Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip

Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip: A Comprehensive Guide for Plant Lovers

If you are interested in learning about plant taxonomy, you might want to check out Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip, a book written by Prof. Ir. Gembong Tjitrosoepomo, a renowned botanist from Indonesia. This book covers the morphology and classification of plants, especially spermatophytes, the group of plants that produce seeds. It also provides guidance on how to describe and identify plants using various methods and systems.

In this article, we will give you an overview of what Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip is, why it is useful for plant lovers, and how you can get a copy of it.

What is Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip?

Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip is a book that was first published in 1980 by Gadjah Mada University Press in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is one of the most popular and widely used books on plant taxonomy in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries. The title of the book can be translated as “Plant Taxonomy Book by Gembong Zip”.

The author of the book, Prof. Ir. Gembong Tjitrosoepomo, was a professor of botany at Gadjah Mada University and a pioneer of plant taxonomy research in Indonesia. He wrote several books and papers on plant morphology, classification, identification, and nomenclature. He also collected and described many new plant species from Indonesia and neighboring regions.

The book consists of two volumes: Volume 1 covers Schizophyta, Thallophyta, Bryophyta, and Pteridophyta, which are the groups of plants that do not produce seeds; Volume 2 covers Spermatophyta, which are the groups of plants that produce seeds. The book follows the Engler system of classification, which is based on morphological characters and evolutionary relationships. The book also includes illustrations, diagrams, keys, glossaries, and bibliographies to help the readers understand and apply the concepts of plant taxonomy.

Why is Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip useful for plant lovers?

Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip is useful for plant lovers because it can help them learn more about the diversity and beauty of plants. By reading this book, they can:

  • Gain a solid foundation on the principles and methods of plant taxonomy
  • Recognize the main characteristics and differences of various plant groups
  • Identify and name plants correctly using scientific nomenclature
  • Appreciate the evolutionary history and relationships of plants
  • Explore the rich flora of Indonesia and Southeast Asia

Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip is suitable for students, teachers, researchers, hobbyists, and anyone who loves plants. It can be used as a textbook, a reference book, or a guide book for studying or exploring plants.

How can you get a copy of Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip?

If you want to get a copy of Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip, you can order it online from UGM Press website or other online bookstores. You can also find it in some libraries or bookstores in Indonesia or other countries that have Indonesian books. The latest edition of the book was published in 2018 and costs Rp45.000 (about $3) per volume.


Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip is a book that teaches you everything you need to know about plant taxonomy. It is written by a famous botanist from Indonesia, Prof. Ir. Gembong Tjitrosoepomo, who has contributed a lot to the field of plant science. It is divided into two volumes: one for non-seed plants and one for seed plants. It uses the Engler system of classification, which is based on morphology and evolution. It also provides illustrations, keys, glossaries, and references to help you learn and apply the concepts of plant taxonomy.

If you are a plant lover, you should definitely get a copy of Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip. It will help you understand and appreciate the diversity and beauty of plants. It will also help you identify and name plants correctly using scientific nomenclature. It will also introduce you to the rich flora of Indonesia and Southeast Asia, which are home to many unique and endemic plant species.

Buku Taksonomi Tumbuhan Gembong Zip is a book that you will enjoy reading and using for studying or exploring plants. It is a book that will inspire you to love plants more and more.

