Backgammon Free Download Pc ↗️


Backgammon Free Download PC: How to Play the Classic Board Game on Your Computer

Backgammon is one of the oldest and most popular board games in the world. It is a game of skill and strategy that can be played for fun or for gambling. If you are looking for a way to play backgammon on your computer, you are in luck. There are many websites that offer backgammon free download pc versions that you can install and enjoy on your Windows device. In this article, we will show you how to download and install backgammon for free on your pc, as well as how to improve your skills and strategy in this classic game.

What is Backgammon and Why Should You Play It?

Backgammon is a two-player game that involves moving pieces (called checkers) around a board with 24 triangular spaces (called points). The objective of the game is to move all your checkers into your home board (the last six points) and then bear them off (remove them from the board). The first player to bear off all their checkers wins the game.

The History and Rules of Backgammon

Backgammon has a long and rich history that dates back to ancient times. It is believed that backgammon originated in Egypt over 3000 years ago, where it was played with dice made from animal bones. From there, it spread to other civilizations, such as Rome, India, China, and Persia. It also became popular in Europe and America in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Today, backgammon is played all over the world, both online and offline, in social groups, clubs, tournaments, and casinos.

The rules of backgammon are simple to learn but hard to master. Each player starts with 15 checkers of their own color (black or white) on opposite sides of the board. The players take turns rolling two dice and moving their checkers according to the numbers shown on the dice. A checker can only move to an empty point or a point occupied by one or more of their own checkers. A checker cannot move to a point occupied by two or more of the opponent’s checkers (called a blocked point). If a player rolls a double (the same number on both dice), they can move four times instead of two.

If a player lands on a point occupied by a single checker of the opponent (called a blot), they can hit that checker and send it to the middle of the board (called the bar). A hit checker must re-enter the board from the opponent’s home board before it can move any other checkers. A player cannot move any other checkers until they have brought all their hit checkers back into play.

A player can also use a special device called a doubling cube to increase the stakes of the game. The doubling cube has six faces with numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64. At the start of the game, the doubling cube is placed in the middle of the board with the number 64 facing up. This This means that the game is worth one point. During the game, either player can propose to double the value of the game by turning the cube to the next higher number and offering it to the opponent. The opponent can either accept the double and take the cube, or decline the double and forfeit the game. The player who owns the cube can propose to redouble it at any time, as long as the cube is not in the middle. The game can be doubled up to 64 times, which is the highest number on the cube.

There are also some optional rules that can make the game more interesting and challenging. For example, some players use a rule called the Crawford rule, which states that in a match of several games, when one player is one point away from winning, the doubling cube cannot be used for one game. This prevents the trailing player from doubling their way to victory in one lucky game. Another optional rule is called the Jacoby rule, which states that gammons and backgammons (explained below) are not counted unless the cube has been turned at least once. This encourages players to use the cube and play more aggressively.

A gammon is when a player wins by bearing off all their checkers before the opponent has borne off any. A gammon is worth two points. A backgammon is when a player wins by bearing off all their checkers while the opponent still has one or more checkers on the bar or in the winner’s home board. A backgammon is worth three points.

The Benefits of Playing Backgammon

Playing backgammon is not only fun and exciting, but also beneficial for your brain and mental health. Here are some of the benefits of playing backgammon:

  • It improves your memory and concentration by making you remember the positions of the checkers and plan your moves ahead.
  • It enhances your analytical and logical skills by making you calculate probabilities and evaluate risks and rewards.
  • It boosts your creativity and problem-solving skills by making you find alternative solutions and strategies in different situations.
  • It reduces your stress and anxiety by providing you with a relaxing and enjoyable activity.
  • It increases your social skills and confidence by allowing you to interact with other players online or offline.

How to Download and Install Backgammon for Free on Your PC

If you want to play backgammon on your computer, you don’t need to buy any expensive software or hardware. There are many websites that offer backgammon free download pc versions that are compatible with Windows devices. Here are some of the best websites to download backgammon for free:

The Best Websites to Download Backgammon for Free

Get Backgammon! – Microsoft Store

This website offers a free backgammon game that you can download from the Microsoft Store. The game features beautiful graphics, realistic sound effects, and smooth gameplay. You can play against the computer or against your friends in 2 player mode. You can also customize the board and pieces you play with, as well as adjust the difficulty level and speed of the game. The game also has a tutorial and a hint feature that can help you learn and improve your skills.

Get Backgammon Deluxe – Microsoft Store

This website offers another free backgammon game that you can download from the Microsoft Store. The game has a sleek design, colorful graphics, and easy controls. You can play against the computer or against your friends in 2 player mode. You can also choose from different board styles, piece colors, and dice shapes. The game also has a statistics feature that tracks your wins, losses, gammons, backgammons, and average moves per game.

Get Backgammon Classic Game – Microsoft Store

This website offers yet another free backgammon game that you can download from the Microsoft Store. The game has a simple interface, clear graphics, and realistic sounds. You can play against the computer or against your friends in 2 player mode. You can also select from different board themes, piece sets, and dice types. The game also has a help feature that explains the rules and tips of backgammon.

