Comfun Ludo Apk


Comfun Ludo APK: A Fun and Exciting Board Game for Android Devices

Do you love playing board games with your friends and family? Do you want to experience the thrill of rolling the dice and moving your tokens on a colorful board? If yes, then you should try Comfun Ludo APK, a popular and addictive board game for Android devices. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Comfun Ludo APK, including its features, how to download and install it, how to play it, and why you should play it. Read on to find out more!

What is Comfun Ludo APK?

Comfun Ludo APK is an online multiplayer board game that is based on the classic Indian game of Pachisi. The game involves four players who each have four tokens of the same color. The objective of the game is to move all your tokens from your home base to the center of the board, while avoiding being captured by your opponents. The game is played with a single dice that determines how many spaces you can move your token. The game is simple to learn but challenging to master, as you need to use strategy and luck to win.

Features of Comfun Ludo APK

Comfun Ludo APK is not just a regular board game. It has many features that make it more fun and exciting than other similar games. Here are some of the features that you can enjoy when you play Comfun Ludo APK:

– Play online with friends or strangers

You can play Comfun Ludo APK online with your friends or with other players from around the world. You can create or join a room with up to four players, or play in a quick match with random players. You can also invite your friends to play with you by sending them a code or a link.

– Choose from different game modes and themes

You can choose from different game modes and themes when you play Comfun Ludo APK. You can play in classic mode, which follows the traditional rules of Pachisi, or in master mode, which adds some twists and variations to the game. You can also choose from different themes, such as candy, jungle, desert, ocean, and more, to customize your board and tokens.

– Chat and interact with other players

You can chat and interact with other players when you play Comfun Ludo APK. You can send text messages, emojis, stickers, and voice messages to communicate with your opponents or teammates. You can also use gestures, such as clapping, cheering, taunting, or crying, to express your emotions during the game.

– Earn coins and rewards by playing and inviting friends

You can earn coins and rewards by playing and inviting friends to play Comfun Ludo APK. You can use coins to buy more themes, tokens, dice, or chests. You can also get rewards by opening chests, completing daily tasks, or participating in events. You can also share your achievements and progress with your friends on social media.

How to download and install Comfun Ludo APK?

Comfun Ludo APK is not available on the Google Play Store, so you need to download and install it manually from a trusted source. Here are the steps you need to follow to download and install Comfun Ludo APK on your Android device:

– Download the APK file from a trusted source

You can download the APK file of Comfun Ludo APK from a trusted source, such as [APKPure] or [APKMonk]. Make sure you download the latest version of the game, which is 1.0.9 as of June 2023. The file size is about 40 MB, so make sure you have enough space on your device.

– Enable unknown sources on your device settings

Before you can install the APK file, you need to enable unknown sources on your device settings. This will allow you to install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store. To do this, go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on. You may see a warning message, but you can ignore it and proceed.

– Install the APK file and launch the game

Once you have downloaded the APK file and enabled unknown sources, you can install the APK file by tapping on it. You may see a confirmation message, but you can tap on Install and wait for the installation to finish. After that, you can launch the game by tapping on its icon on your home screen or app drawer.

How to play Comfun Ludo APK?

Playing Comfun Ludo APK is easy and fun. Here are the basic steps you need to follow to play Comfun Ludo APK:

– Select a game mode and join a room

When you launch the game, you can select a game mode from classic or master. You can also choose a theme for your board and tokens. Then, you can join a room with other players or create your own room. You can also invite your friends to play with you by sending them a code or a link.

– Roll the dice and move your tokens according to the rules

Once you are in a room, you can roll the dice by tapping on it. The number on the dice will determine how many spaces you can move your token. You need to roll a six to move your token out of your home base. You can also roll again if you get a six. You need to follow the rules of the game mode you selected, such as capturing, blocking, or safe zones.

– Try to reach the center of the board before your opponents

The goal of the game is to reach the center of the board before your opponents. You need to move all four of your tokens from your home base to the center of the board, following the path of your color. You can also capture or block your opponents’ tokens along the way. The first player who reaches the center with all four tokens wins the game.

