the mouse’s right button. This may be different depending on whether the application has a menu bar or not.
The text to be displayed on the title bar of an application when the user presses the alt-key in combination with the mouse’s left button. This may be different depending on whether the application has a menu bar or not.
The text to be displayed on the title bar of an application when the user presses the alt-key in combination with the mouse’s left button. This may be different depending on whether the application has a menu bar or not.
The text to be displayed on the title bar of an application when the user presses the alt-key in combination with the mouse’s left button. This may be different depending on whether the application has a menu bar or not.



typedef int(WIN

What’s New In?

I wrote this DLL as an alternative to the standard autoexec.inf file that comes with AutoPlay Media Studio 4.0. AutoExec’s autoexec.inf file is easy to change and can be modified for specific users on a computer, but it can’t change the resolution on a computer. The standard autoexec.inf file is hard coded to set the resolution to 800×600 and it always sets the display frequency to 75 Hertz. I tried to make my version of the autoexec.inf file dynamic and able to change the display resolution and frequency at runtime. It works well with all of the displays I have tested.
As of Version 4.3, this DLL is fully compatible with the standard autoexec.inf file that comes with AutoPlay Media Studio 4.0.
You can easily modify this file and then save it to your %appdata%\AutoPlay\Autoexec directory. For example:
– C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ApeDr.exe

Here is the standard autoexec.inf file that you can use as a template to customize your own autoexec.inf file:

enable_autoeexec = 1



iGame.bShowMonitor = 1

iGame.bUseAlternateApeDr = 1

iGame.iMaxSupportedGameApeDr = 1


target = iGame.cfg

duration = 1

reboot = 1


target = bUseAlternateApeDr.cfg

duration = 1


target = bUseAlternateApeDr.cfg

reboot = 1





To install this DLL, copy the ResMaster.dll and ResMaster.h files to your AutoPlay Media Studio 4.0 installation directory. Then copy ResMaster.ini, ResMaster.cfg, and to your installation directory. This DLL needs the following files to function correctly:
– ResMaster.ini
– ResMaster.cfg
– ResMaster.dll

To use ResMaster, call the functions defined in ResMaster.dll. If you prefer to use the functions defined in ResMaster.h, call the functions in that file instead.
Note that this DLL is still in Beta and not all of the functions are fully tested. I use the functions with several different displays and the results are always correct, but I’m not 100% confident that they are correct. I have tested

System Requirements:

How to Install:
System requirements before installing Phanteks Enthoo Pro RGB. It is not possible to install it on any system that is not listed here.
Installation Information:
1) Double-click the downloaded ‘enthoo_pro_usb_v2_setup.exe’ file to install Phanteks Enthoo Pro RGB.
2) From the opening wizard, click “Install to USB Device” and select the USB flash drive (any) which you have previously created.
3) Click �