Call Of Duty Mobile Download Apk + Obb 100 Mb 🧤


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How to Download Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB

Call of Duty Mobile is one of the most popular and addictive first-person shooter games on mobile devices. It offers a thrilling and immersive gameplay experience with various modes, maps, weapons, and characters from the Call of Duty franchise. Whether you want to play solo or team up with your friends online, you can enjoy hours of fun and action with this game.

However, downloading Call of Duty Mobile from the official Google Play Store or Apple App Store can be a hassle for some players. The game has a large file size that requires a lot of data and time to download. Moreover, some players may face difficulties or errors while downloading or installing the game from these sources.

That’s why some players prefer to download Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from third-party sources. APK and OBB are file formats that contain the game’s installation package and data files respectively. By downloading these files from a trusted source, you can install and play Call of Duty Mobile on your device without any issues.

In this article, we will show you how to download Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source. We will also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of doing so, and answer some frequently asked questions about the game.


Before you proceed to download Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB, you need to make sure that your device meets the following requirements:

  • Your device should have at least Android 4.3 or iOS 9.0 operating system.
  • Your device should have at least 2 GB of RAM and 4 GB of free storage space.
  • Your device should have a stable internet connection to download the files and play online.
  • Your device should allow installation from unknown sources. You can enable this option by going to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources on Android devices, or Settings > General > Device Management > Trust on iOS devices.

Disclaimer: We do not endorse or promote downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from third-party sources. This is for informational purposes only. We are not responsible for any damages or losses that may occur due to downloading or installing the game from third-party sources. You should always download and install the game from the official sources to avoid any risks or problems.

Steps to Download Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB

Now that you have checked the requirements, you can follow these simple steps to download Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source:

Step 1: Download the XAPK folder from the link provided

An XAPK folder is a compressed file that contains both the APK and OBB files of a game. You can download the XAPK folder of Call of Duty Mobile from this link: This file has a size of about 100 MB, which is much smaller than the original file size of the game.

Make sure you have enough space on your device before downloading the file. You can use any browser or download manager app to download the file. Once the download is complete, you will find the file in your device’s Downloads folder.

Step 2: Extract the XAPK folder using a RAR extractor app

To extract the XAPK folder, you will need a RAR extractor app on your device. You can use any app that can extract RAR files, such as WinRAR, ZArchiver, or RAR. You can download these apps from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Once you have installed the app, open it and locate the XAPK folder that you downloaded in step 1. Tap on the folder and select Extract Here or Extract to a specific location. This will create a new folder with the same name as the XAPK folder, containing the APK and OBB files of Call of Duty Mobile.

Step 3: Install the APK file by enabling unknown sources

To install the APK file, you will need to enable unknown sources on your device. This will allow you to install apps that are not from the official sources. To enable unknown sources, go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources on Android devices, or Settings > General > Device Management > Trust on iOS devices.

Once you have enabled unknown sources, go back to the RAR extractor app and open the folder that you extracted in step 2. Tap on the APK file and select Install. This will install Call of Duty Mobile on your device. Do not launch the game yet, as you still need to move the OBB files to the correct location.

Step 4: Move the OBB files to the correct location

OBB files are data files that contain additional information and resources for a game. They are essential for running Call of Duty Mobile on your device. To move the OBB files to the correct location, you will need a file manager app on your device. You can use any app that can access and manage your device’s internal storage, such as Files by Google, ES File Explorer, or File Manager.

Once you have installed the app, open it and locate the folder that you extracted in step 2. Tap on the OBB folder and select Copy or Cut. Then, navigate to your device’s internal storage and look for a folder named Android. Open it and look for another folder named obb. Open it and look for a folder named com.activision.callofduty.shooter. If you don’t see this folder, create one with this exact name.

Paste or move the OBB files into this folder. Make sure that there are two OBB files in this folder, named and

Step 5: Launch the game and enjoy

You have successfully downloaded and installed Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB on your device. Now, you can launch the game from your app drawer or home screen and enjoy playing it offline or online.

You may need to verify your age and accept some terms and conditions before playing the game for the first time. You may also need to download some additional data or updates depending on your device and region.