The Steps to Install and Run Backgammon on Your PC

Once you have chosen your preferred website to download backgammon for free, you need to follow these steps to install and run the game on your pc:

Step 1: Choose Your Preferred Website and Click on the Download Button

Go to the website that offers the backgammon game you want to download. For example, if you want to download Backgammon! from the Microsoft Store, go to [this link]. Then, click on the blue button that says “Get” or “Free”. This will open the Microsoft Store app on your pc and start the download process.

Step 2: Follow the Instructions to Complete the Installation Process

After the download is complete, you will see a message that says “This product is installed”. You can also check the progress of the installation by clicking on the three dots icon on the top right corner of the Microsoft Store app and selecting “Downloads and updates”. Once the installation is done, you can click on the “Launch” button or find the game in your Start menu.

Step 3: Launch the Game and Enjoy Playing Backgammon on Your PC

When you launch the game, you will see a welcome screen that gives you some options. You can choose to play against the computer or against your friends in 2 player mode. You can also access the settings, tutorial, and help features from this screen. To start playing, just click on the “Play” button and select your desired mode. You can also adjust the volume, music, sound effects, and language from the settings menu.

How to Improve Your Skills and Strategy in Backgammon

Playing backgammon is not only about luck, but also about skill and strategy. If you want to improve your game and win more matches, here are some tips and tricks that can help you:

Learn from the Tutorial and the Hint Feature

If you are new to backgammon or need a refresher on the rules and basics of the game, you can use the tutorial feature that is available in most of the backgammon games. The tutorial will guide you through the different aspects of backgammon, such as how to move your checkers, how to hit and bear off, how to use the doubling cube, and how to score points. You can also use the hint feature that will suggest you the best possible move for your current situation. The hint feature can help you learn from your mistakes and avoid blunders.

Practice Against the Computer or Play Against Your Friends in 2 Player Mode

The best way to improve your skills and strategy in backgammon is to practice as much as possible. You can play against the computer or against your friends in 2 player mode. Playing against the computer will help you test your skills against different levels of difficulty and learn from your opponent’s moves. Playing against your friends will help you have fun and challenge yourself with different styles and strategies. You can also chat with your friends while playing and share your feedback and tips.

Customize the Board and Pieces You Play With and Keep Track of Your Statistics

Another way to improve your skills and strategy in backgammon is to customize the board and pieces you play with. You can choose from different board styles, piece colors, dice shapes, and backgrounds that suit your preferences and mood. You can also keep track of your statistics, such as your wins, losses, gammons, backgammons, average moves per game, etc. These statistics will help you analyze your performance and identify your strengths and weaknesses.


Backgammon is a classic board game that can be played for fun or for gambling. It is a game of skill and strategy that can improve your memory, concentration, analytical skills, creativity, problem-solving skills, stress management, social skills, and confidence. If you want to play backgammon on your computer, you can download it for free from various websites that offer backgammon free download pc versions. You can also install and run it easily on your Windows device. You can also improve your skills and strategy in backgammon by learning from the tutorial and hint features, practicing against the computer or your friends in 2 player mode, customizing the board and pieces you play with, and keeping track of your statistics. We hope this article has helped you learn more about backgammon and how to play it on your pc. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Happy playing!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about backgammon and how to play it on your pc:

  1. What are the best websites to download backgammon for free on your pc?
  2. Some of the best websites to download backgammon for free on your pc are Get Backgammon! – Microsoft Store, Get Backgammon Deluxe – Microsoft Store, and Get Backgammon Classic Game – Microsoft Store. These websites offer high-quality backgammon games that are compatible with Windows devices and have various features and options.

  3. How do you use the doubling cube in backgammon?
  4. The doubling cube is a special device that can increase the stakes of the game. At the start of the game, the doubling cube is placed in the middle of the board with the number 64 facing up. This means that the game is worth one point. During the game, either player can propose to double the value of the game by turning the cube to the next higher number and offering it to the opponent. The opponent can either accept the double and take the cube, or decline the double and forfeit the game. The player who owns the cube can propose to redouble it at any time, as long as the cube is not in the middle. The game can be doubled up to 64 times, which is the highest number on the cube.

  5. What is a gammon and a backgammon in backgammon?
  6. A gammon is when a player wins by bearing off all their checkers before the opponent has borne off any. A gammon is worth two points. A backgammon is when a player wins by bearing off all their checkers while the opponent still has one or more checkers on the bar or in the winner’s home board. A backgammon is worth three points.

  7. How do you improve your skills and strategy in backgammon?
  8. You can improve your skills and strategy in backgammon by learning from the tutorial and hint features, practicing against the computer or your friends in 2 player mode, customizing the board and pieces you play with, and keeping track of your statistics. You can also read books, articles, blogs, and forums about backgammon and watch videos and tutorials from experts and professionals.

  9. What are some of the benefits of playing backgammon?
  10. Playing backgammon is not only fun and exciting, but also beneficial for your brain and mental health. Some of the benefits of playing backgammon are that it improves your memory and concentration, enhances your analytical and logical skills, boosts your creativity and problem-solving skills, reduces your stress and anxiety, increases your social skills and confidence.
