Download 9 To 5 By Moliy 💙



How to Download 9 to 5 by Moliy

If you are looking for a catchy and upbeat song that will make you want to dance, you should check out 9 to 5 by Moliy. Moliy is a talented Ghanaian female singer and songwriter who has been making waves in the music industry with her unique blend of afrobeat, R&B, and pop. Her song 9 to 5 is one of her most popular tracks, which showcases her vocal prowess and her message of hustling hard and chasing your dreams.

But how can you download 9 to 5 by Moliy and enjoy it offline? In this article, we will show you three different ways to download this song legally and safely. Whether you want to download it from YouTube, from other websites, or from streaming services, we have got you covered. Just follow these simple steps and you will be able to listen to 9 to 5 by Moliy anytime and anywhere.

How to Download 9 to 5 by Moliy from YouTube

One of the easiest ways to download 9 to 5 by Moliy is from YouTube, where you can find the official audio or video of the song. Here is how you can do it:

Find the official audio or video on YouTube

Go to and type in 9 to 5 by Moliy in the search bar. You will see several results, but make sure you choose the one that is uploaded by Moliy’s official channel. You can also use this link for the official audio or this link for the official video.

Copy the URL of the YouTube video

Once you have found the video you want, copy its URL from the address bar of your browser. You can also right-click on the video and select Copy video URL.

Paste the URL into a YouTube to MP3 converter website

Next, go to a website that allows you to convert YouTube videos into MP3 files. There are many websites that offer this service for free, such as [YTMP3](^4^), [MP 3], or [OnlineVideoConverter]. You can choose any website you like, but make sure it is safe and reliable. Paste the URL of the YouTube video into the website’s input box and click on Convert or Start.

Choose the format and quality of the download

After the website has processed the URL, it will show you some options to choose from. You can select the format of the download, such as MP3, MP4, or WAV. You can also select the quality of the download, such as 128 kbps, 192 kbps, or 320 kbps. The higher the quality, the larger the file size. Choose the option that suits your preference and device.

Click on the download button and save the file to your device

Finally, click on the Download button and wait for the file to be downloaded to your device. You can also right-click on the download button and select Save link as to choose a specific location for saving the file. Once the download is complete, you can enjoy listening to 9 to 5 by Moliy offline.

How to Download 9 to 5 by Moliy from Other Websites

Another way to download 9 to 5 by Moliy is from other websites that offer free music downloads legally. There are many websites that provide this service, such as [Jamendo], [SoundCloud], or [Free Music Archive]. Here is how you can do it:

Find a website that offers free music downloads legally

Go to a website that offers free music downloads legally and browse through their catalog of songs. You can also use their search function to find 9 to 5 by Moliy. Make sure you choose a website that has a license or permission from the artist or label to distribute their music for free.

Search for 9 to 5 by Moliy on the website

Once you have found a website that offers free music downloads legally, search for 9 to 5 by Moliy on their website. You will see some results, but make sure you choose the one that is uploaded by Moliy’s official account or by a verified user. You can also use this link for Jamendo, this link for SoundCloud, or this link for Free Music Archive.

Stream or preview the song before downloading

Before you download 9 to 5 by Moliy, you may want to stream or preview the song first to make sure it is the right one and that you like it. Most websites have a play button that allows you to listen to the song online. You can also read some reviews or comments from other users to get some feedback on the song.

Click on the download button and save the file to your device

If you are satisfied with 9 to 5 by Moliy, you can click on the download button and save the file to your device. Some websites may require you to create an account or sign in before downloading. Some websites may also ask you to donate or share their content as a way of supporting them. Once the download is complete, you can enjoy listening to 9 to 5 by Moliy offline.

How to Download 9 to 5 by Moliy from Streaming Services

A third way to download 9 to 5 by Moliy is from streaming services that offer offline listening. There are many streaming services that provide this feature, such as [Spotify], [Apple Music], or [Deezer]. Here is how you can do it:

Find a streaming service that offers offline listening

Go to a streaming service that offers offline listening and browse through their catalog of songs. You can also use their search function to find 9 to 5 by Moliy. Make sure you choose a streaming service that has a license or permission from the artist or label to stream their music.

