DirectPython 11 was specially designed to be an Open Source, C++ extension to Python. It was created in order to provide basic access to the Direct3D 11 API. It is an indirect successor to the original DirectPython extension. DirectPython is basically a layer that converts Python objects into a form which Direct3D can handle. Biggest differences are in the interface: the Python side is somewhat simplified. You don’t have to write hundreds of lines of low-level COM-handling code to just draw a triangle. In short, DirectPython is not a 1:1 mapping to Direct3D, but it is not a high-level library either.
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DirectPython is a layer that maps C++ objects to PyObjects and vice versa. This is accomplished by exporting Open-Source wrappers for both new & old function names. See the documentation for details. DirectPython is developed and maintained by the Python community. It is Open Source, Free Software, and available under the GPL license. The current (3.x.x) version of the library doesn’t include any major new features. It does have a stable release, though. The current (3.x.x) version of the library is considered stable. The next major version will be 4.0.0. The API documentation can be found on the Google Code page (C++ documentation). DirectPython 3.3 Documentation: Note, the documentation doesn’t really go into too much detail, though. DirectPython 3.3 Features: * Pythonic: Intuitive, mostly API-based pythonic interface to Direct3D * Mapping: C++ types to python types and python types to C++ types * Extensibility: SWIG interface is visible to python and C++ users * C++ Developer API: All public members of C++ classes and objects are exposed as python objects * PInvoke Extension: Platform independent ability to map existing D3D code to and from Python * Unrestricted Compatibility: C++ classes can be used to create new python objects or by python methods * Layer: Successors to DirectD (3.x) and DirectD2 (2.x) layers * Pylib: Same API as pylib (2.x): nice Python API binding for pylib (2.x) * DirectD 2.1 Conversion: Complete conversion of DirectD (3.x) to a 2.x-like API (pylib, 2.x) * Improved 2.x Compatibility: Provides a full pylib compatibility mode * Minimal Dependencies: DirectPython is only dependent on Python’s import functionality * Well-Known and Tested: Python’s import and AttributeSets make tests easy and reliable * Unit-Tests: Complete testing of the provided API’s * PInvoke Cheat Sheet: List of places where Python and C++ types are mapped * Internals: Open Source, free software, published API documentation, simple API unit-tests * Cross-Platform
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The DirectPython 11 is not a pure Python library. It is a C++/Python hybrid. Every Python object is automatically converted to a Direct3D data buffer and vice versa. In many cases it is possible to use the Python object directly without having to convert it first. There is a set of Python wrapper functions that allow you to easily access the Direct3D API. The DirectPython 11 is designed to be an Open Source extension to Python. It is currently supported on Windows XP and Windows 7 with DirectX 9, 10 and 11. Important: DirectPython 11 is only supported for Direct3D 11! What’s New in DirectPython 11: The 10th Preview of DirectPython 11 was released on 22 May 2012. Features: – Python 2.7 support – The Python modules are compiled as DLL’s. – You can use it either as an extension module to Python or as a standalone library. – Python PythonCore (CxCore) support for better compatibility. – New Direct3D 10+ features such as array of Vectors and Offseted Vectors. – New interface and WMI DataSources, 2D and 3D Texture. – Vector vertex and texture formats support. – Shader support with VertexShader, PixelShader, HLSL, TessellationShader, GeometryShader – Linear and quad / triangle / line brushes. – Fog, Clipping and AlphaTest. – Extensions for loading buffers. – Compile time Direct3D detection. – Full mesh support. – Subset Queries for Raytracing, Geometry Shader and PostProcessing. – Image Support. – Utilities functions. – Many fixes and improvements. – I might add more features and enhance the old concepts later on… How to Install DirectPython 11 and use it: DirectPython 11 comes bundled with DirectPython so you don’t have to download it manually anymore. Make sure that the following modules are installed on your computer: – Python 2.7 – Python CxCore You can install the latest preview release with these steps: – Install Direct3D (for Windows 7: Direct3D 11) – Install Python-Win package of Python 2.7 – Install Python-CxCore package of Python 2.7 – Open up the DirectPython 11 b7e8fdf5c8
