Article Manager Crack Full Product Key Download (April-2022)

Article Manager was designed to provide a simple to use method of organizing your published articles for affiliate article marketing. A database of Article Directories is also included for submitting your internet marketing articles.
If you work from home you probably already recognize the difficulty of keeping track of your published article’s. Make it simply by using this Internet Marketing Article System.
■ You will need the Access 2003 application from Microsoft installed on your PC.


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Article Manager Crack+

1) Database of Article Directories: You will have the ability to select from a selection of article directories which suits your particular article.
2) Article Type Screen: You will be able to select from a selection of article types.
3) Source Screen: You will be able to select the source where your article will be submitted from.
4) Settings Screen: You will have the ability to input your article title and a brief description of your article.
5) Banner Copy Screen: You will be able to copy and paste the banner copy into the source screen.
6) Date Publishing Screen: You will be able to select the desired date for your article to go live.
7) Article Publishing Screen: When you are ready to publish your article, you will be prompted to enter the article title and article body.
8) List of Published Articles: A report of the published articles will be shown here.
Article Manager:
1) Database of Article Directories: Select the list of directories for you to use.
2) Article Type Screen: Select the article type you would like to use.
3) Source Screen: You will be able to select the directory to submit your article to. If you use the Internet as your source, then please input the URL of your articles in this text box.
4) Settings Screen: You will be able to select your article title, a brief description of your article, and article date.
5) Banner Copy Screen: You will be able to select the banner copy from your directory.
6) Date Publishing Screen: When you are ready to publish your article, you will be prompted to input your article title and article body.
7) List of Published Articles: A report of the published articles will be shown here.
Article Manager is a 32 bit application that needs to be installed on your PC in order to function. You will need to install MS Access 2003 and it will install Article Manager for you.
Start Article Manager:
When installed, you will be shown a Start menu item called Article Manager. When you launch Article Manager it will ask for access to the program files folder of your PC. It will then need to be restarted for you to be able to use it.
Does Article Manager work on other Operating Systems?
Yes, you will need the version of MS Access 2003 that supports other operating systems.
Do I need to have MS Access installed on my PC in order for Article

Article Manager [32|64bit]

■ The Article Manager is included with the article marketing software.
■ Easy to use, effective article marketing software that works – covered by our 99.95 % money back guaranteed warranty.
■ Automatic news article submission system that works. Keep your published articles fully organized so you will have them at your fingertips when you need them. Get organized today and save time and effort, and visit our Article Manager.
Who’s Using Article Manager Now?
■ The Global Law Team for
■ Ability Resource
■ Professionalweb
■ Claim Free
■ Legal Expert Magazine
■ The Inc Legal
■ Special service use the Internet Marketing Article System. Visit the Article Manager.
■ Instantly updates your published articles – no more searching through the old articles. If you use the Article Manager your articles will always be at your fingertips.
■ Two modes of article submission so you can be totally certain of your articles being submitted correctly.
■ Automatically submit your articles to the top article directories.
■ Automatic article submission to over 10 article directories for super fast article marketing
■ Easy to use, effective article marketing software that works – covered by our 99.95 % money back guaranteed warranty.
■ Automatic article submission to over 10 article directories. You get one 10 article submission for $57. Find out why we say $57 is the best money you will spend for effective online article marketing.
■ The Article Manager includes a Database of Article Directories with pre-written articles included.
■ It’s easy to update your articles for promotion. Your articles are updated instantly – no more searching through the old articles.
■ You’ll keep your published articles in the Article Manager so you can easily pull them into your articles submission software at a later date.
■ With the Article Manager you’ll be able to keep your articles fully organized for easy retrieval. You’ll save time and effort and save yourself potential technical issues.
■ Automatically add your published articles to your database of back links for super fast article marketing.
■ Membership is free with the Article Manager –

Article Manager

■ Article Manager is an extremely easy way to keep track of your articles which are available to be published across the Internet.
■ Article Manager is not a program in the traditional sense but rather a reference to an article directory containing your articles so they can be published across the Internet.
■ The Article Directory you choose will provide your links to your articles in a simple to use format.
■ You will be able to add new Article Directory options as you desire them to be listed in the Article Manager.
■ You will find that Article Manager is designed to provide a simple to use method of organizing your published articles for affiliate article marketing.
■ Article Manager is not for the complete novice in this field.
■ If you have been working in the Internet Marketing field for some time, you will quickly find how simple it is to get started.
■ You will find that once you get started you will be amazed at the number of articles which come in daily.
■ The price of Internet Marketing Article Directory and Article Manager is only $15.
■ For those of you who have good knowledge of working with any Microsoft application, this is priced at a very low cost.
■ The program will run for 4 weeks for free. During this time if you so desire you may cancel the program and go back to using the old method of keeping track of your articles.
Payment Option:
■ Since this program is designed for Internet Marketing, we have chosen to provide an option for payment by check or money order.
■ Check payments should be made out to Network Marketer. You will find that check payments are processed immediately upon receipt.
■ Money order payments should be made out to Network Marketer. Cash is also accepted for orders over $300.00.
■ If you have any questions or comments regarding our service, please contact us by using the below Contact Us form.
Note: You must use the address and email which you would like to receive any correspondence.
For over ten years the Internet Marketing Services team has provided an easy to use set of tools for our customers. Here at Network Marketer we have added to these tools a financial solution which has enabled us to offer low priced Internet Marketing services while providing more value to our clients.

Original Catalog

Message from Publisher

Article Manager is a tool which is designed to provide Internet marketers with a

What’s New In Article Manager?

Article Manager is a multi user, multi database website designed to help affiliates, internet marketers, and professional webmasters to organize and edit their article submissions. Using the application as a central forum for all of your articles and document your work with quick to find keyword tracking references and titles, the application can help you to improve your internet marketing skills and productivity.
Article Manager is an option for you if you are thinking of writing your own internet marketing articles. Using the application you will receive a personalized look to your published articles. This way you can tell the difference between your own published article’s and other articles published on the web before your own.
Every month an updated searchable directory of all of the internet marketing articles that were published on the web is provided to you as a free service. A searchable database contains the title, URL and keywords of every article published in the past. This does not only make it quick to find articles, it also helps you to track the keywords that you use in your article’s.
By using the application you can also edit, add, and delete articles and files at any time.
With the application you can categorize your articles by category, keyword, date added and search for keywords using the application. You will also receive a personalized look to your published article’s.
You can publish your own articles and add them to the categories on your own schedule. You may select a category to publish articles, browse all the categories, and search by keywords for articles published in this category.
You will be able to edit your article’s comments with an online editor before submitting your article’s for the first time to a directory.
You will receive a personalized look to your published article’s because the site is designed around you. You will be able to edit your articles, tags, categories, information, date, keywords, and categories at any time.
■ You must have the access 2003 application from Microsoft installed on your PC.
■ You will need an internet connection to download the installation file.
■ At least Windows 98 or Windows 2000.
■ You will need a minimum of 2 GB RAM.
■ A minimum of 32 MB disk space.
■ About 5 minutes of time (not really sure how long this will take in the complete installation time. If you have problems you will need to install the application on your own.)
■ frame work 2.0 or later installed on your PC.

System Requirements:

Minimum requirements:
OS: Windows 7 or later
Processor: 2.2 GHz dual core or higher
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 2GB (or newer)
DirectX version: version 9.0 or later
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 7 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
Input: Keyboard, mouse
Minimum recommended:
OS: Windows 10
Processor: 2.5 GHz dual core or higher
Memory: 2 GB RAM