Subscribe to the streaming service or sign up for a free trial

To download 9 to 5 by Moliy, you will need to subscribe to the streaming service or sign up for a free trial if they offer one. Most streaming services charge a monthly fee for their premium features, such as offline listening, ad-free music, and unlimited skips. However, some streaming services also offer a free trial period, usually ranging from 7 days to 30 days, where you can enjoy their premium features without paying anything. You will need to provide your payment details and cancel before the trial ends if you do not want to be charged.

Search for 9 to 5 by Moliy on the streaming service

Once you have subscribed to the streaming service or signed up for a free trial, search for 9 to 5 by Moliy on their app or website. You will see some results, but make sure you choose the one that is uploaded by Moliy’s official account or by a verified user. You can also use this link for Spotify, this link for Apple Music, or this link for Deezer.

Add the song to your library or playlist

To download 9 to 5 by Moliy, you will need to add it to your library or playlist on the streaming service. This will allow you to access the song easily and download it for offline listening. To add the song to your library or playlist, tap or click on the Add, Heart, or Plus icon next to the song title. You can also create a new playlist and add the song to it.

Download the song for offline listening

Finally, to download 9 to 5 by Moliy, tap or click on the Download icon next to the song title or on the playlist name. The icon may look like a downward arrow, a cloud with an arrow, or a toggle switch. The song will be downloaded to your device and you will see a green check mark or a badge indicating that it is available offline. Once the download is complete, you can enjoy listening to 9 to 5 by Moliy offline.


In this article, we have shown you three different ways to download 9 to 5 by Moliy, a catchy and upbeat song by a talented Ghanaian female singer and songwriter. You can download it from YouTube, from other websites, or from streaming services. All you need to do is follow these simple steps and you will be able to listen to 9 to 5 by Moliy anytime and anywhere.

However, before you download any music online, make sure you do it legally and safely. Always respect the rights and wishes of the artists and labels who create and distribute their music. Always use websites and services that have a license or permission from the artists and labels to offer their music for free or for a fee. Always scan your downloads for viruses or malware before opening them. And always enjoy your music responsibly and ethically.


What is the genre of 9 to 5 by Moliy?

9 to 5 by Moliy is a song that belongs to the genre of afrobeat, which is a fusion of African music, jazz, funk, and soul. Afrobeat originated in Nigeria in the 1970s and has since spread across the continent and beyond. Afrobeat is known for its complex rhythms, horn sections, call-and-response vocals, and social commentary.

Who produced 9 to 5 by Moliy?

9 to 5 by Moliy was produced by [Kayso], a Ghanaian record producer, singer, songwriter, and sound engineer. Kayso has worked with many prominent artists in Ghana and beyond, such as Sarkodie, Kwesi Arthur, La Même Gang, Efya, R2Bees, and more. Kayso is also the founder of [Ground Up Chale], a creative collective and record label that supports emerging talents in Ghana.

What is the meaning of 9 to 5 by Moliy?

9 to 5 by Moliy is a song that celebrates hard work and ambition. The song tells the story of a young woman who works from 9 to 5 every day to achieve her goals and dreams. She does not let anything distract her from her hustle and she enjoys her life as she pleases. The song also encourages listeners to follow their passion and not give up on their vision.

What are some other songs by Moliy?

Moli y is a versatile and creative artist who has released many other songs in different genres and styles. Some of her other songs are: – Good Morning, a smooth and soulful R&B song that features [Kwesi Arthur], a Ghanaian rapper and singer. – Boom Bam, a dancehall and reggae song that features [Skillz 8Figure], a Sierra Leonean afro-fusion artist. – Wanna Be, a pop and afrobeat song that features [Amaarae], a Ghanaian-American singer and songwriter. – On Me, a hip-hop and trap song that features [PsychoYP], a Nigerian rapper and singer. – Feel Good, a funky and groovy song that features [B4bonah], a Ghanaian rapper and singer. You can find these songs on Moliy’s [YouTube channel], [Spotify profile], or [Apple Music profile].

Where can I find more information about Moliy?

If you want to learn more about Moliy, her music, her background, and her inspirations, you can follow her on her social media platforms, such as: – [Instagram], where she posts pictures and videos of her life, her music, and her style. – [Twitter], where she tweets about her thoughts, opinions, and updates. – [Facebook], where she shares her music, events, and news with her fans. You can also visit her [website], where you can find her biography, discography, contact details, and more.

I hope you enjoyed this article on how to download 9 to 5 by Moliy. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends who love music. Thank you for reading!