Benefits of Downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB

There are some benefits of downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source, such as:

Access to the latest version and features of the game

By downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source, you can get access to the latest version and features of the game. You can enjoy the new modes, maps, weapons, and characters that are added or updated regularly by the developers. You can also avoid any bugs or glitches that may occur in the older versions of the game.

Save data and time by downloading a smaller file size

Another benefit of downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source is that you can save data and time by downloading a smaller file size. The original file size of the game is about 2 GB, which can take a lot of data and time to download. However, the XAPK folder that we provided has a size of only 100 MB, which is much faster and easier to download. You can also save storage space on your device by installing a smaller file size.

Play offline without any interruptions or ads

A final benefit of downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source is that you can play offline without any interruptions or ads. You can enjoy the game without any internet connection or Wi-Fi, as long as you have moved the OBB files to the correct location. You can also avoid any annoying ads or pop-ups that may appear in the official version of the game.

Drawbacks of Downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB

However, there are also some drawbacks of downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source, such as:

Risk of malware and viruses from untrusted sources

The biggest drawback of downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source is that you may risk getting malware and viruses from untrusted sources. Some websites or links may contain malicious files or programs that can harm your device or steal your personal information. You should always be careful and cautious when downloading anything from unknown sources. You should also scan your device with an antivirus app after downloading and installing the game.

Possible compatibility issues and errors with the game

Another drawback of downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source is that you may face compatibility issues and errors with the game. Some devices may not support or run the game properly, especially if they have lower specifications or older operating systems. Some features or functions of the game may not work or display correctly, such as graphics, sound, controls, or online mode. You may also encounter crashes or freezes while playing the game.

Violation of the game’s terms of service and policies

A final drawback of downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source is that you may violate the game’s terms of service and policies. By downloading and installing the game from an unofficial source, you are breaking the rules and agreements that you accepted when you downloaded the game from the official source. This may result in penalties or bans from the game’s developers or publishers. You may also lose your progress or account if you play online with an unofficial version of the game.


In conclusion, downloading Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source is a possible way to enjoy this amazing game on your device. However, it comes with some benefits and drawbacks that you should consider before doing so. You should always download and install the game from the official sources to avoid any risks or problems.

If you decide to download Call of Duty Mobile APK + OBB 100 MB from a third-party source, we hope that this article has helped you with the steps and tips to do so. We also hope that you have fun and excitement playing this game offline or online with your friends.

If you liked this article, please share it with your friends who are also fans of Call of Duty Mobile. If you have any questions or feedback about this article or the game, please leave them in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you!


  • Q1: Is Call of Duty Mobile free to play?
  • A1: Yes, Call of Duty Mobile is free to play on both Android and iOS devices. However, it contains some in-app purchases and microtransactions that can enhance your gameplay experience.
  • Q2: How much space does Call of Duty Mobile take on my device?
  • A2: The original file size of Call of Duty Mobile is about 2 GB on both Android and iOS devices. However, the XAPK folder that we provided has a size of only 100 MB, which is much smaller and faster to download and install.
  • Q3: Can I play Call of Duty Mobile with my friends online?
  • A3: Yes, you can play Call of Duty Mobile with your friends online. You can join or create a lobby and invite your friends to play with you. You can also chat and voice chat with your friends while playing. You can choose from various modes and maps to play, such as Team Deathmatch, Battle Royale, Domination, and more.
  • Q4: How can I update Call of Duty Mobile if I download it from a third-party source?
  • A4: If you download Call of Duty Mobile from a third-party source, you may not be able to update it automatically from the official sources. You will need to download and install the latest version of the game from the same or another third-party source. You will also need to move the new OBB files to the correct location. However, this may cause some issues or errors with the game, so we recommend that you download and install the game from the official sources to get the latest updates and features.
  • Q5: What are some alternatives to Call of Duty Mobile that I can play on my device?
  • A5: If you are looking for some alternatives to Call of Duty Mobile that you can play on your device, you can try these games:
    • PUBG Mobile: This is another popular and addictive first-person shooter game that features a battle royale mode where 100 players fight for survival on an island.
    • Free Fire: This is a fast-paced and action-packed first-person shooter game that also features a battle royale mode where 50 players compete in 10-minute matches.
    • Modern Combat 5: This is a stunning and realistic first-person shooter game that offers a solo campaign mode and a multiplayer mode with various modes and maps.
