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The primary purpose of AutoCAD is to create 2D and 3D drawings, animations, parts and assemblies, documentation, and other 2D or 3D graphical outputs that are used in the design and construction of structures. A complete design or documentation project is termed a drawing or drawing set. Autodesk is a software and services company that develops and markets a broad range of computer-aided design and engineering software products.

History of Autodesk’s AutoCAD

Autodesk AutoCAD began as a collaboration of two teams within the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping, first funded by the U.S. Navy in 1978. One team developed the design of a laser mapping system, and the second team developed a Computer Aided Design (CAD) application. Both teams were working from a large four-track scanner that the Navy bought from the Xerox Corporation.

The application was written in Microsoft BASIC, as was all software in the Navy’s design system. The application was eventually written in Modula II. The development of this application was a time consuming effort requiring intensive collaboration between several of the Navy’s designers and the computer science team from the University of California at Berkeley (UCB).

The original application was named the Navy Air Combat Program Application System (NACAS). NACAS was used to create designs and documentation for systems that would be used for detection and destruction of enemy aircraft at an altitude of over 200,000 feet. The application was a thick client system based on the Xerox Alto computer.

NACAS was extended to support new modeling features as early as 1979. These additional features would eventually be merged into a new product named AutoCAD.

In August 1982 the Navy contracted with Autodesk to implement the graphical user interface (GUI) for NACAS, which would then be rebranded as Autodesk AutoCAD. The Navy originally intended to keep the Autodesk AutoCAD code-named “Project Spoon.” However, the development team from UCB, who were handling the user interface implementation, insisted on keeping the code-name, so Autodesk rebranded the project to “AutoCAD” by the end of 1982.

The first version of AutoCAD was written on an Apple II in the Commodore 64 (C64) architecture. A project leader who was a designer at the Navy CAD team was the first to encounter the application

AutoCAD Crack (April-2022)

Related products

Reverse engineering

AutoCAD Crack For Windows has reverse engineering capabilities, including the ability to obtain CAD objects from imported files. The reverse engineering allows for the reuse of existing design objects. These objects can also be used to construct new designs. The Inventor and Revit also have this capability. Although a number of other 3D CAD products have no reverse engineering capabilities, according to Cadalyst, reverse engineering support in AutoCAD is far superior to the reverse engineering capability of other programs.

Share exchange
In AutoCAD 2010, a share exchange capability was added to allow users to store and share a set of project files and associated settings, such as layers, dimensioning and annotations, to reuse the results of a project. AutoCAD 2010 also introduced the ability to share project files over the Internet.

Share exchange has been superseded by Microsoft SharePoint’s SharePoint integration functionality.

In addition to SharePoint integration, a new feature called Internet Publishing is available with AutoCAD 2010 and above. With Internet Publishing, AutoCAD users can publish their drawings and associated files and settings to the Web. When a user clicks the Publish button, the project is deployed to a web server where it can be accessed by other people. The project remains automatically synchronized with the client application when the user makes changes to the project.

SharePoint also enables users to create site collections, which are Web sites that contain collections of Web sites within a given domain. These site collections are organized into site collections groups. Users can create a custom site collection with their own domain name for their drawing files. Users can also create separate site collections for different designs. AutoCAD 2010 also introduced a new server-side command called Publishing Manager that makes it easier to configure the Publishing Server.

Because Internet Publishing is one of the first Web publishing applications to be available on the Windows operating system, many Windows users are finding it useful.

Net 3D
Net 3D is a platform developed by Autodesk for 3D modeling and animation and video editing. In 2007, Autodesk replaced its joint venture with Alias|Wavefront’s Maya and LightWave software with a brand extension called Autodesk Inventor|Revit|Inferno. In March 2008, Autodesk renamed the Inventor platform to Net 3D. In January 2009, Autodesk announced the discontinuation of the Net 3D platform, which allowed users to create 3

AutoCAD Free License Key

Go to File > Import > Other. A window will open with import options (see images).

Select Advanced Import Options and choose to import the file.

Next you will be asked for the import settings. Note that a import settings is not needed if you are importing an msi package.

Import the msi package of your choice.

Import will begin.

You will receive the imported msi package.

Add your file (this file) to Autodesk Autocad.

Close Autodesk Autocad and add your file to the field “Imported Files”.

Use this icon in “Imported Files” to open your file.

Creating a CAD Template from the MSi Installer
Creating a Custom Project
Add a new CAD template
Add a new User Custom Template
Add a new Computer Custom Template
Adding new fields to a CAD template

How to create a CAD Template from a Microsoft Installer

Creating a custom template using Microsoft Office Project is not supported.

How to use the MSi Installer
To see how to use the installers…
Open a command prompt
cd C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autocad\2013\Autocad.
To install a new Autocad, right click on the executable and choose “Run as Administrator”.
Run “instructions” for installation and setup.
If you are using autocad command line the command is
Autocad.exe install -q -i custom.msi

From the folder named Autocad\2013\Autocad run “setup.exe”.

To see how to use the installers
Right-click on your Autocad file and choose “Run as administrator” to install.
To install or upgrade choose “File” then “Open”.
Select the installer you want to use.

A window will open.

Use the buttons on the right to select the installer.

If you have some Autocad files already on your computer you can select to update or install it.

Click “Next” to start the installation.

The install will begin and you will be asked to confirm the selections made by the installer.

The install may take some time.

When finished the “

What’s New In AutoCAD?

AutoCAD 2023 introduces a new interface for importing and incorporating feedback. Import printed paper or a PDF file of a job instruction or job specification into a drawing. Incorporate feedback into your drawings automatically. These changes to your drawings will be applied automatically or you can click to apply them manually. (video: 0:22 min.)

Basic Multi-Page Formatting:

The ability to work with objects that span multiple pages is now available in AutoCAD. You can now select objects and scale them without needing to scroll through the entire drawing.


Drafting tools have been refined, allowing you to place the cursor along guidelines, place snap points, and position options are now easily accessible. You can now select the various types of options when they are needed. You can also select them using the new filter buttons.

Drafting Improvements:

Line end control handles allow you to work with line ends. You can select two points to move the line end, snap it to an endpoint, or simply move the end of the line. (video: 0:53 min.)

Thickness Snap:

Thickness snap now snaps to two points or along a midpoint of a line. You can also use the thickness snap to snap a line to the line endpoint or a point. (video: 1:13 min.)


The ruler allows you to snap a point to a side of the ruler. You can also snap the ruler or a selected object to the next or previous snap.

Screen Orientation:

The screen orientation setting lets you choose whether the user interface is displayed in landscape, portrait, or both. (video: 0:53 min.)

User-Defined Commands and Function Keys:

The ability to assign user-defined commands to function keys and the new Function Keys dialog box allows you to more easily change your key commands. (video: 0:54 min.)

New Interface:

The new user interface allows you to directly access and work with an open line, polyline, spline, arc, arc segment, text, object, data, coordinate system, and user-defined shape or form. You can also highlight and select objects. A new context menu allows you to control object and screen display options. (video: 1:03 min.)

New Help Contents:

The Help menu has been revised. You can now search Help by topic,

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

1. For portable devices
This package is known to work on the following operating systems:
– Windows 10
– Windows 7
– Windows 8
– Windows 8.1
– Windows Phone 8
– Windows Phone 8.1
– Windows Phone Silverlight
– Windows Phone Silverlight 9
– Windows Phone Silverlight 10
– Windows Phone 10
– Windows Phone Silverlight for Embedded Devices
– Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1