AutoCAD 24.2 Crack Download [Win/Mac] [Latest] 2022









AutoCAD Crack Keygen (2022)

As of 2019, the CAD industry was estimated to be worth $43 billion, with some $2.4 billion of that coming from AutoCAD alone. As of 2012, Autodesk claimed over 5 million CAD users, with over 300,000 professional designers using AutoCAD. AutoCAD is also used in other fields of engineering and design, including architecture, manufacturing, GIS, mechanical and structural engineering, naval architecture, and healthcare. AutoCAD’s product, Autodesk Inventor, was released in 1999, and in 2015 it was split from AutoCAD as a standalone program.

To help make drawing faster, AutoCAD offers shortcuts for drawing functions, by linking common items together. For instance, if one clicks on the “Offset” button for a 2D line, one can use the “Offset,” “Arrowhead,” and “Offset arrowhead” buttons to draw a 2D line at a specific offset position from a line’s starting point (see Figure 1). AutoCAD supports a number of different file types, including DWG (AutoCAD’s native format), DXF (used by CAD programs from other vendors), DGN (a 1992 Microsoft format for AutoCAD compatibility), and PDF, among others.

1. AutoCAD’s Offset Button

AutoCAD’s Offset and Arrowhead Buttons

Note that the Offset button works with any drawing objects, such as arcs, circles, and lines, not just 2D lines. Drawing objects may be offset or aligned to a pre-selected position and size using the “Offset” or “Arrowhead” buttons (as shown in Figure 2) with a single click of the mouse. The offset is stored on the drawing in the XY plane, or “off the page.” The arrowhead is stored as a reference in a separate layer or group, or “on the page.” This is because changes to the XY plane are easy to make, but changes to the Z or the reference arrowhead layer are much more difficult to perform. The arrowhead reference is called an “off-page” coordinate system, since it stays on the page and is therefore not located in the XY plane.

The arrowhead reference is represented as a 2D line with an arrowhead attached at the start and end points. The arrowhead is stored in a separate layer. When the arrowhead layer is edited, the arrowhead’s position can be moved or

AutoCAD Crack +

Mac OS X versions of AutoCAD 2022 Crack (2011 and later) are now 32-bit only and support Lion and higher. Apple and the AutoCAD Crack team have announced a new, 64-bit AutoCAD. Apple plans to release AutoCAD 2013 software for OS X in May 2012.

Related products

Product integration with AutoCAD:

AutoCAD Architectural

AutoCAD Electrical

AutoCAD Electrical MEP

AutoCAD Mechanical

AutoCAD Mechanical MEP

AutoCAD MEP is now known as ArchiCAD and is part of AutoCAD Architectural.

AutoCAD Structural

AutoCAD Mechanical

AutoCAD Structural MEP

AutoCAD Architectural is now known as ArchiCAD and is part of AutoCAD Architectural.

AutoCAD Civil 3D

AutoCAD Structural Desktop

AutoCAD 2D

AutoCAD 2D and later products, AutoCAD Architectural, AutoCAD MEP, AutoCAD Structural Desktop, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD 2D Architectural, AutoCAD 2D Structural Desktop and AutoCAD 2D Structural MEP, are now discontinued.

Automation products:


The AutoLISP engine is contained in all of the AutoCAD products.

Automation Builder for AutoLISP

The AutoCAD automation product also includes a version of AutoLISP known as “Automation Builder” or “AutoBASIC” for programmers.

Visual LISP

The Visual LISP engine is contained in all of the AutoCAD products, except AutoCAD 2D.

Visual Studio

Visual Studio Code provides a plugin for AutoCAD. AutoCAD MCP (or MCP3d) extension is also available.

AutoCAD Plugins

The AutoCAD plug-in program for Autodesk Exchange allows users to download plug-ins for specific AutoCAD applications. There are over 1,700 plug-ins available.


The first iteration of AutoCAD was a version of Allegro Graphic Systems’ ICAS that was distributed by a company named GAF (Global Advanced Facility) for a fee. GAF made extensive use of the MOS Technology 6502 and Zilog Z80

AutoCAD Crack X64 [Updated-2022]

Install the “Autodesk License Key and Registration Tool”.

When asked to select where to install, choose the default location: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD\2013.
If you get the error “Autodesk License Key and Registration Tool” not found then you may need to check where the installation is located, this could be: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD\2013, C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD or C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD\2013\Help\Language.

If this happens, you will need to reinstall the keygen.

Close the Autodesk License Key and Registration Tool.
Go to Start > Run and enter %AppData%\Local\Autodesk\AutoCAD\2013.

Now you will need to reinstall the keygen.

Open the Autodesk License Key and Registration Tool.
Click on the “Reinstall License Key” button.
Follow the instructions and accept the EULA.
Follow the instructions and accept the EULA.
Close the Autodesk License Key and Registration Tool.
Exit Autodesk Autocad.
Exit Autodesk Autocad.
Exit the program.

George Argyle is a Freelance Artist and a Technical Designer with over 10 years experience. George’s skills lie in 3D modelling and animation, and game development.

In 2008 he published his first book, “Autodesk 3D Software for Beginners”.


External links
Official website

Category:Autodesk softwareQ:

OpenGL object moves outside of window, when window resized

I have a simple OpenGL app. My code is as follows:
(Note: this code is written in C++, using GLEW, with OpenGL-2.1 and FreeGLUT)
void reshape(int w, int h)

void app_main()

What’s New in the?

Automatic Repair:

Make better decisions on which parts of your drawings to repair. All parts, except group instances, can be repaired individually or automatically. (video: 1:26 min.)

Improved drawing fidelity:

Experience the freedom of drawing with enhanced fidelity. Enhanced resolution allows for much higher levels of details, smoother line angles, and sharper edges, even in difficult areas. (video: 3:07 min.)

Improved precision:

Experience the freedom of drawing with enhanced precision. Get extra points on your drawings with a finer point size. Adjust the point size with a new point size dialog. (video: 2:57 min.)

Improved clarity:

Experience the freedom of drawing with enhanced clarity. Get extra points on your drawings with a finer point size. Adjust the point size with a new point size dialog. (video: 2:57 min.)

Improved efficiency:

Experience the freedom of drawing with enhanced efficiency. The command line has been enhanced to be more efficient. Select and expand groups or instances using new commands. (video: 1:47 min.)

Improved performance:

Experience the freedom of drawing with enhanced performance. Draw more accurately with improved plotting speed and enhanced pre-plotting features. All drawing and CAD editing features have been significantly improved. (video: 3:08 min.)

Improved functionality:

Experience the freedom of drawing with enhanced functionality. All drawing and CAD editing features have been significantly improved. (video: 3:08 min.)

Styled line properties:

Experience the freedom of drawing with enhanced line properties. Access the Properties palette from any command. Change the line style, cap style, color, hatch pattern, and linetype with the new Line Style, Line Cap, Line Color, Line Hatch, and Line Type commands. (video: 2:10 min.)

New & improved context menus:

All command menus are now context-sensitive. The new multi-level command menus give you more options and improve their performance. Move commands are now grouped together, making it easier to move groups and instances.

Cloud-based rendering:

Give your drawings the quality of a high-end 3D application with the new cloud-based rendering technology in AutoCAD 2023. (video: 2:42 min.)

Improved keyboard shortcuts:

The user interface has been enhanced to reduce the number of commands

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows Vista or newer
Processor: Core 2 Duo or equivalent
Memory: 2GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 15GB
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