– Use strategy and luck to win the game

Comfun Ludo APK is a game of strategy and luck. You need to use both to win the game. You need to plan your moves carefully, considering your opponents’ moves and positions. You also need to rely on your luck, as the dice can make or break your game. You can also use some tricks and tips, such as saving your sixes, splitting your tokens, or forming alliances.

Why should you play Comfun Ludo APK?

Comfun Ludo APK is not just a game, it is an experience. There are many benefits of playing Comfun Ludo APK that make it worth your time and attention. Here are some of them:

Benefits of playing Comfun Ludo APK

– Enjoy a classic board game on your mobile device

Comfun Ludo APK lets you enjoy a classic board game on your mobile device. You don’t need a physical board, dice, or tokens to play this game. You can play it anytime and anywhere with just your phone or tablet. You can also play it with anyone, whether they are near or far.

– Have fun and socialize with other players from around the world

Comfun Ludo APK lets you have fun and socialize with other players from around the world. You can chat and interact with other players during the game, using text messages, emojis, stickers, and voice messages. You can also use gestures, such as clapping, cheering, taunting, or crying, to express your emotions during the game. You can make new friends or challenge old ones with this game.

– Improve your cognitive skills and mental agility

Comfun Ludo APK lets you improve your cognitive skills and mental agility. You need to use your brain to play this game, as you need to think strategically and tactically. You also need to be alert and quick, as you need to react to the dice and your opponents’ moves. Playing this game can enhance your memory, concentration, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

– Relax and relieve stress with a simple and engaging game

Comfun Ludo APK lets you relax and relieve stress with a simple and engaging game. You don’t need to worry about anything when you play this game, as you just need to roll the dice and move your tokens. You can also enjoy the colorful graphics, the soothing music, and the smooth gameplay of this game. Playing this game can help you calm down, unwind, and have fun.


Comfun Ludo APK is a fun and exciting board game for Android devices that you should try. It is based on the classic Indian game of Pachisi, but with many features that make it more enjoyable and interactive. You can play online with friends or strangers, choose from different game modes and themes, chat and interact with other players, earn coins and rewards by playing and inviting friends, enjoy a classic board game on your mobile device, have fun and socialize with other players from around the world, improve your cognitive skills and mental agility, and relax and relieve stress with a simple and engaging game. Download Comfun Ludo APK today and join the millions of players who love this game!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Comfun Ludo APK:

– Is Comfun Ludo APK safe to download and install?

Yes, Comfun Ludo APK is safe to download and install, as long as you download it from a trusted source, such as [APKPure] or [APKMonk]. These sources scan the APK files for viruses and malware before uploading them. However, you should always be careful when downloading and installing apps from unknown sources, as they may contain harmful or unwanted content.

– Is Comfun Ludo APK free to play?

Yes, Comfun Ludo APK is free to play, but it contains ads and in-app purchases. You can watch ads to get free coins or rewards, or you can buy coins or rewards with real money. You can also remove ads by paying a small fee. However, these are optional features that do not affect the core gameplay of Comfun Ludo APK.

– How can I play Comfun Ludo APK offline?

Unfortunately, you cannot play Comfun Ludo APK offline, as it requires an internet connection to play online with other players. However, you can play Comfun Ludo APK offline with your friends or family by using a hotspot or a Wi-Fi network. You can create or join a room with up to four players using the same network.

– How can I contact the developers of Comfun Ludo APK?

If you have any questions, feedback, suggestions, or issues regarding Comfun Ludo APK, you can contact the developers of Comfun Ludo APK by sending an email to []. You can also follow them on Facebook [@comfunludogame] or Instagram [@comfunludogame] for more updates and information about Comfun Ludo APK.

– What are some alternatives to Comfun Ludo APK?

If you are looking for some alternatives to Comfun Ludo APK, you can try these other board games for Android devices:

  • Ludo King: A popular board game that is similar to Comfun Ludo APK but with more features and options.
  • Ludo Club: A fun board game that allows you to play online or offline with your friends or other players.
  • Ludo Star: A classic board game that lets you play with different rules and variations.
