Confluence Thread Dump 2.0.1 Free

Confluence Thread Dump is a useful plugin that helps you to diagnose problems when your Confluence pages are slow or unresponsive.
By using Confluence Thread Dump you have the possibility to generate a thread dump, as well as to trigger periodic execution of thread dumps.


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This plugin enables you to log the thread dump during the execution of the plugins.

Confluence Thread Dump Cracked 2022 Latest Version Configuration:

Click the Plugin Configuration link to the left of the module.

In the Thread Dump settings section, specify the parameters for the thread dump.

Click Save to save the configuration.

Confluence Thread Dump Examples:

Facing problems when your Confluence pages are slow or unresponsive? Use the confluence thread dump to diagnose problems.

Open the System Administration > Threads section.

Click the Thread Dump button to the right of the module.

To specify the thread dump parameters, click the Thread Dump Settings link.

In the Thread Dump Settings section, specify the Thread Dump parameters.

Click Save to save the configuration.

Thread dump running.

When you click the Thread Dump button, a new page appears where you can view the thread dump.

If the thread dump is long, the plugin logs the thread dump with a log file, in the log folder specified in the Plugin Configuration.

To change the log folder, click the Logs tab.

To schedule periodic execution of thread dumps, click the Scheduled Tasks link.

In the Scheduled Tasks section, specify the parameters for the scheduled thread dumps.

Click Save to save the configuration.

Confluence Thread Dump Plugin Configuration

A. Thread Dump Configuration

Here you can set the thread dump options:


Maximum number of thread dumps.

Minimum frequency of thread dumps.

Initial frequency.

The name of the log file where the thread dumps are written to.


The location of the thread dump log file.

If you configure the thread dump settings, the log file is placed in the folder you specify here. If you don’t specify the folder, the log file is placed in the folder where the plugin is installed.


A folder path where you want to put the log file.

If you don’t specify the folder, the log file is placed in the folder where the plugin is installed.


Specifies the name of the log file where the thread dump is written to.

This text is not shown to users.


Specifies the folder path where

Confluence Thread Dump X64

Thanks for this one!
Can’t wait to get a chance to use it in a CI environment.

Regarding a maven build taking 2-3minutes a simple restart has taken up to 10.
Maybe it is a server issue.
We use jenkins and it gets stuck for 2-3minutes at a time with out the ability to do anything.
At one point we have all the devs logged in on the machine (we have 6) and no one can do anything.

Is there any way to get this to work on docker as well?

Cheers, Ben

Comment on Re: Confluence Thread Dump is a useful plugin that helps you to diagnose problems when your Confluence pages are slow or unresponsive.

Thanks for this one!
Can’t wait to get a chance to use it in a CI environment.

Regarding a maven build taking 2-3minutes a simple restart has taken up to 10.
Maybe it is a server issue.
We use jenkins and it gets stuck for 2-3minutes at a time with out the ability to do anything.
At one point we have all the devs logged in on the machine (we have 6) and no one can do anything.

Is there any way to get this to work on docker as well?

Cheers, Ben

Comment on Re: Confluence Thread Dump is a useful plugin that helps you to diagnose problems when your Confluence pages are slow or unresponsive.

We’ve been using PerfKit to profile our REST API and have been very happy with the result. PerfKit has been stable for us for quite some time now. We’ve also found that it works really well with REST services.

Comment on Re: Confluence Thread Dump is a useful plugin that helps you to diagnose problems when your Confluence pages are slow or unresponsive.

Since it’s now a plugin, any update/migration will probably involve waiting on the plugin maintainer to support this plugin.

> Since it’s now a plugin, any update/migration will probably involve waiting on the plugin maintainer to support this plugin.

I just tested migrating the plugin from Confluence 3.4 to 5.2.
Only a minor step to migrate.

I can confirm that the dump process appears to be working correctly (via the command line) when using a Confluence 5.

Confluence Thread Dump Activation Key [Latest] 2022

This plugin provides a lot of useful enhancements to the functionality of Notepad.
Notepad Enhanced Version 2.0 Description:
Notepad Enhanced version 2.0 has been released.
Notepad Enhanced Version 2.1 Description:
This is a bug fix release.
Notepad Enhanced Version 2.2 Description:
This is a major release. Notepad Enhanced Version 2.2 adds support for tables, lists and SQL to the Notepad enhanced.
Notepad Enhanced Version 2.3 Description:
This is a bug fix release.

Admire your dedication to the release process.
I like the description about notepad enhanced.
Trying to replace with a great useful plugin to make most simple and straightforward changes, or even to create a new plugin.

Yeah, it’s a great plugin.

Karl Goldman on April 2, 2014:

A great one to have when in need of some serious debugging.

Tomek Bednarczyk on April 2, 2014:

Notepad Enhanced is a great plugin, I have used it on multiple occasions. I only wish it worked with single line comments, so you could add the thread dump code in comments. Thanks for the awesome work.

Carlos Ziga on April 2, 2014:

This is great. I love it.

Cristian Monera on April 2, 2014:

More than a year I’ve been looking for a tool to do just what Confluence Thread Dump plugin does: dump the memory and thread-state of your application to see what’s going on. I’ve tried jConsole, jstack and jmap – this one gives you the best output. For example, it shows Java string and character encodings and characters in very clear way.

Very useful plugin for Confluence.

Ankit Mathur on April 2, 2014:

Haha, I wasn’t aware it was available as a plugin. This will be awesome for debugging confluence issues, and for those not familiar with confluence, great for a learning tool.

Thanks for sharing this fantastic work!

Prajakta Marda on April 2, 2014:

I have a problem with this plugin. When I search in the option page for confluence “thread dump” and press “tab” then the plugin pops up. But when I click “Run

What’s New in the?

Confluence Thread Dump is a useful plugin that helps you to diagnose problems when your Confluence pages are slow or unresponsive.

1) Download and install “Confluence Thread Dump” plugin into your Confluence instance.

2) Ensure that you have no configuration or plugin dependencies
3) Open `confluence-options.xml` file in your confluence instance.
4) Add plugin to `/plugins.xml` file.

1) In your Confluence instance, enable Plugin “Confluence Thread Dump” in your `confluence-options.xml` file.

2) Ensure that you have no configuration or plugin dependencies
3) Start your Confluence server and wait until it is up and running.
4) Use Plugin Confluence Thread Dump to generate a thread dump.
5) The generated thread dump is placed into `confluence-thread-dump` folder.
6) Periodically start `confluence-thread-dump` to generate new thread dump.

1) May generate very large amount of data.
2) May take time.

1) Plugin Confluence Thread Dump allow you to specify number of threads and interval.
2) Default number of threads is 10, default interval is 10 seconds.
3) You may specify custom number of threads, custom interval (in seconds) or none of both (0)
4) By default, this plugin does not save thread dumps.
5) By default, this plugin will wait until number of threads is reached or interval has elapsed.


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Suppose I have an arbitrary object x and I’d like to know whether x is a Point or a String (or if the constructor for those two classes was redefined).
Let’s say I could write a polymorphic match construct and I wanted to use it, for instance:
Object match(Object x) {
return x instanceof String? “String” : “Point”;

but of course, if String isn’t a subclass of Point, then I’ll get a compiler error.
How do I get the compiler to assume String is a subclass of Point without having to define any special case for that case (or at least, what is the most efficient way

System Requirements:

Intel Core i5-3350H @2.9 GHz, 8 GB RAM
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 @ 3.6 GHz
Windows 10 (64 bit)
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