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How to Download the Aether 2 Mod for Minecraft: Java Edition

Minecraft is a game that offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. But what if you want to experience a whole new dimension of adventure and challenge? That’s where mods come in. Mods are additions and expansions that can change or enhance various aspects of the game, from graphics and gameplay to items and biomes.

One of the most popular and impressive mods for Minecraft is the Aether 2 mod, which adds a sky-high realm of floating islands, mythical creatures, and ancient structures. In this article, we will show you how to download and install the Aether 2 mod for Minecraft: Java Edition, as well as how to play with it. Let’s get started!

What is the Aether 2 Mod?

The Aether 2 mod is the sequel to the original Aether mod, which was released in 2011. The Aether 2 mod is a collaborative project by a team of developers called Gilded Games, who have been working on it since 2016. The mod aims to create a rich and immersive experience that takes players to a world unlike any other in Minecraft.

Features of the Aether 2 Mod

The Aether 2 mod adds a new dimension called the Aether, which is accessible through a portal made of glowstone. The Aether is a realm of floating islands, each with its own unique biome, terrain, and inhabitants. Some of the features of the Aether 2 mod include:

  • New blocks, items, and crafting recipes
  • New mobs, such as flying pigs, moas, zephyrs, and valkyries
  • New structures, such as dungeons, temples, and ruins
  • New mechanics, such as temperature, altitude, and oxygen
  • New achievements, quests, and lore
  • New multiplayer features, such as parties, chat, and trading

The Aether 2 mod is constantly being updated with new content and improvements, so there is always something new to discover and explore.

Requirements for the Aether 2 Mod

The Aether 2 mod is compatible with Minecraft: Java Edition version 1.7.10. You will also need to install another program called Minecraft Forge, which is a tool that allows you to run mods on Minecraft. We will explain how to install Minecraft Forge in the next section.

Before you download and install the Aether 2 mod, make sure that your computer can handle it. The mod can be demanding on your system resources, especially if you use other mods or high-resolution textures. You should also have enough storage space available for the mod files.

How to Install Minecraft Forge

Minecraft Forge is a free add-on for the Java edition of Minecraft that enables you to run mods. You will need to install Minecraft Forge before you can install the Aether 2 mod. Here are the steps to install Minecraft Forge:

Downloading Minecraft Forge

  1. Go to [the official website of Minecraft Forge](^1^) and click on the version that matches your Minecraft version (in this case, 1.7.10).
  2. Click on the Installer button under Download Recommended. This will download a file called forge-1.7.10-10.13 .1614-1.7.10-installer.jar.
  3. Save the file to a location that you can easily access, such as your desktop or downloads folder.

Running Minecraft Forge

  1. Double-click on the forge-1.7.10-10.13.1614-1.7.10-installer.jar file that you downloaded. This will open a window that says “Minecraft Forge Setup”.
  2. Select “Install client” and click OK. This will install Minecraft Forge on your Minecraft launcher.
  3. Wait for the installation to finish and click OK again. You should see a message that says “Successfully installed client profile Forge for version forge-1.7.10-10.13.1614-1.7.10 into launcher”.
  4. Close the window and launch Minecraft from your launcher.
  5. Select the profile that says “Forge” and click Play. This will run Minecraft with Forge enabled.

How to Download the Aether 2 Mod

Now that you have installed Minecraft Forge, you can download and install the Aether 2 mod. Here are the steps to download and install the Aether 2 mod:

Finding a Reliable Source

The first step is to find a reliable source for downloading the Aether 2 mod. There are many websites that offer mods for Minecraft, but not all of them are safe or trustworthy. Some of them may contain viruses, malware, or outdated versions of the mod.

To avoid any risks, we recommend that you download the Aether 2 mod from [the official website of Gilded Games], which is the team behind the mod. You can also find the mod on [the official website of CurseForge], which is a platform for hosting and distributing mods for various games.

Extracting the Mod File

  1. Go to [the official website of Gilded Games] or [the official website of CurseForge] and find the Aether 2 mod.
  2. Click on the Download button and save the file to a location that you can easily access, such as your desktop or downloads folder. The file should be named something like aether-1.7.10-1.6.jar.
  3. Right-click on the file and select Extract All. This will create a folder with the same name as the file, containing another file with the same name but with a .zip extension.
  4. Open the folder and double-click on the .zip file. This will open a window that shows the contents of the mod file.

Copying the Mod File to the Mods Folder

  1. Select all the files and folders inside the .zip file and copy them by pressing Ctrl+C or right-clicking and selecting Copy.
  2. Navigate to your Minecraft folder, which is usually located at C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft (replace YourName with your username). You can also access this folder by pressing Windows+R and typing %appdata%\.minecraft.
  3. Open the mods folder inside your Minecraft folder. If you don’t have a mods folder, create one by right-clicking and selecting New > Folder and naming it mods.
  4. Paste all the files and folders that you copied from the .zip file into the mods folder by pressing Ctrl+V or right-clicking and selecting Paste.

