PlainText Crypto Crack Activator Free Download







PlainText Crypto Crack With Registration Code For Windows [2022-Latest]

1. How to? (Include Sender and Receiver email address)
To encrypt and decrypt a message, you only need to enter the email address of the receiver or sender. The system will provide the encrypted message in reply.
After a text has been encrypted, the key file is also needed. It cannot be generated again and must be saved to hard disk. You can restore the original text by using the key file.
When you use this method, you only need to send an email with your recipient email address to the command /login. You do not have to send the secret key.
2. Key File (Optional)
A plain text key file (e.g. text.key) is needed. It is the master key that you can use for your encryption and decryption operation.
To generate a new key file, use the /login command. To save it, click on the “Enter” button.
The default key file will be in plain text format, which is suitable for the short text. If you do not want to use the default key file, you can export it and change it to any format. To do this, click on the “Export” button.
After exporting, you may decide to keep it in plain text format or in another format, such as zip, ppt, jpg, or eml.
If you want to remove the key file, click on the “Remove” button.
3. Enable Encryption (Optional)
You can enable encryption by clicking on the “Enable Encryption” button. This does not have any effect if you use the default key file.
After the encryption is enabled, you can encrypt a text by using the /encrypt command.
4. Encrypted Text (Optional)
To see a text that has been encrypted, use the /decrypt command. You only need to enter the receiver’s email address.
5. Decrypted Text (Optional)
To see the original text, use the /decrypt command. You only need to enter the sender’s email address.
6. Reset Cipher (Optional)
If you want to change your encryption format or encryption key, you can reset the cipher by using the /reset command.
For example, to encode and decrypt some text.

(Type the name

PlainText Crypto With Product Key Free Download [Latest-2022]

Program converts a list of files to data.
Allow to specify the file names in text file.
Show the progress of conversion.
Supports Unicode and Unicode without BOM.
Show the size of converted files.
Supports Unicode text that has a BOM.
Transforms any existing Unicode without BOM files to BOM Unicode files.
Selective transformation
Transforms the files that are listed in the text files.
Selective file conversion
Convert files that are listed in text file.
Selective conversion without BOM
Convert Unicode files without BOM files.
Selective file and conversion without BOM
Convert Unicode and files that are listed in text files.

The program can be used for:

Encrypt and decrypt your email.
Encrypt your software.
Encrypt your text documents.
Encrypting text files and directories.

PlainText is a tool to create Text Encoding format files.
With the help of the application, you can create, open and edit.txt files, send them via email, view their content in a viewer, copy and paste, edit their content in text editors, see their content in the text files format, and encode and decode them.

PlainText Text Editor is a program to create, view, open, modify, copy, paste, and encode and decode.txt files.
With the help of the application, you can create, view, open, modify, copy, paste, and encode and decode.txt files.

PlainText Text Editor 2.0 is a program to create, view, open, modify, copy, paste, and encode and decode.txt files.
With the help of the application, you can create, view, open, modify, copy, paste, and encode and decode.txt files.

PlainText Text Editor 2.1 is a program to create, view, open, modify, copy, paste, and encode and decode.txt files.
With the help of the application, you can create, view, open, modify, copy, paste, and encode and decode.txt files.

PlainText Text Editor 3.0 is a program to create, view, open, modify, copy, paste, and encode and decode.txt files.
With the help of the application, you can create, view, open, modify, copy, paste, and encode and decode.txt files.

PlainText Crypto Crack + Free

PlainText Crypt


PlainText Crypt

PlainText Crypt is a program, which encrypts some file or folder by using keys. PlainText Crypt is a very simple application that encrypts plain text into a sequence of binary digits. You need to place text files you want to encrypt into the specified folder. It is possible to make backups of files before encryption. It is possible to add or delete new keys from the application. And it is possible to apply several encryption to selected files. You can work with PlainText Crypt by a interface which is similar to that of standard windows encryption programs.

