Dbz Shin Budokai 6 Apk !!INSTALL!! Download

Download Filehttps://urlgoal.com/2uTCz6

How to Download and Play DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK on Android

If you are a fan of Dragon Ball Z anime series, you might want to try out the latest game based on it, DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK. This is a 2D fighting game that features your favorite characters from the Dragon Ball Super series, such as Goku, Vegeta, Beerus, Jiren, Broly, and more. You can enjoy various game modes, such as story mode, arcade mode, Z trial mode, and network battle mode. You can also customize your fighters with different skills and costumes.

In this article, we will show you how to download and play DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK on your Android device. You will need a PPSSPP emulator and an ISO file to run this game. Follow the steps below to get started.

What is DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK?

DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK is a modified version of the original Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai game for PSP. It was created by fans who added new characters, stages, music, and graphics from the Dragon Ball Super series. The game has a total of 161 playable characters, including Goku Ultra Instinct, Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue Evolution, Jiren Full Power, Broly Legendary Super Saiyan, and more. The game also has a new story mode that follows the events of the Tournament of Power arc.

Features of DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK

Some of the features of DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK are:

  • High-quality graphics and sound effects
  • Smooth gameplay and fast loading
  • Easy to use interface and controls
  • Multiple game modes and options
  • Huge roster of characters and transformations
  • Customizable skills and costumes
  • Online multiplayer mode

Requirements for DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK

To play DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK on your Android device, you will need:

  • An Android device with at least 1 GB of RAM and 2 GB of free storage space
  • A PPSSPP emulator app (you can download it from [here](^1^))
  • A DBZ Shin Budokai 6 ISO file (you can download it from [here](^2^))
  • A file extractor app (such as ZArchiver or RAR)
  • A stable internet connection (for online mode)

How to Download DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK

To download and install DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK on your Android device, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download PPSSPP Emulator

The first step is to download and install the PPSSPP emulator app on your Android device. This app will allow you to run PSP games on your device. You can download it from [here](^1^) or from the Google Play Store. After downloading it, open it and grant the necessary permissions.

Step 2: Download DBZ Shin Budokai 6 ISO File

The next step is to download the DBZ Shin Budokai 6 ISO file

The next step is to download the DBZ Shin Budokai 6 ISO file from the internet. This file contains the game data and is necessary to run the game on the emulator. You can download it from [here] or from any other trusted source. The file size is about 600 MB, so make sure you have enough space and a good internet connection. After downloading it, save it to your device’s storage.

Step 3: Extract the ISO File

The third step is to extract the ISO file using a file extractor app. You can use any app that can handle ZIP or RAR files, such as ZArchiver or RAR. You can download them from the Google Play Store. After installing them, open them and locate the DBZ Shin Budokai 6 ISO file that you downloaded. Tap on it and select the option to extract it. Choose a destination folder where you want to save the extracted file. Wait for the extraction process to finish.

Step 4: Launch PPSSPP and Load the Game

The final step is to launch the PPSSPP emulator app and load the game. Open the app and tap on the game tab. Navigate to the folder where you saved the extracted ISO file. Tap on it and select the option to run it. The game will start loading and you will see the main menu. You can now enjoy playing DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK on your Android device.

How to Play DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK

Now that you have downloaded and installed DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK, you might want to know how to play it. Here are some tips and tricks to help you out.

Game Modes

DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK has four game modes that you can choose from:

Story Mode

This mode follows the events of the Tournament of Power arc from the Dragon Ball Super series. You can play as different characters and experience their battles and dialogues. You can also unlock new characters and skills by completing certain missions. The story mode has three difficulty levels: easy, normal, and hard.

Arcade Mode

This mode allows you to fight against random opponents in a series of matches. You can choose your own character and customize their skills and costumes. You can also adjust the number of rounds, time limit, and difficulty level. The arcade mode has four sub-modes: normal, survival, time attack, and bonus.

Z Trial Mode

This mode challenges you to complete various tasks and objectives in a limited time. You can earn points and rewards by performing well. The Z trial mode has three sub-modes: challenge, time trial, and survival.

Network Battle Mode

This mode allows you to play online with other players around the world. You can join or create a room and invite your friends or random players. You can also chat with them and view their profiles. The network battle mode has two sub-modes: ranked match and friendly match.

Game Controls

DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK uses a virtual joystick and buttons on the screen to control your character. Here are the basic controls:

Button Function
Analog stick Move your character
X Punch
O Kick
Square Ki blast
Triangle Guard
L1 Aura burst (use ki)
R1 Transform (when available)
L2 + R2 Ultimate attack (when available)
Select Pause menu
Start Skip cutscene (when available)


DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK is a fun and exciting game for Dragon Ball Z fans who want to experience the thrill of fighting with their favorite characters. The game has amazing graphics, sound effects, gameplay, and features that will keep you entertained for hours. You can download and play DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK on your Android device by following the steps above.

We hope this article

We hope this article has helped you learn how to download and play DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK on your Android device. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and have fun!


Here are some frequently asked questions about DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK:

Q: Is DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK safe to download and play?

A: Yes, DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK is safe to download and play as long as you get it from a trusted source. However, we recommend that you scan the file with an antivirus app before installing it. Also, be careful not to download any fake or malicious apps that may harm your device.

Q: Can I play DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK offline?

A: Yes, you can play DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK offline without an internet connection. However, you will not be able to access the online mode or update the game. You will also need an internet connection to download the game and the emulator in the first place.

Q: How can I change the language of DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK?

A: You can change the language of DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK by going to the settings menu in the PPSSPP emulator app. Tap on the system tab and scroll down to the language option. Select your preferred language from the list and restart the app. The game will now be in your chosen language.

Q: How can I save my progress in DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK?

A: You can save your progress in DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK by using the save state feature in the PPSSPP emulator app. Tap on the menu button and select the save state option. Choose a slot and tap on it to save your game. You can also load your game from the same menu by tapping on the load state option.

Q: How can I improve the performance of DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK?

A: You can improve the performance of DBZ Shin Budokai 6 APK by adjusting some settings in the PPSSPP emulator app. Tap on the menu button and select the settings option. Go to the graphics tab and lower the resolution, frame rate, and rendering mode. You can also disable some effects, such as anti-aliasing, texture filtering, and shaders. These changes will make the game run faster and smoother on your device.