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DirectPython is an extension to Python that adds support for a number of Direct3D APIs. By building on top of these APIs, Python programmers are able to automate some of the low-level Direct3D tasks, such as geometry construction and setup. Direct3D APIs like these allow a higher-level language, like Python, to avoid the inherent limitations that exist when programming to the low-level APIs used to manage the Windows graphical interface. With DirectPython’s indirect mapping to Direct3D, you don’t have to program to the low-level APIs. You can write the C++ that compiles into Direct3D code, which is much easier than the Python code. Since DirectPython is not a replacement for Direct3D, you can still use the vast pool of Direct3D-aware code from Direct3D 10 and 12, or you can use a very simple and lightweight API called DirectGame that ties into Direct3D. DirectPython 11 Features: Streaming vertex/index buffer data into Python Generation and management of vertex and index buffers Automatic vertex buffer data streaming to Direct3D Polygon data streaming to Direct3D Pipeline settings and batching Render target creation Point and line primitives Triangle strips Quad strips Quad triangle fans Hulls Index format Sprite Shader storage The following.dlls were shipped with the package: d3dcompiler_46.dll d3dcompiler_49.dll d3dcompiler_50.dll d3dcompiler_51.dll d3dcompiler_52.dll d3dcompiler_53.dll d3dcompiler_54.dll d3dcompiler_55.dll d3dcompiler_56.dll d3dcompiler_57.dll d3dcompiler_58.dll d3dcompiler_59.dll d3dcompiler_60.dll d3dcompiler_61.dll d3dcompiler_62.dll d3dcompiler_63.dll d3dcompiler_64.dll d3dcompiler_65.dll d3dcompiler_66.dll d3dcompiler_67.dll d3dcompiler_68.dll
What’s New In?
———————– DirectPython 11 is a Python implementation of the Direct3D 11 API. Direct3D is Microsoft’s API for 3D graphics and is mainly used in video games. Direct3D was originally released in Windows 95/98/ME only. It was later added to Windows Vista/7, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as well. Direct3D uses Visual Basic style interfaces while the DirectPython Extension exposes it’s own classes to Python. In addition, DirectPython exposes most of the classes for the extension, so they may be used by Python from any program that is using Direct3D. Important note: Direct3D only works with Windows Vista/7, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It is not compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7, Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 2. Direct3D 11 is available for Windows Vista/7. Direct3D 11 is also available for Xbox 360 and PS3, but not for Windows XP. Prerequisites: ————— Before starting, ensure you have Python 2.6 and newer installed. Windows: ———- DirectPython 11 is designed to work on Windows 7. Direct3D 11 is available only on Windows Vista and 7. The extension cannot be used on Windows XP or Windows Vista. DirectPython and Direct3D use the C++Builder Interface Builder (IBC). You need to have this installed as well. Other requirements: ——————- DirectPython 11 requires DirectX 9 at minimum. You can get most of the objects you need in the method. Direct3D 11 requires DirectX 11 at minimum. DirectPython 11 sources: ———————— DirectPython 11 is based on the original DirectPython 2.2 and therefore inherits all the sources from that file. This includes the original sample code and contains also some modifications for faster support of the API. Direct3D 11 Sources: ——————- Direct3D11Header.h, Direct3D11.h, Direct3D11.tmh, Direct3D11.tli and Direct3D11.txt. Changes made from DirectPython2.2 to DirectPython 11: —————————————————- New interface to DirectPython. So far, as DirectPython is not 100% identical to Direct3D, there are only a few changes and additions made for DirectPython 11. Changes: ——— DirectPython 11 has a new interface to Direct
System Requirements For DirectPython 11:
Compatibility: • Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 64bit • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti/560/570/580/570Ti/580/590/6XX/670/700 series or AMD Radeon HD 5000 series or better • Intel i5-2300 @ 3.2GHz or better • Recommended 16GB RAM (20GB or more recommended for ultra details) • Recommended 2 GB GPU RAM • Recommended 6 GB video RAM • Recommended 400 GB HDD space • Intel