WinLIRC Plug-in For JetAudio For PC Latest

This plug-in adds WinLIRC support to jetAudio. jetAudio is an excellent media player supporting all common audio and video formats. You can use every remote supported by WinLIRC with this plug-in (almost any standard remote control). You also get full control over the key bindings, allowing you to adjust them to your own likings.
Because WinLIRC has a client/server model, a WinLIRC server is required before you can use the plug-in. The server decodes signals received from the remote and forwards them to the client (i.e. this plug-in). The original WinLIRC server supports only infrared remotes, but you can setup a WinLIRC server for X10 (radio-frequency) remotes too, more about that in the included readme file. The plug-in can be configured by editing an INI file, which is also explained in this readme file. Get WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you!







WinLIRC Plug-in For JetAudio Crack + With Keygen [Win/Mac] [Latest 2022]

This plug-in adds WinLIRC support to jetAudio. jetAudio is an excellent media player supporting all common audio and video formats. You can use every remote supported by WinLIRC with this plug-in (almost any standard remote control). You also get full control over the key bindings, allowing you to adjust them to your own likings.
Because WinLIRC has a client/server model, a WinLIRC server is required before you can use the plug-in. The server decodes signals received from the remote and forwards them to the client (i.e. this plug-in). The original WinLIRC server supports only infrared remotes, but you can setup a WinLIRC server for X10 (radio-frequency) remotes too, more about that in the included readme file. The plug-in can be configured by editing an INI file, which is also explained in this readme file. Get WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you!
WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio Features:

100% compatible with any of the available WinLIRC clients

Remote control almost any device out there (could be supported by WinLIRC)

Possibility to switch on/off the volume

Possibility to control the volume independently from the media player

Possibility to control song or pause

Change media player’s interface (sliders)

Get WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you!

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The descriptions are in

WinLIRC Plug-in For JetAudio [Win/Mac] [Updated] 2022

All keys on the remote control can be defined as macros in the configuration. A Macro can be defined for any key combination including a key combination of buttons on a remote. It is possible to trigger macros by pressing buttons on the remote control.
JETAUDIO MSVC++ Directories:
To use the DLL in your project you should put it in the same folder as jetAudio.exe.
1) In the project properties the option “Add to COM” should be ticked, this is required for a clean DLL.
2) The.def file that was used to generate the DLL should be in the same folder as jetAudio.exe (or you can copy the file in jetAudio.exe folder for convenience).
3) The DLL and the.def file should be correctly named when compiled. For the.def file this is described in the readme.txt file. The DLL name should be jetAudio_WinLirc.dll and the.def file should be named like WinLirc.def.
4) When the plug-in is activated in the program menu the “Plug-in Settings” menu should show the correct settings for the DLL.
5) The DLL cannot be unloaded. If you wish to remove the plug-in from the running application you can only do that by uninstalling the plug-in. The DLL will be removed if you remove the app.
6) The DLL should be compiled with the same settings as jetAudio is compiled with (see project properties – build tab – compiler settings). The DLL name should be jetAudio_WinLirc.dll (the same as the name of the.def file).
7) The DLL should have the same architecture as jetAudio and have the same “Allocating memory” flag set.
8) The DLL should have the option “Add to COM” ticked (if it isn’t the COM Registration function won’t work correctly).
WinLIRC – see below.
winLirc 0.8.2 or above. winLirc requires a server for each IR remote control that you want to support. The server must be compiled with the same libraries that jetAudio is compiled with (see project properties – build tab – compiler settings). The server must also be put in the same folder as the client for that remote. The server must have the “Add to COM” ticked (if it isn’t

WinLIRC Plug-in For JetAudio

WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio is a WinLIRC plugin that adds remote control support for the jetAudio media player. WinLIRC is a small and fast key daemon that decodes IR codes sent to it by a remote control. It then forwards the codes to the jetAudio media player. WinLIRC can handle a vast variety of remote controls, including those supported by winTV (PC-based) and winTV/XMCE (Sony-based). The WinLIRC server you install with this plug-in supports only infrared remotes, but the WinLIRC client works with any remote that supports the IR protocol.
Because WinLIRC has a client/server model, a WinLIRC server is required before you can use the plug-in. The server decodes signals received from the remote and forwards them to the client (i.e. this plug-in). The original WinLIRC server supports only infrared remotes, but you can setup a WinLIRC server for X10 (radio-frequency) remotes too, more about that in the included readme file. The plug-in can be configured by editing an INI file, which is also explained in this readme file.
Get WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you!
To get your hands on WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio:
You can get the WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio from the following site:

This is a zip file containing a WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio. If you are using WinLIRC 0.5, this zip file will be a bit different than previous versions, simply download the zip file, right-click on it and extract.
The zip file contains an executable file winlirc.exe and an INI file that describes the keybindings of the WinLIRC key daemon. Please read the included readme file before you try to install WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio.
How to use WinLIRC plug-in for jetAudio:
To start WinLIRC, right-click the WinLIRC executable file and choose Run as Administrator. Then go to the Options menu and choose Edit. This will open the options dialog.

What’s New In WinLIRC Plug-in For JetAudio?

WinLIRC is a Win32 client for LIRC ( It provides full functional of WinLIRC ( and comes with some exclusive features, for example a configuration tool that allows you to generate custom IR codes for any remote that has WinLIRC support.

Major changes since 0.1:

+ New configuration section.

+ Configuration section now supports shared configurations.

+ Option to enable auto-update of config files.

+ Support for multiple WinLIRC servers.

+ Support for custom IR codes.

+ Support for CUE files.

+ Improved parsing of configuration.

+ Option to load defaults into main dialog.

+ Support for Win32 startup.


+ Set and read up to 32 different IR codes.

+ Set and read up to 32 different key mappings.

+ Set and read up to 32 different button mappings.

+ Read and set value of a variable.

+ Change value of a variable by clicking a button.

+ Change value of a variable by double clicking a button.

+ Set as hotkey a button.

+ Command sets keybinding.

+ Command sets variable’s value.

+ Control show/hide application and dialog.

+ Support for WinLIRC server (

+ Support for LIRC server (

+ List of supported WinLIRC servers.

+ List of supported LIRC servers.

Known Issues:

+ LIRC support has not been fully tested, but works on all common remotes.

+ Works only with LIRC ( and WinLIRC (

+ WinLIRC server is not supported.

+ Configuration files are not stored.


+ Changes to WinLIRC dll files will be overwritten. Please make a backup before you make any changes.

+ Currently the WinLIRC server can only handle infrared (IR) controls.

+ The WinLIRC server can only handle “Media” remotes, i.e. those with two mode buttons.

Please report any bugs to:

+ To report a bug, open a new email and start the Subject with winlirc-plugin-jetAudio-0.1. To automatically change the version to the next version, click on the link “Next” in the inbox.


+ WinLIRC plug-in: Metabear by Luis Barroso, all credits to Luis Barroso and

System Requirements For WinLIRC Plug-in For JetAudio:

OS: Windows XP (SP2) or Windows Vista (SP2) or Windows 7
CPU: Pentium III or higher
RAM: 512 MB or higher
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