Double Happy Crack Free Download X64







Double Happy Crack +

Cracked Double Happy With Keygen is an easy to use, Windows compatible, fully integrated and affordable way to run doubles tennis, table tennis or badminton. Create as many rounds as you need and deliver them any time you like.
Use the Trial Version to test Double Happy on your computer. It’s free, and no payment is required. If you like Double Happy then buy the full version. It’s the same price as the trial version, but features the full system.
For most scenarios Double Happy is a great solution.
If you have a few players, each of whom wishes to play a few games, then this is a good way to do it.
If you have only one or two players then you can use Double Happy to play with several people around you. Or you can use Double Happy to set up teams to play against other teams for a competition or friendly competition.
Team doubles are not supported directly with Double Happy (yet), but you can create your own teams with a few clicks.
If you want to use Double Happy for a school sports event you can tell it to create competitions for the girls, boys, co-ed teams and the like.
You can also assign a cost for each ‘team’ that needs to pay one way or another. For example you can set it up so that, although people play with friends, the cost can be collected from them, or they may be allowed to split the cost and pay each other – whatever you require.
Just load in the Team List and you’re ready to go, with a few simple clicks.
Double Happy has a generous number of features. Some are left as the default, but some allow you to do things that just aren’t possible with other solutions. You can:-
■Set up a group of players. Double Happy will then assign them to court, position in the round, and match type.
■Rest players on the fly. Double Happy tracks the time left in the round, and you can put in a break button to stop the round at any time.
■Deliver your rounds as soon as they are completed.
■Send Round 1 shortly after Round 2 has started.
■Display round scores after each round is completed.
■Manually check for players ready to start next round. If any are missing, you can change the round type from a friendly competition to an individual one.
■Deliver rounds to the player of your choice.

Double Happy Crack+

Double Happy Crack For Windows is a Social Tennis Doubles event organizer.
Double Happy Serial Key is designed to make it simple and fun to organize social doubles events for Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton, or any activity where 2 people play as partners against 2 others.
A typical scenario. You have a number of players, often of varying ability, and a number of courts. You want to run an event where each person plays several games with different partners and against different opponents.
Double Happy Crack will generate, round by round, a mix of players to be assigned to each court. However, you can influence the mix for each round by using the following features;
– Grouping players by any criteria you like such as gender or skill.
– Selecting one of 4 different Mix Types that will generate a different mix of players based on the player groups.
– Resting players who want to take time out.
– Manually over-riding any player assignments.
Double Happy is best used live for the most flexibility. This allows you to add new players as they arrive, rest players if they request it, and generally react to whatever situation arises. If another court suddenly becomes available then no problem – just tell Double Happy and it will start using the extra court.
Double Happy also has a built-in Timer that you can use to countdown the time that a Round has been on court. In the meantime you can get on with preparing the next Round.
If you know in advance of your event just who will be playing, and on how many courts, then Double Happy can be used to prepare and print all the Rounds in advance.
Here are some key features of “Double Happy”:
■ Schedule live on the day, or prepare your event in advance.
■ Flexible. Vary the type of doubles, change the number of courts, rest players, over-ride court assignments. No shows, or late comers. It’s no worry with the Double Happy software.
■ Easy to set up and quick and simple to use.
■ Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768.
■ 30 days trial

Double Happy Description

Double Happy is a Social Tennis Doubles event organizer.
Double Happy is designed to make it simple and fun to organize social doubles events for Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton, or any activity where 2 people play as partners against 2 others.
A typical scenario. You have

Double Happy Crack + Full Product Key X64 [Updated]

Double Happy lets you schedule and run tennis doubles where the number of people play varies from round to round.
A typical scenario is for 20 people to join 10 courts where everyone plays three games with a different partner and against a different opponent. A few of those players may then decide to play more games.
Double Happy will allow you to do the following:
– Schedule the event
– Prioritize how each round of the event is run (based on skill)
– Use the “rest” function to allow players to take a break between games in each round
– Over-ride player assignments
– Play multiple events without major changes. Double Happy is designed so that your data is safe from people cancelling, or joining late.
Double Happy lets you customize your event to your needs.

Here are key features of “EduMatch”:
■ Schedule live on the day, or prepare your event in advance.
■ Flexible. Vary the type of doubles, change the number of courts, rest players, over-ride court assignments. No shows, or late comers. It’s no worry with the EduMatch software.
■ Easy to set up and quick and simple to use.
■ Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768.
■ 30 days trial
EduMatch Description:
EduMatch is our free version of Double Happy. It is designed to complement Double Happy but provides some key differences.

■ Schedule live on the day, or prepare your event in advance.
■ Flexible. Vary the type of doubles, change the number of courts, rest players, over-ride court assignments. No shows, or late comers. It’s no worry with the EduMatch software.
■ Easy to set up and quick and simple to use.
■ Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768.
■ 30 days trial
EduMatch Extras:
There are a few different “extras” within EduMatch that will make it more flexible. These include:
1. The ability to filter players based on their skill.
2. The ability to map custom groupings of players, perhaps based on status (such as “partner” or “player”).
3. The ability to select how a match is played in each round.
4. The ability to change the number of

What’s New In?

Double Happy is a social Tennis Doubles event organizer. Double Happy is designed to make it simple and fun to organize social doubles events for Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton, or any activity where 2 people play as partners against 2 others. A typical scenario. You have a number of players, often of varying ability, and a number of courts. You want to run an event where each person plays several games with different partners and against different opponents.
Double Happy will generate, round by round, a mix of players to be assigned to each court. However, you can influence the mix for each round by using the following features;
– Grouping players by any criteria you like such as gender or skill.
– Selecting one of 4 different Mix Types that will generate a different mix of players based on the player groups.
– Resting players who want to take time out.
– Manually over-riding any player assignments.
Double Happy is best used live for the most flexibility. This allows you to add new players as they arrive, rest players if they request it, and generally react to whatever situation arises. If another court suddenly becomes available then no problem – just tell Double Happy and it will start using the extra court.
Double Happy also has a built-in Timer that you can use to countdown the time that a Round has been on court. In the meantime you can get on with preparing the next Round.
If you know in advance of your event just who will be playing, and on how many courts, then Double Happy can be used to prepare and print all the Rounds in advance.
Here are some key features of “Double Happy”:
■ Schedule live on the day, or prepare your event in advance.
■ Flexible. Vary the type of doubles, change the number of courts, rest players, over-ride court assignments. No shows, or late comers. It’s no worry with the Double Happy software.
■ Easy to set up and quick and simple to use.
■ Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768.
■ 30 days trial

More stuff on this topic:

This video is about how we went from a 2 player to a 5 player event with a little bit of help from Double Happy software.
Double Happy is a social Tennis Doubles event organizer.
Double Happy is designed to

System Requirements:

Supported Operating Systems:
Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7
Mac OS X 10.4 and higher
Linux (X11) compatible computer running Ubuntu, Debian, or Fedora
CPU: 1 GHz Processor
RAM: 1 GB Hard Disk Space
Sound Card: Working OK
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