SplitMe Patch With Serial Key







SplitMe Crack+ Serial Key

SplitMe Full Crack is meant to help users in splitting their files into several customized or predefined parts.
Divide any file into any number of pieces
The application supports loading any type of file. The only restriction is the size of the source document, but even that is not really a limit (approximately 8.6 x 109 GB for any given single file.).
The software allows users to choose the destination path for the file parts. After this has been performed, a simple click on the “Split-it” button will do the job.
There are multiple ways to divide a file and a “Custom” option is readily available. The predefined options generally deal with legacy media, such as old 3.5 or 5.25 inch diskettes.
For most users, the “Custom” function will prove more handy, since it allows manual control of the actual part sizes. After a user-defined value has been inserted, the program automatically computes the number of resulting items.
Merging items is performed by running the executable file
The generated items will have the extension “1”, “2” and so on, and a EXE file is also created. Restoring documents is performed by running this program. All output content is placed in a newly-made folder with the same name designation as the source file.
Although SplitMe is flawless at what it does, a nice touch would have been the ability to also compress items. This is all the more evident since the program generates an executable file. Perhaps future versions of this software will address this issue.
To conclude, this application is a very simple solution for anyone having problems loading large documents on specific media storage items. Users that, for whatever reason, still rely on mobile legacy magnetic disks will surely find it an essential utility!
SplitMe Download:
Click here to download SplitMe

Shapelayer is a Screen-to-Disk application. It displays a picture you select as a wallpaper on the display screen. On screen it looks like a typical photo editing software, but when you save it, you get a DVD/CD Image.
Shapelayer description:
You can also create data disc images from images.
It can handle high-resolution images and outputs extremely compact disc images that have exact size and data format.
You can generate DVD images and CD images of your photo data. You can also record your beautiful images on a disc. It supports various image formats, such as JPEG, TIFF

SplitMe Free

KeyMacro is a macro manager, and has been designed to simplify the process of creating standard macros (also known as keyboard shortcuts) for use in applications such as Microsoft Word or any other software that is capable of supporting macros.
The program is very simple to operate. To start with, the user must simply drag and drop any files on to the application window, and then select “Create Macro” from the keyboard interface.
However, if a user wishes to create a macro for more than one application, then this option is not available. Instead, one can create a common macro for all applications, which is easily performed by selecting the common option from the “Create Macro” menu, and then pressing Enter.
KeyMacro will now present the user with a pre-defined application, and the user can now begin to create the macro by highlighting the words or phrases that will correspond to the user’s macro.
The user can either save the file, or move it into the macros folder, where all standard macros can be found. Finally, the user can select “Run macro” from the “Run macros” menu to execute the macro.
KEYMACRO Interface:
KeyMacro is a very simple program that does exactly what it says in the title. However, the program does not offer any options, so the user must manually create all of the functions that he/she desires.
The user must first create macros in Microsoft Word. This is achieved by selecting the “Create Macro” option from the keyboard interface, and then clicking “Next” and “Next” until the required macro is present on the screen.
The user can either save the macro on the hard drive, or copy it to a common folder. Once this has been performed, the user can run the macro by selecting “Run macro” from the program’s interface. The program will then ask the user to select the particular program the macro is intended for.
Once the user has selected the required program, the application will execute the macro and will allow the user to perform the required action. Finally, the user must close the application, as the macros will no longer be present.
Windows User Interface:
Windows User Interface (or GUI) refers to a graphical user interface, which is generally utilized by programs or programs that run on graphical operating systems such as Microsoft Windows.
This interface is the preferred method for Windows users, since it is easier to find the required options and interact with the software. The graphical interface of the program is very simple

SplitMe [March-2022]

“SplitMe” is a small application which allows splitting/merging any type of file into 1, 2 or 3.
This app contains only 1 executable file so it’s very light.
The dimensions of the available file can be between 128 bytes and 128 Mo, but the exact maximum size is limited by the software itself.
If the original file is larger than the space available on the destination, SplitMe will split the file into several pieces that can be accessed as a single file.
As mentioned, the app has no dependencies and is a very light application.
To perform a file split/merge operation, the following instructions should be followed:
– Start the application and choose one of the predefined values (option 1, 2 or 3).
– Input the value that you want to use as the destination.
– After you have chosen a destination, press the “split” button and wait until the operation is complete.
You can then use the newly created items as you please.
To resume the split/merge operation, just start the application again and perform the same steps as before.
The application is compatible with Windows XP, 2000, ME, 98 and Vista.
Don’t forget to report bugs or feel free to suggest new features at our forums at
If you like what you see, please support us and share this program with your friends!

SplitMe is a small software for splitting and merging files into smaller and larger files.
In a certain way, this application is similar to the “Windows Explorer” but with the difference of using a single program instead of 10 different ones.
SplitMe allows creating, splitting and merging files into more than 1,000 different sizes.
For example, users can split a large file into several smaller ones (800 MB, 250 MB, 100 MB) or make the smallest piece of a file the largest one.
Also, users can choose to split files into any number of pieces (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 or 1000 pieces).
For each set of pieces, they are managed by their own folder on the computer, so users can relocate the resulting file whenever they like.
Moreover, all items can be compressed (zipped) or not compressed (unzipped).
Please note that the application works with any

What’s New In SplitMe?

SplitMe is an easy to use, and user friendly application designed to allow file splitting into any number of parts.
The application is actually designed to help with the problem when a user attempts to split a file that cannot be directly loaded due to various reasons.
SplitMe is not the most powerful file splitter available for the PC.
Although the application is capable of splitting files of any type, size and at any desired length, it is not the most efficient.
For most files, the program takes between 3 and 20 seconds to complete a simple operation.
This is, of course, easily understandable since the program is not geared towards power users.
If you are looking for power and efficiency, then you should find another splitter, since SplitMe is meant to help users in splitting their files into several customized or predefined parts.
Divide any file into any number of pieces
The application supports loading any type of file. The only restriction is the size of the source document, but even that is not really a limit (approximately 8.6 x 109 GB for any given single file…).
The software allows users to choose the destination path for the file parts. After this has been performed, a simple click on the “Split-it” button will do the job.
There are multiple ways to divide a file and a “Custom” option is readily available. The predefined options generally deal with legacy media, such as old 3.5 or 5.25 inch diskettes.
For most users, the “Custom” function will prove more handy, since it allows manual control of the actual part sizes. After a user-defined value has been inserted, the program automatically computes the number of resulting items.
Merging items is performed by running the executable file
The generated items will have the extension “1”, “2” and so on, and a EXE file is also created. Restoring documents is performed by running this program. All output content is placed in a newly-made folder with the same name designation as the source file.
Although SplitMe is flawless at what it does, a nice touch would have been the ability to also compress items. This is all the more evident since the program generates an executable file. Perhaps future versions of this software will address this issue.
To conclude, this application is a very simple solution for anyone having problems loading large documents on specific media storage items. Users that, for whatever reason, still rely on mobile legacy magnetic disks will surely find it an essential utility!

Sometimes it can be a challenge to explain the problems that have to be solved in a specific context.
Sometimes it is a challenge to create a software solution that provides the user with the answer to that problem.

Other times it is a challenge to find a way

System Requirements For SplitMe:

OS: Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 SP1, Windows 10 SP1, Windows 10 Mobile
Processor: Intel Core2Duo E8600 @ 3.20GHz or AMD Phenom II X2 550 @ 3.4GHz or AMD Phenom X4 840 @ 3.4GHz or Intel Core i3, i5, i7
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with at least 1024×768
