Amanda Todd Nude Videos Uncensored ((BETTER))

Amanda Todd Nude Videos Uncensored ((BETTER))



Amanda Todd Nude Videos Uncensored

New trends in cyberbullying keep popping up in our ecosystem. Among them, new cyberbullying behaviors such as sextortion. According to the United States Department of Justice, sextortion is the deliberate practice of conducting extortion (force, threats or other means of intimidation) or threats to engage in illegal activities, such as sexually explicit photography or video, to obtain sexual or social images or videos, or to obtain information about a person’s private sexual or social life. Cyber-extortion can be found to evolve such as the manipulation of celebrity pets or website defacement (Wong, 2011).

Sextortion can be defined as a form of psychological abuse and harassment, especially by bullies. Battina, Smits and Griza (2009) mention that the usually male bullies take control over the victim’s life by stalking, and “can threaten to expose nude photos of them online or extort money from them in order to keep the photos secret or to stop them from harassing them” (p. 335). It is true that when a victim is a child, the online “life” is genrally under the parent’s control. Therefore, the bully can use potentially sold or leaked mementos such as porn photos, or online images, to his advantage. Amanda’s would-be killer allegedly took advantage of the acceessed photos of the 15-year-old girl, who was only 13 – to blackmail her. The would-be killer also threatened to post the nude photos online if she did not comply.

The online environment allows users to hide behind a computer screen and voice. For example, Amanda`s Twitter account was compromised and she was receiving cyber-threats almost on a daily basis. She decided to take action after getting numerous phone calls and online messages that had been targeted at her causing her not to be able to study or rest easily. When she tried to close down the blog, she discovered that the hackers had taken over her web server and were publishing her personal information.