PlainText Crypt comes with a set of key files. There are two sizes of keys: 32 KB and 64 KB. 64 KB keys are more comfortable for users. But 32 KB keys are required to encrypt and decode files on 32 bit operating systems (i.e. Windows 10, 8.1, 8). And 64 KB keys are required to encrypt and decode files on 64 bit operating systems (i.e. Windows 10, 8.1, 8, Vista). The 32 KB keys are saved in the program files and they are named as P7*x*y*, where *x* means the number of the key and *y* is the number of bytes in the key file. The 64 KB keys are saved in the program files and they are named as P8*x*y*, where *x* means the number of the key and *y* is the number of bytes in the key file.

To apply some encryption to selected files, you must select files from the list in the application. Or you can open files that you have already opened by clicking the first icon. You can add new key to the application or delete one from the application. You can remove all keys from the application or enable one of the keys for opening and reading selected files.

PlainText Crypt application creates a backup of selected files. If you want to get back to the backup, just select Restore Backup button and enter the file name of the key file you had used for encryption. By default, the program will open all files that are stored in the backup. But you can use the Restore Option button to open only the key file.

To send secured emails, you must add keys and add words which you want to be read by the receiver. When you send the secured email, PlainText Crypt will generate the encrypted emails. When the receiver receives the secured

What’s New in the?

PlainText Crypto lets you encrypt and decrypt your text files.
Encoding and decoding a text into a sequence of digits is extremely easy and doesn’t need any high-tech programming skills.
Just open any text file on your computer, type some text, click the Encrypt button and you will get a encrypted text file on your hard drive. You can easily decrypt the file using the Decode button.

The next figure shows you how to open a file and encrypt/decrypt it.
Encrypt a text file:

Decrypt a text file:

Encoding and Decoding use a special key file. This is the reason why all the files are encrypted in the same way and cannot be restored without having a key file that had been used for encoding.

Every key file is unique and cannot be generated again. The encoded text cannot be restored without having a key file that had been used for encoding.


Encoding makes your text files unreadable for others. You can use the special encoder/decoder keys to encrypt or decrypt files.

The Encoder/Decoder keys

All the files, which contain encrypted text, can be decrypted only with the corresponding encoder/decoder keys. Encoding cannot be undone. You can only Decode the text file. The next figure shows how you can use encoder keys.

Encoding is the process of transforming your text into a sequence of digits, which is unreadable for others. Decoding is the process of recovering the original text from a sequence of digits.

Key file for Encoding

Encoder keys are used to encrypt a text file. Decoder keys are used to decrypt encrypted texts. Encoding uses the same keys. That’s why the keys are referred to as Encoder/Decoder keys.

Encoding file with key

Encoding file without key

Encoding a text file

When a file is encrypted with Encoder keys, it cannot be read without having a key file that had been used for encoding. This is the reason why Encoding is reversible only.

Decoding is the process of recovering the original text from a sequence of digits. It is impossible to undo encoding. The encoder keys are identical to the decoder keys. They are used to encode/decode a text file.

Decoding file with key

Decoding file without key

Encoding a text file

When a file is encrypted with encoder keys, it cannot be read without having a key file that had been used for encoding. This is the reason why Encoding is reversible only.

Encoding a text file

When a file is encrypted with encoder keys, it cannot be read without having a key file that had been used for encoding. This is the reason why Encoding is reversible only.


System Requirements For PlainText Crypto:

• Windows Vista or Windows 7 32bit or 64bit
• 1GHz Processor
• 1 GB of RAM
• 400 MB of Hard Drive space
• A DirectX 9 compatible video card
• 800×600 resolution or higher
• Sound card compatible with DirectSound
• Microsoft.NET Framework Version 1.1
• Registration fee of $25
• Windows Live
• Internet Explorer Version 9
• ActiveX Control Version 8.0
• Java Version 1.6
System Requirements: