Descarga Norte Ultras Sur ⚪


Descarga Norte Ultras Sur: The Ultimate Guide to the Most Passionate Football Fans in Colombia

If you are a fan of Colombian football, you have probably heard of Descarga Norte Ultras Sur, or DNUS for short. They are the most loyal and vocal supporters group of Millonarios FC, one of the most successful and popular clubs in the country. But who are they, and what makes them so special? In this article, we will explore the history, culture, and social impact of Descarga Norte Ultras Sur, the heart and soul of Millonarios FC.

What is Descarga Norte Ultras Sur?

Descarga Norte Ultras Sur is a group of hardcore fans of Millonarios FC, a club based in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. The name means “North Discharge South Ultra”, and it reflects their origin and ideology. They were founded in 1994 by a group of young fans from the north of Bogotá, who wanted to create a more organized and radical way of supporting their team. They chose the word “discharge” to express their energy and passion, and the word “ultra” to identify themselves with the European style of fanatism. They also added the word “south” to show their solidarity with the poor and marginalized sectors of society, who often live in the south of Bogotá.

Descarga Norte Ultras Sur is not just a group of fans, but a way of life. They follow their team everywhere, home and away, with flags, banners, drums, flares, and chants. They create a festive and colorful atmosphere in the stands, but also a fierce and intimidating one for the rivals. They are known for their loyalty, dedication, and sacrifice for their club, but also for their rebelliousness, defiance, and resistance against the authorities and the establishment. They have a strong sense of identity and belonging, and they consider themselves a family.

What is the history of Descarga Norte Ultras Sur?

Descarga Norte Ultras Sur was born in 1994, in a context of social and political turmoil in Colombia. The country was facing a violent conflict between the government, guerrillas, paramilitaries, and drug cartels. The city of Bogotá was suffering from poverty, inequality, corruption, crime, and violence. Many young people felt disillusioned and hopeless about their future. Football became a way of escape and expression for them.

The founders of Descarga Norte Ultras Sur were inspired by the European ultras movement, which emerged in Italy in the 1960s and spread to other countries in the 1970s and 1980s. The ultras were groups of radical fans who supported their teams with passion and creativity, but also with political and social activism. They often clashed with the police, rival fans, and club owners. They also developed their own subculture, with symbols, codes, rituals, music, and fashion.

Descarga Norte Ultras Sur adopted some elements of the European ultras culture, such as the use of flares, banners, drums, chants

Descarga Norte Ultras Sur faces many challenges and difficulties in their daily lives and activities. They have to deal with the stigma and discrimination of being labeled as violent, criminal, and dangerous by the society and the media. They have to cope with the repression and harassment of the police and the security forces, who often raid their homes, arrest them, beat them, and confiscate their materials. They have to endure the threats and attacks of rival fans and paramilitary groups, who sometimes ambush them, shoot them, or bomb them. They also have to struggle with the economic and social problems of their neighborhoods and communities, such as unemployment, poverty, drugs, and gangs.

Descarga Norte Ultras Sur also faces some internal challenges and conflicts within their group and their club. They have to maintain their unity and cohesion in the face of different opinions, interests, and factions. They have to balance their passion and commitment with their personal and family responsibilities. They have to adapt to the changes and transformations of the football world, such as the commercialization, globalization, and modernization of the sport. They also have to deal with the disappointment and frustration of their team’s performance, which has not won a league title since 2012.

What is the future of Descarga Norte Ultras Sur?

Descarga Norte Ultras Sur has a long and proud history of supporting their team and their cause. They have shown their resilience and courage in overcoming many obstacles and challenges. They have also shown their creativity and innovation in developing their culture and identity. They have become a reference and an inspiration for many other fans and groups in Colombia and beyond.

Descarga Norte Ultras Sur has a bright and hopeful future ahead of them. They have a young and dynamic generation of members who are eager to continue the legacy of their predecessors. They have a strong and loyal base of supporters who are ready to follow them anywhere. They have a promising and talented squad of players who are determined to bring glory to their club. And they have a dream and a vision of seeing their team lift the trophy again.

Descarga Norte Ultras Sur is more than a fan group. It is a way of life. It is a family. It is a voice. It is a passion.


In this article, we have explored the ultimate guide to Descarga Norte Ultras Sur, the most passionate football fans in Colombia. We have learned about their origin, history, culture, social impact, challenges, and future. We have discovered that they are not just a group of fans, but a way of life, a family, a voice, and a passion. We have also seen that they are loyal and vocal supporters of Millonarios FC, one of the most successful and popular clubs in the country.

If you are interested in learning more about Descarga Norte Ultras Sur, you can visit their official website, follow them on social media, or watch their documentary. You can also join them in the stands and experience their amazing atmosphere and energy. You will not regret it.

Descarga Norte Ultras Sur is more than a fan group. It is a way of life. It is a family. It is a voice. It is a passion.
