Darwin Ortiz – Designing Miracles.pdf [EXCLUSIVE]


Darwin Ortiz – Designing Miracles.pdf

Designing Miracles, a seminal study in the new field of magic, was published by Dover Books in 1999 and has been adopted by virtually all schools of magic in the 21st century. It is an extension of Ortiz’ earlier book, Strong Magic, and the book is based on his best-selling children’s book, The Strongest Magic in the World. It both explains and describes how magic happens. It also serves as a humorous critique of the field. From the book description at Amazon.com How does a magician perform magic? “You are the magician,” says Peter Strauss. “You are the magician,” says Richard Kaufman. “You are the magician,” says Darren O’Donnell. “You are the magician,” says Mark Jones. “You are the magician.” “You are the magician. It’s up to you.” “You are the magician,” says Brian Luttrell. “You are the magician,” says Charles Phillips. “You are the magician,” says Kenny Rodgers. “You are the magician.” “You are the magician. It’s up to you.” “You are the magician. It’s up to you.” “You are the magician. It’s up to you.” You are. When you perform magic, you can’t be sure of what is really happening. The location and objects may look, behave and seem different than they really are. The key to true magic is to understand this — you are not a magician, you are the magician — and how this alters the way you design and perform magic. Because you control the way the magic is presented, the revelation of the magic must be through the performance. Magic cannot be revealed by saying “it’s all in the card.” No, of course not. If that were the case, then the magician is not creating real magic, but simply fooling the audience, albeit a sophisticated magician might be able to fool them, but the act wouldn’t be magic. The magician is creating illusions, illusions that are revealed by the way that they are presented and performed. The magician doesn’t prepare. Rather, he designs the show. He makes the props and everything else that will be involved in creating the magic. He makes decisions about how the objects will work, how they will be used and how they will be presented to the audience. He works with it and he puts it together


Proceeding. The application is for training coaches and instructors in the secrets of the Black Belt Magic Development System designed by “Master” Mac. MacGyver: Darlin’……….I don’t think so! (Another Mistake) by Darin Mitchell Proceeding. This book is for all magicians of all types. It also contains the Illustrated Guide to Successful Card Tricks. Stating this, HOWEVER, I must make a disclaimer: The illustrated guide to tricks is NOT written by Mr. MacGyver, nor is it written in his style. However, it is in fact, written by a magician who is very well know as an active magician. How can I make this disclaimer? Practically EVERY magicians success and his failures are greatly dependent on the preparation he puts forth himself. It is up to the magician to utilize his resources to make his preparations as strong as possible. I have done that. In this book, I have put forth everything that I have learned and everything I know that I personally feel is important and essential to success in magic. It is up to the magician to make that preparation work for him, not just take it, and leave it at that. Everything written is true, except for the fact that I did not personally do the preparation, this in no way affects the fact that the preparation IS there. Why? Because if I had done the preparation, I would have probably used my own names for many of the cards and cards would NOT be recommended, also other effects would appear not be given in here. When I first started out as a magician, I would use any effect I could possibly make or use. Then I would find that it always came back to the same thing: It was time consuming; the pay was lousy; and the tricks did not work too well. As an artist, I have done many things, but when I tell you my greatest deeds, do not tell me that I did it. I did it and it was good. I have never done things for the sake of publicity. If you want to see or learn more about Darlin’ Magic, you can visit my web-site at MacGyver: Forgetful by Darin Mitchell Proceeding. The unique game-like format of this book was designed to allow a a2fa7ad3d0