How to Play with the Aether 2 Mod

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed the Aether 2 mod for Minecraft: Java Edition. Now you can play with it and enjoy its features. Here are some tips on how to play with the Aether 2 mod:

Launching Minecraft with Forge

To play with the Aether 2 mod, you need to launch Minecraft with Forge enabled. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Minecraft from your launcher.
  2. Select the profile that says “Forge” and click Play.
  3. Wait for Minecraft to load and click on Mods in the main menu. You should see a list of mods that are installed, including the Aether 2 mod.
  4. Click on Done and then on Singleplayer or Multiplayer, depending on your preference.

Creating or Loading a World

To enter the Aether dimension, you need to create or load a world in Minecraft: Java Edition. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. If If you want to create a new world, click on Create New World and choose a name, game mode, and difficulty for your world. You can also customize your world settings by clicking on More World Options. Make sure that you enable cheats, as you will need them to access the Aether portal.
  2. If you want to load an existing world, click on the world that you want to play and click on Play Selected World. Make sure that the world has cheats enabled, as you will need them to access the Aether portal.

Exploring the Aether Dimension

To enter the Aether dimension, you need to build a portal made of glowstone. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Find or craft 10 glowstone blocks. You can find glowstone in the Nether dimension, or craft it from 4 glowstone dusts, which are dropped by glowstone blocks or witches.
  2. Place the glowstone blocks in a 4×5 rectangle on the ground, leaving the center empty.
  3. Use a bucket of water to fill the center of the rectangle with water. This will activate the portal.
  4. Stand in the portal and wait for a few seconds. You will be teleported to the Aether dimension.

The Aether dimension is a sky-high realm of floating islands, each with its own unique biome, terrain, and inhabitants. You will spawn on a small island with a portal back to the Overworld. You can explore the Aether dimension by flying on a flying pig or a moa, or by using a parachute or a gravitite armor. You can also find dungeons, temples, and ruins that contain loot and bosses. Be careful, though, as the Aether dimension is full of dangers and challenges.


The Aether 2 mod is one of the most amazing and immersive mods for Minecraft: Java Edition. It adds a new dimension that offers a whole new level of adventure and challenge. To download and install the Aether 2 mod, you need to install Minecraft Forge first, then download the mod file from a reliable source, extract it, and copy it to the mods folder. To play with the Aether 2 mod, you need to launch Minecraft with Forge enabled, create or load a world with cheats enabled, and build a portal made of glowstone and water. Then you can enter the Aether dimension and explore its wonders and mysteries.

We hope that this article has helped you learn how to download and install the Aether 2 mod for Minecraft: Java Edition. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy gaming!


Q: Is the Aether 2 mod compatible with other mods?

A: The Aether 2 mod is compatible with most mods that do not alter the core mechanics of Minecraft or conflict with its features. However, some mods may cause issues or crashes when used with the Aether 2 mod. To avoid any problems, make sure that you use the latest versions of both Minecraft Forge and the Aether 2 mod, and check for any compatibility issues before installing any other mods.

Q: How do I update the Aether 2 mod?

A: To update the Aether 2 mod, you need to download the latest version of the mod file from [the official website of Gilded Games] or [the official website of CurseForge], extract it, and replace the old mod file in your mods folder with the new one. You may also need to update Minecraft Forge if there is a new version available.

Q: How do I uninstall the Aether 2 mod?

A: To uninstall the Aether 2 mod, you need to delete the mod file from your mods folder. You may also need to delete any configuration files or save files related to the mod from your Minecraft folder. If you want to uninstall Minecraft Forge as well, you need to delete the profile that says “Forge” from your launcher.

Q: What are some tips and tricks for playing with the Aether 2 mod?

A: Here are some tips and tricks for playing with the Aether 2 mod:

  • Use /gamerule keepInventory true to keep your inventory when you die in the Aether dimension.
  • Use /time set day to change the time to day in the Aether dimension.
  • Use /tpx -1 to teleport back to the Overworld from anywhere in the Aether dimension.
  • Use /tpx 0 to teleport back to your spawn point in the Aether dimension from anywhere in the Overworld.
  • Use /tpx 1 to teleport to the Aether dimension from anywhere in the Overworld.
  • Use a saddle and a carrot on a stick to ride a flying pig.
  • Use a saddle and a moa egg to hatch and ride a moa.
  • Use a parachute or a gravitite armor to glide in the air.
  • Use a skyroot bucket to collect water or poison from the Aether dimension.
  • Use a holystone furnace to smelt items faster than a normal furnace.
  • Use an incubator to hatch eggs from various Aether mobs.
  • Use an altar to enchant items with special abilities.
  • Use a freezer to freeze water into ice or lava into obsidian.

Q: Where can I find more information about the Aether 2 mod?

A: You can find more information about the Aether 2 mod on [the official website of Gilded Games], [the official website of CurseForge], [the official wiki of the Aether 2 mod], or [the official Discord server of Gilded Games]. You can also watch videos and tutorials on YouTube or Twitch, or read reviews and guides on various gaming websites and blogs.
